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Новый релиз от Cherry Audio

Polymode Synthesizer VSTi https://cherryaudio.com/instruments/polymode-synthesizer

У меня уже есть как модуль в их модуляре, покупать нет смысла. Плюс, меня раздражает интернет-привязка, иногда просящая не раз войти в аккаунт онлайн. Если с одним модуляром - это еще ладно. Но если каждый синт будет это просит периодически, то - нафиг.


Последнее редактирование:
Подписка, которая превращается в собственность через определенное время всех трех плагов за 99$, если не ошибаюсь. И если не изменится цена подписки. Но эти хитрецы в соглашении указали, что они могут изменить стоимость подписки. А так же плагины работают только онлайн. Не покупайтесь)

PS. Ошибаюсь. 5,99 фунтов на 15 месяцев = 123 бакса по текущему курсу.
Последнее редактирование:


  • 2 analog type voltage controlled oscillators with saw, triangle, square, ramp, pulse 1, pulse 2 waveforms, volume control, octave selector, fine-tune control, LFO mod control, on / off switch.
  • (with complete analog emulation behavior like saturation, noise, harmonics, automatic pitch modulation / interference, etc.).
  • Analog temperature control (emulation of circuit temperature – more temperature = more noise and interference signals).
  • pink / white noise generator + on / off switch.
  • Analog exponential amp envelope with attack, decay, sustain, release controls and 7 different shapes of envelope for different sound / different type of modulation.
  • Analog exponential filter envelope with attack, decay, sustain, release controls and 7 different shapes of envelope for different sound / different type of modulation.
  • Voltage controlled low pass analog emulated filter with 12 / 24db slope and slope selector. With cutoff, emphasis, tracking and envelope mod. Controls.
  • 2x LFO (with saw, triangle, square, ramp, pulse waveforms) speed and depth control.
  • Output analog saturation.
  • Glide and pitchbend controls.
  • preset manager with 100 presets (leads, bass, brass, stabs, acid, fx, special vintage sounds, keys).
  • 2 versions available, classic and soft sounding (with softer vintage transients / peaks).

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Реакции: Arlekin и The GP
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Он вернулся за донатом 5$...
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Welcome to the ERS line of plugins!
Dear DDMF users,

first of all, sorry if you are receiving this info twice (which can happen if you are also an existing ERS customer...).

DDMF has taken over the distribution and further development of the EmptyRoomSystems plugins. Please give a warm welcome to the ERS250 (classical digital reverb), the ERSDimD (analog modelled chorus) and the ERS_EchORek2 (modelled after the infamous Benson hardware tube delay heard on most classic Pink Floyd albums).

When Harrie Munnik, who ran EmptyRoomSystems for over 10 years, announced he was looking for someone to take over his legacy, I didn't have to think twice: having been a part of the original development team of the first version of the ERS 250, I already knew the high quality and attention to detail that is a hallmark of Harrie's work.
All three plugins are based on sophisticated delay networks, tuned to reproduce three sought-after hardware units that are heard on countless classic records. The 250 reverb, of which only 250 hardware units were made, routinely is sold with a 5-digit price tag, if one can find one at all. The Roland DimensionD chorus will add that extra silky shimmer to your guitar or piano track, and the EchORek2 with its "benign unpredictability" clearly starts to have a life of its own once you turn up that feedback knob. I am very pleased that I can continue to work on them and offer those three gems in the DDMF store.

To celebrate the arrival of the ERS plugin line, there is a 50 percent sale on all three until March 1st! Normally priced at $69 (ERS 250) and $49 (DimD and EchORek2), now is the time to get them for half the money... Available, as all DDMF plugins, in 32 and 64 bit for Intel and Apple Silicon, and in VST/VST3/AU/AAX format, over at your trusted DDMF store.

That's all for now... I hope you are all safe & healthy, and looking forward to a Covid-free future which finally seems in sight!

All the best, Christian
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Реакции: Arlekin

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