Free VST инструменты и FX

Power Guitars FREE: 1 wet distorted sound, 4 repetitions (round robin). 400 Mb installed – 200 Mb download.

Power Guitars FREE
Очень неплохой эффект шума виниловой пластинки vintage (сделаный в synthedit, судя по морде) с шумом, щелчками.Эквализируются отдельно как шум и щелчки, так и основной сигнал, есть так же peak follower(я так понял, это что-то типа гейта).Нигде упоминаний о нем не нашел, сайта так же нет.Поэтому просто выкладываю, что есть

P.S. нашел производителя только там этого плагина нет
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Реакции: mxc
Выпущен RoVee 1.00, бесплатный питч-шифтер с регулировкой формант и эффектом "robotic".


RoVee is a VoiceChanger / formant tweaking plugin that works as a VST effect. That can convert voices to like male, female, toys or robotic.

RoVee is a cut-down version of full featured pitch-correction plugin 'KeroVee'.
даже не знал куда запостить:) Я думаю те кто смотрит Мондиаль (я не смотрю:) обратили внимание на эти не прекращающееся дудения в дудки))


In response to the widely publicized complaints from TV viewers and broadcasters of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Waves is proud to unveil a solution which dramatically reduces the problematic sound of the omnipresent Vuvuzela trumpet favored by South African soccer fans.

Working in conjunction with a major television broadcaster, we've precision-crafted a preset processing chain which drastically decreases Vuvuzela noise: The WNS Waves Noise Suppressor and the Q10 Paragraphic Equalizer. Together, they not only minimize Vuvuzela noise, they increase the intelligibility of the game announcers' play-by-play action and color commentary.

The processing chain for Vuvuzela noise reduction is now available as load-and-use sessions for Pro Tools, Waves MultiRack, and Cubase.

в двух словах: прилагаются проэкты для PT и Кьюбейс с собраными в ними чейном из плагинов WNS и Q10 для максимального подавления этих дудок)


У нас уже поставили на центральном телевидении.. вроде как помогает, уже не так сильно гудит:)))

прикрепил зип для тех кто не зареген на сайте )


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Не знаю было ли..
DSK Music Virtual instruments. На сайте много бесплатной всячины. Они вроде как обновили все инструменты в начале года..
Sir Elliot выпустили CP-1 Compressor

The concept behind this design is fast responding with very minimal artefacts, which is common with many offering very fast attack/release times.

* Compression: -1 to –62 dB
* Attack: 1 to 40 Microseconds (200 Nanoseconds @ 0.00000 setting)
* Release: 81 Milliseconds to 1.5 Seconds (3.5 seconds metered version)
* Ratio: 0.5:1 to 22.40:1
Due to the fixed delay settings this compressor is more suited for mastering. I’ve taken the liberty to configure the CP-1 so the host will be able to compensate the latency it offers.
It is optimised for 96 kHz however, will operate on 44100 kHz.
The non-metered version offers less CPU use and faster loading time than the metered version.


Добавка)) Sir Elliot Loud & Clear Preamplifier - a free preamplifier effect plug-in for Windows.

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Реакции: parfumer и MJSound
TheoK Predelay Compensator VST

This plug-in introduces a user controllable pre-attack phase to any material played through it. This comes especially useful for sample libraries which had to be edited tightly so the playing is consistent. The editing tends to remove a very important aspect of the library, the pre-attack phase: The mallet sounds of Marimbas, the plectrum sound of acoustic guitars and harpsichords, the nail noises of a harp, or the hammers of the piano etc. This plug-in attempts to recreate those pre-attack noises or create a psychoacoustic illusion of them.


TheoK Effektive VST

Effektive combines the Predelay Compensator and Dark Mass VST's into a single handy plug-in.

На собирают бесплатный оркестр:

В частности, там я нашёл ссылку:

, здесь лежат пара клавесинов, домашний орган с пятью регистрами (очень понравился), диатонический аккордеон (гармошка, то есть) sf2 и Контакт, плюс Maestro Concert Grand - рояль в формате Giga.

Бесплатной версия секвенсера Podium (есть оказывается и такой)
Podium Free is a fully functional freeware edition of Podium. It is identical to the licensed version, except for the following limitations:
· MIDI interface setup is limited to one input and one output.
· 64-bit mixer engine option is disabled.
· Plugin multiprocessing is disabled.
· ReWire is disabled.
· Surround-sound playback is disabled.
Sonnix Soft Knee Compressor v1.00

Sonnix is a soft knee compressor plugin that can really add that special something to your tracks. Why not try it? its FREE!

Soft knee compressor module.
Controls for ratio, attack, release, threshold, hold, RMS, knee, gain.
Glossy GUI.
Very low CPU usage.
Несколько фри эквалайзеров от J1000:


J1000 ALPHA is an equalizer made for fine tuning in post-production. It separates stereo into mid and side signals and allows you independent equalization over both of them. Each of two sections consists of four identical peak filters. The controls are classic F/G/Q that you can find on every fully-parametric equalizer. Small distinctition is that two horizontal faders, located on top of each section, control filter frequency. The upper [F] is for rough selection and it has range from 50 to 12,500Hz, while lower [f] is for fine adjustments in +/-20% range. Vertical gain fader [G] can boost or cut signal by 3dB. This may seem too little, but for mastering it is quite enough and if you think you really need more you can always use x2 button that doubles gain for that filter, i.e., gives you +/-6dB operating range. Q factor is continually controlled by third horizontal fader [Q]. Master section at the right has high-pass and low-pass filters, input gain and stereo width faders. High-pass and low-pass filters have fixed frequencies and faders actually control filters' steepness. Stereo width adjustment is done with two opposite filters, so that bass remains almost intact.

J1000 BETA is very similar in functionality to Alpha, but adapted to mixing. It's frequency faders work in exactly the same way. Gain range is increased to 6dB (12dB with x2), which is also modest compared to usual mixing equalizers. There is no fader to contiunally adjust Q factor, but you can choose from four bandwidth curves that cover most needs. Also, high-pass and low-pass faders work different than in Alpha. They control frequency at which cutting occurs, which is traditional way of controlling HP i LP filters. Their steepness is non-adjustable and it was selected to preserve natural sound as much as possible. If you need drastic EQ-ing this is not an adequate plugin for the task. On other hand, if you wan't subtle tool for enhancing timbral properties of an instrument or voice, rather than altering them beyond recognition, Beta will suit just fine.

J1000 GAMMA is an equalizer intended primarily for mastering, probably first of it's kind. It is based on Fletcher-Munson curve, allowing you only to accent the parts of audio spectrum where ear is less sensitive and lower the ones where ear is more sensitive. Gamma can produce quite satisfactory results with non-synthesized music, but I developed it for my own personal mastering needs that revolve around soft-synths which often sound flat and harsh. Six faders control gain amounts of six corresponding peak filters. Each filter has fixed Q factor and few selectable central frequencies, except for the last one (labeled F) which is permanently set at 12.8kHz. On the right part of interface there is master multiply fader which controls total amount of EQ-ing applied and also a simple button for reducing input signal by 3dB. Beware - this plugin is tempting to be overused.

J1000 DELTA is a mixing EQ with a twist. It shares the same HP/LP and output section as Beta. The obvious differnce is the way Delta handles audio via it's tilt and concurve modules. Actually, they are just pairs of filters that are set to work parallely. In case of tilt when one filter goes up, other goes down. Since their central frequencies are far apart (at default they are 50Hz and 10.5kHz), it results in spectrum tilting. Horizontal fader [F] controls central frequency of tilting, where gain remains zero. In case of concurve, which name derives from convex/concave curve, both filters react the same way, so when you move [C] fader up the spectrum "smiles" :), and when you move it down it "frowns" :(. Loudness difference is automatically compensated. Horizontal fader [Q] adjusts bandwidth of opposite filters. Delta is suitable when you want to preserve the natural color of instrument, optimize it's presence in the mix and, figuratively speaking, adjust it's brightness and contrast.
Сделаны в Synthedit с использованием модулей от Christian-W. Budde, Peter Schoffhauzer и Ralph Gonzalez.
DUY раздают бесплатно свой ревер Z-Room


надо заполнить форму -
на емейл приходят ссылки на скачивание

для WIN - только формат RTAS
для MAC - все форматы есть

теперь работает без iLokа
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Free Live Pack for Ableton Live 8.1.3: Partner Instrument Compilation


Ableton's favorite sound designers have developed a rich collection of instruments custom-made for Ableton Live: the Partner Instruments. Now, we're giving away the Partner Instrument Compilation — a free 2.9GB Live Pack that provides a selection of content taken from the Partner Instruments. It includes everything from acoustic pianos and electronic drums to exotic instruments and cinematic soundscapes.

Partner Instrument Compilation (download size: 1.2GB)


The Partner Instrument Compilation includes:

* 58 Instrument Racks
* 16 Drum Racks
* 5 Live Sets
* 80 Live Clips

System Requirements:

* Ableton Live 8, Suite 8, or Intro, version 8.1.3 or higher
* 2.9GB available hard drive space
Новый синтезатор от H.G.Fortune - Avatar ST, и традиционно free вариант инструмента.


Различия Basic Free и Pro версий:
*Pro Version = 16 voices, 128 internal patches, 384 internal waves (3 banks)
*Basic Free = 4 voices, 64 internal patches, 256 internal waves (banks #0 & #2),SF2 & wave loading only with Osc B2

Avatar ST is featuring a new generation of HG Fortune synths. Basically it is most suited
for a large variety of pads, soundscapes, athmospheres or related FX sounds but can do other sounds
like e.g. certain kinds of basses too. The 16 Step Modulator allows sounds to be fairly rhythmicated
in various ways if wanted. Also you can have one section stepmodulated while the other is not as there
are two complete sections with oscillators, modifiers, VCA EG, Delay, Pan and Reverb send, plus a grain
processor and a filter to be inserted via different audio routings. In addition there are a lot of modulation
options you might select from in order to taylor your sound.
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Реакции: parfumer
Выпущен TAL NoiseMaker.


TAL-NoiseMaker is an improved version of TAL-Elek7ro and has a completely new synth engine and a lot of improvements in sound and usability. The synth also includes a small effect section with a reverb, chorus and a simple bit crusher effect.
A display shows the knob and slider values. This allows more control over the synth. A ringmodulator and a syncable triangle are also part of this synth. TAL-NoiseMaker includes new filter types as the self resonating 6dB low pass and a notch filter. Its improved amplitude ADSR is very suitable for slow pads as for really fast envelopes. 128 factory presets included, 80 made by Frank "Xenox" Neumann / Particular - Sound.

Properties and tutorial:
3 Oscillators
Osc 1, +- 24 semitones, fine tune, phase control (saw, pulse, noise).
Osc 2, +- 24 semitones, fine tune, phase control (saw, rectangle, triangle, sine).
Sub Osc (rectangle).
Osc 1 PM for pulse waveform.
Osc 2 FM controled by Osc 1.
Osc 1 & Osc 2 sync to sub osc (saw, pulse, rectangle, triangle(bipolar sync)).
Adjustable master tune and transpose.
Up to 6 voices.
Portamento in mono and poly mode (off, auto, on).
Ringmod modulates Osc 1 with Osc 2
Self resonating 4x oversampled filters (24 dB LP, 18 dB LP, 12 dB LP, 6 dB LP, 12 dB HP, 12 dB BP, Notch)
Filter ADSR (negative and positive)
Volume ADSR
Routable ADSR, modulates Filter, Osc 1, Osc 2, PW, FM (negative and positive)
2 LFO's with different running modes: free, sync to host, triggered by note.
Modulates filter, osc 1, osc 2, fm, pw, lfo rate, panorama and volume.
Sine, triangle, saw square, s&h, noise.
Positive and negative modulation.
Phase control.
Adjustable Velocity dependent control over volume filtercontour and cutoff.
Adjustable Pitch Wheel control over Cutoff and Pitch.
One pole HP filter.
Detune, detunes notes randomly.
Juno chorus with different modes.
A built in reverb.
Bitcrusher, affects osc 1 and osc 2. Its a pre the filter stage effect.
Midi learn for all knobs.
Panic button.
Easy to use, no hidden panels.
128 great presets (80 Presets by Frank "Xenox" Neumann / Particular - Sound).
Its free and open source under the GPL license.
DUY раздают бесплатно свой ревер Z-Room


надо заполнить форму -
на емейл приходят ссылки на скачивание

для WIN - только формат RTAS
для MAC - все форматы есть

теперь работает без iLokа

подойдёт вместо штатного кубасовского рума???
MeldaProduction выпустила бесплатный плагин MUtility формата VST, VST3 и AU (Windows XP/Vista/7 32- и 64-разрядные; Mac OS X 10.5/10.6), содержащий базовые функции: уровень, панорама, инвертирование полярности, инвертирование каналов, дилей и т. д.


MUtility is an effect providing many elementary actions often useful by every engineer as well as more scientific features. This consists of volume, panorama, phase inversion, stereo swapping, DC blocker, delay in samples and milliseconds, RMS and envelope, a few mathematical functions, expression evaluator and mono-stereo (de)encoder.

-Up to 8 channels surround processing - our plugins can handle not only mono and stereo signals, but also up to 8 channels of surround audio, making them ideal for audio production for movies, games etc.
-Extremely advanced and easy-to-use user interface - our products are always designed to enhance the workflow. You can easily change all values, fine-tune each control in multiple ways. Easy orientation in a standardized GUI, textual editing and smooth visualization with almost unlimited zooming are standard in all of our plugins. Moreover our plugins are the world first (and still the only ones), which support resizable and stylable GUI's.
-MIDI controllers with MIDI learn - you can map any parameter to any MIDI controller or MIDI keyboard and control it realtime or record and automate it.
-Very fast, optimized for SSE and SSE2 processors.
-Global preset management - using a title button you can save your settings (which are shared on the computer) so you can easily access these in other songs.
-Fully automatable.
Мне вообще многие(не все) их вещи нравятся. MLimiter так вообще- самый используемый. Но тут по- моему, MeldaProduction всех переплюнули- из бесплатных первые сделали 64 бита.
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