Вести с полей о муз софте

а я слышал что от Ленар Диджитал будет Силент2 . но думаю он уже всех успел ЗАЕ*ТЬ.
Урс порадовал нас открытой бетой U-he Bazille, модульник, с типами синтеза: FM, PD (phase distortion) и FR (fractal resonance)(что то новое!). http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=411650, скачиваем, вводим бета лизензию, и тестим. Синт будет в продаже с 1 июля.
Рулил, понравился, звук насыщенный, очень приятный интерфейс (очень, ИМХО), все логично, правда жрет пока много.

Для тех, кто как и я ждет начала продаж Sampletank 3 скудная информация с форума IK Multimedia:
The only official information we have at this time is as stated above: within mid-year. Thank you. by Peter_IK » Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:44 pm

В общем, ждем только к лету :unknw:
Лето уже почти настало, а 3-его Танка так и нет :(
Может кто что-то новое слышал?
Лето уже почти настало, а 3-его Танка так и нет :(
Может кто что-то новое слышал?
В этой ветке форума IK Multimedia обсуждается этот вопрос: http://www.ikmultimedia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=7598&start=450, пока там выкладываются примеры инструментов, дата релиза проскакивает в некоторых постах июнь-июль.
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Реакции: Aleksandr Oleynik
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Реакции: Viktorrotkiv
Coming soon: AudioRealism ReDominator

Таки вышел.

"ReDominator is an emulation of the classic Alpha Juno 1/2 (JU-1/2), a polyphonic DCO (digitally controlled oscillator) based synth from 1986."

ReDominator VST/AU features:

- Accurate emulation of the Alpha Juno 1/2 including the famous Hoover patch.
- 14 different low aliasing waveforms including a unique PWM-sawtooth.
- High quality full range 24dB/octave low-pass filter.
- Unique 8 parameter envelope generator which enables much more complicated and expressive sounds than a standard ADSR.
- 200+ bundled patches (of which many are sysex converted from our own JU-2).
- Patch importer which allows importing sysex patches from your own Alpha Juno and play them in ReDominator.
- Chord Memory function.

Available for purchase for 55 EUR incl. VAT.


dimapet, Ну наконец-то официальный анонс... а то ждал-ждал инфы, на Гирслатзе одни заманухи были...
Гремевшие когда-то Stillwell Audio внезапно очнулись от многолетнего молчания.

Two years in the making, Version 3 means it’s finally time for Pro Tools users to experience the quality of everything we do at Stillwell Audio, and to enjoy the way we do it. Do you use a VST3 host? Ask no more, because now we’ve got you covered as well.

We have a new website (did you notice?) and *tada* please bid welcome to Broadsword, our newest developer. Of course, by ‘Everything’ we mean ‘not quite everything’, because PsychoDither is not quite up to V3 (stand by for that!) and ‘Microshope’ has been discontinued.

* * *

Version 3.0.0 – at long last… 15th June 2014

It’s been a LONG time coming, but it’s finally here. Version 3.0.0 brings many noteworthy features and fixes. All known compatibility issues have been addressed for current users, and for those users that have been waiting patiently (or not), we’re finally fully consistent – all plugins are available 32 and 64 bit, both Mac and PC (with the exception of Psycho Dither which is still WIP and Microschope which has been retired due to lack of activity). The most exciting bit for new users, though, is additional platform support. We now support VST3 and (wait for it…) Pro Tools. Our plugins are available in RTAS (legacy), 32-bit AAX Native (Pro Tools 10), and 64-bit AAX Native (Pro Tools 11). Where appropriate, we have also built in support for Audiosuite (AS).

We hope that you’re as excited as we are, and please forgive the dust as we make final tweaks to the website now that we’ve got it up and running. Oh, did I forget to mention that we did a total rewrite on the website? The old place has never looked so good…it needed a good coat of paint and some dusting.

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Реакции: drshader
Новый EQ SEQ-S от Nugen Audio

"...a high-fidelity, linear-phase equalizer ideal for music production and mastering as well as film and post-production applications."


Linear Phase Technology
- Transparent sound without phase smearing
- Sharper transients
- No phase warping

High specification match EQ
- Match different takes and environments
- Mono, stereo, 5.1 and 7.1 operation
- Clone source EQ to target mix

Create specific EQ spaces
- Invert facility to sculpt specific space
- Mid/Side options available
- Individual surround channel access

Precise & Scalable
- Easily generate complex curves
- Curve scale and smoothing
- Intuitive zoomable interface

SEQ-S for Windows and Mac (VST/AU/RTAS/AAX/AudioSuite) is available for MSRP $249 USD.

Новый продукт от Sugar Bytes, Egoist (Geist?):laugh: (groovebox\effect sequencer).


"...is a pragmatic toolset, bringing together everything you need to create sophisticated grooves. Play with slices, basslines and beats! Effect mashups and pattern madness included! Of course we threw in randomizers for a playful time, and we recommend to use your music library as a sound source!"

- Quick + Easy track sketching, based on sample slicing
- Minimal, yet effective bass line
- Unique beat box with more than 1000 drums from vintage to electronic
- Effect Sequencer
- Randomizers in all areas

Price: 99$


Подробности http://www.sugar-bytes.de/content/products/Egoist/index.php
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Реакции: MaxFell
TDR VOS SlickEQ – Gentleman’s Edition



Просят за него, в итоге, € 30.00, по сравнению с бесплатной версией появился новый режим ("Японский"), можно менять добротность средней полосы, low/high pass, тилт/v эквализация, ψ-режим низкочастотной полосы, графическое отображение кривой эквализации.

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Реакции: Arlekin и timbo

Почти одновременно со SlickEQ GE с тилт-секцией, вышел T-Bone Tilt EQ от Boz.
График EQ отображается как рисунок на панели прибора - находка!
Секция Boom/Harsh Control позволяет избавиться от лишнего песка/бубнёжки.
Первую неделю стоит $25.
А и небыло сомнений, что если назвали июль, то это не будет 1-ое июля :(
Ждали больше....

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