На форум неприлично как-то.Может,если не трудно,кто-то со знанием перевести правильно и доступно три абзаца:
Trans Band - this is the Transition Band parameter. Any signal staying within the transition band will be gradually attenuated, with the maximum attenuation reached at the bottom of the transition band. If the signal stays above the top of the transition band, it won't be attenuated at all. Zero transition band means the signal will be attenuated right after falling below the Threshold curve.
Immediately after tuning the Threshold curve, you have to set the Transition Band curve. For simplicity's sake, you can make it a horizontal line. The transition band is centered around the Threshold curve you have defined. For signals that have a hardly-determinable noise floor, you can use a wider transition band. This is especially useful for recovering vinyl recordings. For digital or compact cassette-type recordings, the transition band can be lower because the noise floor is more determinable there.
Transband is a transition band - it specifies offset above and below the threshold envelope where noise reduction occurs. So, signal of power above ( threshold + transband / 2 ) is not affected. Signal of power below ( threshold - transband / 2 ) is affected maximally.
Буду премного благодарен!!!