Я не путаю. Я прекрасно знаю, чем U-47 (не самый дорогой, например по сравнению с U-67) отличается от значительно менее дорогого UM-57. И Neumann никак не был всю жизнь был в Берлине, на сайте, на который Вы любезно ссылаететсь, и который я естественно прекрасно знаю, к сожалению сейчас на сайте убрали раздел истории - а так именно там можно было прочитать, что в 1943 году фабрика из Берлина переехала в Гефель, где и продолжала свое восточногерманское творчество, а западногерманское отделение работало в Хайльбронне. Только сейчас, после объединения Германии появился офис в Берлине, типа в том же здании, где и была раньше фабрика.
Так, для интереса с сайта Гефель:
A Brief Chronology
1928: Georg Neumann establishes his company buidling high quality microphones for the nascent brodcasting industry.
1943: Neumann moves to Gefell. The Neumann factory in Berlin is partially burned after being hit by an incendiary bomb. Mr. Neumann and his technical director Mr. Kuehnast move to Gefell with their families to escape the bombing. About 20 employees also make the journey. Georg Neumann & Co./Gefell sets up shop in a vacant textile mill. Initially they fix electrical appliances. The first microphone production is the CMV4a "bottle". The capsule is the M7, developed by Mr. Neumann and later used in the U47, U48, M49, UM57, UM70 and today in the UMT70S and UM92.1S.
1948: Mr. Neumann leaves Gefell to establish a new factory in Heilbronn for manufacturing nickel cadmium batteries. Mr. Kuehnast and the others stay in Gefell manufacturing microphones in cooperation with Mr. Neumann. Eventually, Mr. Neumann moves back to Berlin after his home becomes available (it had been occupied by the military) and starts a new company: Georg Neumann GmbH, now owned by Sennheiser.
1956: The German Democratic Republic nationalizes all manufacturing companies, taking control away from the owners. Mr. Neumann makes his last visit to Gefell for a while. However, communications between Gefell and Berlin continues. CMV563 "baby bottle" amplifier production begins, M8 and M9 capsules are added to line.
1957: UM57, the first 3-pattern switchable vacuum tube microphone, is introduced. Development and production of measurement microphones starts.
1961: The Berlin Wall goes up. The borders between East and West Germany are sealed. Everything is completely cut-off including telecommunications.
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