Update Super Quartet and Hyper Canvas

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28 Ноя 2002
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Edirol have posted the updates to HyperCanvas (v1.51) and SuperQuartet (v1.5) on their international (English) website.

New in Super Quartet VST/DXi v1.5

`Multi-output` support.
Support for MIDI automation.
MIDI Learning function.
Phrase Preview function.
Tone Remain function.
Light load mode.
Save and load performance data.
Certain aspects of Pan processing have been improved; you can now pan to the far left or right even when a stereo sound is selected.

New in Hyper Canvas VSTi/DXi v1.51:

Fixed the problem that "Bank Select LSB" message is not ignored when the "Logic" control change map was chosen.
Fixed the problem that had caused "stuck notes" when switching between Mono mode / Poly mode while a note was sounding.
`Multi-output` support.
Support for MIDI automation.
MIDI Learning function.
Phrase Preview function.
Tone Remain function.
Light load mode.
Save and load performance data.
I Certain aspects of Pan processing have been improved; you can now pan to the far left or right even when a stereo sound is selected.
Fixed the problem that had made it impossible to select the following sound from the sound menu:

Sound name: Burst Noise (Bank number: MSB=121(0x79H) / LSB=9(0x09H) - Program number: 126)

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