BS II - апдейт 2.5 (в честь 25-летия Bass Station) - вышел в свет
The v2.5 firmware update adds some of your most requested features including
- filter tracking,
- paraphonic mode,
- microtuning
new preset Soundpacks.

`Не ожидал парафоника) Приятно)
Для владельцев - участие в розыгрыше спец версии до 7 ноября в группе фб
Установка теперь с Component:
Paraphonic mode
Bass Station II теперь имеет paraphonic monosynth, доступен контроль pitch каждого из 2 osc независимо в single-voice арзитектуре. Играйте до 2 нот вместе с Ring и Filter Mod.
Filter tracking
Filter tracking один из самых запрашиваемых моментов.
(The filter includes variable keyboard tracking in Bass Station II v2.5 – the best for matching higher notes to increased brightness.)
Envelope retriggering
It’s now possible to configure your envelopes to retrigger once the decay stage has ended, opening up a whole range of new possibilities.
Oscillator error
Oscillator error introduces a small and adjustable random detune on each note-on event. This can be used to generate some very beautiful, subtle (or not) musical dissonance, very much in the same way that vintage synths do (because of the looser tolerance of their electronic components). Paraphonic mode makes it as dramatic as possible.
Microtuning editing
Completely control the frequency triggered by each key press, giving your scales another dimension.
New presets
Two new Soundpacks are in Components: Silver and Sinevibes. Silver's presets explore the v2.5 features and inspire new tracks and sound design. Sinevibes, designed by Sinevibes’ founder Artemij Pavlov, gives 101 classic Bass Station II presets.