* ReaScript Name:Create stretch-markers at transients
* Lua script for Cockos REAPER
* Author: EUGEN27771
* Author URI: http://forum.cockos.com/member.php?u=50462
* Licence: GPL v3
* Version: 1.01
// -- Script creates stretch-markers at transients
function slider_New(x,y,w,h, r,g,b,a, lbl, val,min_val,max_val)
this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; // coord
this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; this.a = a; // color
this.lbl = lbl;
this.min_val = min_val;
this.max_val = max_val;
this.val = val;
this.norm_val = (val - min_val)/(max_val - min_val);; // norm value
//-- Get mouse ---------------
function pointIN(p_x, p_y)
( // if point in obj area
p_x>=this.x && p_x <= this.x+this.w &&
p_y>=this.y && p_y <= this.y+this.h;
function mouseIN()
( // if mouse in obj area
mouse_cap&1==0 && this.pointIN(mouse_x, mouse_y);
function mouseDown()
( // if mouse will be pressed in obj area
mouse_cap&1==1 && this.pointIN(mouse_ox,mouse_oy);
function mouseUp()
( // if mouse released(anywhere) and will be pressed in obj area
mouse_cap&1==0 && this.pointIN(mouse_ox,mouse_oy);
//-- Set value ---------------
function set_value()
local(norm_val, K )
K = 10; // K = coeff(when Ctrl pressed)
Ctrl ? (
norm_val = this.norm_val + ((mouse_x-last_x)/(this.w*K));
) : (
norm_val = (mouse_x-this.x)/this.w;
this.norm_val = min( max(norm_val,0), 1 ); // verify and set value
this.val = this.min_val + (this.max_val-this.min_val) * this.norm_val;
//-- Draw slider -------------
function slider_draw()
local(x,y,w,h, r,g,b,a, lbl,lbl_w,lbl_h, val,val_w,val_h)
x=this.x; y=this.y; w=this.w; h=this.h;
r=this.r; g=this.g; b=this.b; a=this.a;
this.mouseIN() ? a=a+0.1;
this.mouseDown() ? (
this.mouseUp() ? (
RunMain = 1;
mouse_ox = mouse_oy = -1; // reset mouse
//-- draw body, frame ---
gfx_rect(x,y,w,h, 0);
gfx_rect(x,y,w*this.norm_val,h, 1);
//-- draw label ---------
gfx_measurestr(lbl, lbl_w, lbl_h);
gfx_x = x+5; gfx_y = y+(h-lbl_h)/2;
//-- draw value ---------
val = sprintf(#, "%.2f", this.val);
gfx_measurestr(val, val_w, val_h);
gfx_x = x+w-val_w-5; gfx_y = y+(h-val_h)/2;
gfx_drawstr(val); // draw Slider Value
//-- Create Sliders --------------------------
//-- args = (x,y,w,h, r,g,b,a, lbl, val,min_val,max_val)
Thresh.slider_New(10,10,260,18, 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.3, "Threshold dB", -10, -60, 0 );
Sens.slider_New(10,30,260,18, 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.3, "Sensetivity dB", 4.5, 0, 18 );
Retrig.slider_New(10,50,260,18, 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.3, "Retrig ms", 20, 20, 450 );
//--- Simple Detect Transients Function ----------------------------------------
function DetectTransients(item, srate, Threshold_dB, Sensitivity_dB, Retrig_sec)
local(Threshold, Sensitivity, Retrig,
attTime1, relTime1, attTime2, relTime2, ga1, gr1, ga2, gr2, envOut1, envOut2
take, item_len, item_len_smpls,
AA, starttime_sec, samplebuffer, n_blocks, input, smpl, mrk_pos, retrig_cnt)
//-- Threshold, Sensitivity, Retrig to norm values ---
Threshold = 10^(Threshold_dB/20); //-- Threshold_dB - to norm value
Sensitivity = 10^(Sensitivity_dB/20); //-- Sensitivity_dB - to norm value
Retrig = floor(Retrig_sec*srate); //-- Retrig_sec - to samples
//-- Envelopes Attack, Release Time -----------------
attTime1 = 0.001; //-- Env1(fast) attack(sec)
relTime1 = 0.010; //-- Env1(fast) release(sec)
attTime2 = 0.007; //-- Env2(slow) attack(sec)
relTime2 = 0.015; //-- Env2(slow) release(sec)
//-- Compute sample frequency related coeffs --------
ga1 = exp(-1/(srate*attTime1)); //-- attack1 coeff
gr1 = exp(-1/(srate*relTime1)); //-- release1 coeff
ga2 = exp(-1/(srate*attTime2)); //-- attack2 coeff
gr2 = exp(-1/(srate*relTime2)); //-- release2 coeff
envOut1 = 0;
envOut2 = 0;
//-- item, take data ------------------------------
take = GetActiveTake(item);
playrate = GetMediaItemTakeInfo_Value(take, "D_PLAYRATE"); // get orig playrate
SetMediaItemTakeInfo_Value(take, "D_PLAYRATE", 1); // set playrate = 1
item_len = GetMediaItemInfo_Value(item, "D_LENGTH");
item_len_smpls = floor(item_len*srate);
AA = CreateTakeAudioAccessor(take);
starttime_sec = 0;
samplebuffer = 0;
n_blocks = ceil(item_len_smpls/65536);
// -- Detect Transients --------------------------------
GetAudioAccessorSamples(AA, srate, 1, starttime_sec, 65536, samplebuffer);
input = abs(samplebuffer[smpl]); // abs sample value(abs envelope)
// -- Envelope1(fast) --------------------------
envOut1 < input ? (
envOut1 = input + ga1*(envOut1 - input);
) : (
envOut1 = input + gr1*(envOut1 - input);
// -- Envelope2(slow) --------------------------
envOut2 < input ? (
envOut2 = input + ga2*(envOut2 - input);
) : (
envOut2 = input + gr2*(envOut2 - input);
// -- Trigger ----------------------------------
retrig_cnt > Retrig ? (
envOut1 > Threshold && envOut1/envOut2 > Sensitivity ? (
mrk_pos = starttime_sec + smpl/srate; // Calc mrk pos
SetTakeStretchMarker(take, -1, mrk_pos); // Insert marker
retrig_cnt = 0;
) : (
envOut2 = envOut1; // уравнивает огибающие, пока триггер неактивен(здесь важно)
starttime_sec+=65536/srate; // To next block
SetMediaItemTakeInfo_Value(take, "D_PLAYRATE", playrate); // restore orig playrate
function MAIN()
local(item, srate, Threshold_dB, Sensitivity_dB, Retrig_sec)
item = GetSelectedMediaItem(0, 0);
item ? (
//-- Detection settings --
srate = 44100;
Threshold_dB = Thresh.val;
Sensitivity_dB = Sens.val;
Retrig_sec = Retrig.val/1000;
Main_OnCommand(41844, 0); // remove old str-marks(All)
start = time_precise();
DetectTransients(item, srate, Threshold_dB, Sensitivity_dB, Retrig_sec);
//ShowConsoleMsg(sprintf(#, "%f \n", time_precise()-start); );
Undo_EndBlock("Add stretch markers at transients",-1)
function Draw_Sliders()
//-- mainloop ----------------
function mainloop()
//-- mouse and modkeys --
mouse_cap&1==1 && last_mouse_cap&1==0 || //-- L mouse
mouse_cap&2==2 && last_mouse_cap&2==0 || //-- R mouse
mouse_cap&64==64 && last_mouse_cap&64==0 ? ( //-- M mouse
mouse_ox = mouse_x; mouse_oy = mouse_y;
Ctrl = mouse_cap&4==4; //-- Ctrl state
Shift = mouse_cap&8==8; //-- Shift state
Alt = mouse_cap&16==16; //-- Shift state
//-- Main functions etc --
RunMain ? (MAIN(); RunMain = 0;);
last_mouse_cap = mouse_cap;
last_x = mouse_x; last_y = mouse_y;
char = gfx_getchar();
char >= 0 ? defer("mainloop();");
//-- init --------------------
function init()
local(width, height, dockstate, xpos, ypos)
( //-- window -----------
width = 280; height = 80; dockstate = 0; xpos = 200; ypos = 300;
gfx_init("Create stretch-markers at transients(eel)",width,height,dockstate,xpos,ypos);
gfx_clear = 25 + 25*256 + 25*65536;
//-- Init mouse -------
last_mouse_cap = 0;
last_x = last_y = 0;
mouse_ox = mouse_oy = -1;
gfx_setfont(1, "Arial", 15);
RunMain = 1;// for first run