я конечно понял к чему тут весь сыр-бор подводится, но не такими же средствами, Сергей! уже как-то неловко дажеКупили нормальный семплер типа Akai MPC Live
уверен, многие и так в курсе, но для ясности остальным: RF (royalty free) - это вид лицензирования защищенного авторским правом контента, позволяющий использовать его в своих произведениях. разберемся на примере тех же библиотек AKAI:
The Publisher grants You a royalty free, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicenseable, worldwide License to use The Sounds to create Musical Compositions for You and for third party projects, such as songs, albums, soundtracks, video and computer games as well as for use in public performances and media presentations. All other rights in and to The Sounds, including, without limitation, all copyright and other intellectual property rights relating to The Sounds (including modified versions of The Sounds), are fully retained by the Publisher.
A Musical Composition is defined as a completed musical production where The Sounds are heard only in conjunction with other instrumentation and audio content. (https://www.mpc-samples.com/terms.php)
или на примере самих inMusic, владеющих брендом AKAI (та еще конторка к слову):
You may create your own works based upon these media elements, and copy, modify, distribute, display, and perform your derivative works provided that:
2.1. you indemnify, defend, and hold inMusic harmless from and against any claims or liabilities arising from your use of the media elements;
2.2. you include a valid copyright notice on your derivative works.
You may not sell, license or distribute the media elements by themselves or as part of any collection, product or service whose value is derived solely or primarily from the media elements themselves. (https://www.akaipro.com/product-legal-mpc-software.html)
иными словами, это буквально то же, что и у TE. то же, что и у примеров с Yamaha и Roland выше. так шо хорош тут чушь нести уже
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