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Xhun Audio анонсировала виртуальный синтезатор LittleOne, плагин формата VST (Windows), имитирующий инструмент Moog Little Phatty. Выпуск планируется 15 февраля.




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Camel Audio updates Alchemy to v1.12 and adds New Factory Content

New Features in Alchemy v1.12:
  • Improved Cameleon preset import.
  • Source editor playback position indicator.
  • Step sequencer playback position indicator.
  • MSEG playback position indicator.
  • XY-MSEG position indicator.
  • Octave control in perform stays active when changing presets.
  • Snap X in additive editor - now allows tempo sync of additive sounds.
  • MSEG views retain zoom level and position.
  • Randomize MSEGs and Step Sequencers.
  • Increased maximum zoom levels for MSEG and additive editor displays.
  • Menu option in spectral editor to set logarithmic scaling of Y-axis.
  • XY equal power cross-fading.
  • Alchemy key file is now embedded into the Alchemy component.
  • Remix pad numbers are now optional for custom skins.
  • XY pad background image is now customisable.
  • XY pad triangles are now optional.
  • Knob sizes in GUI skin files are no longer a fixed size.

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed partials to initialize on first note.
  • Fixed missing MIDI unlearn on remix pad controls.
  • Fixed hanging notes for presets using single voice mode in Sonar 8.
  • Fixed the global tuning profile to also affect spectral sources.
  • Fixed the scaling of the formant filter.
  • Fixed display switch to ModMap editor when selecting formants.
  • Fixed a crash when closing and opening the GUI, then using the "Back" arrow.
  • Fixed a crash when closing the GUI with the depth modulation view displayed.
  • Fixed a crash after failing to locate files via SFZ.
  • Fixed unreliable behaviour of forward / back sample buttons.
  • Fixed multiple prompts for missing external audio files.
  • Fixed missing SFZ extender in Voices 2, 3 & 4.
  • Fixed source selection button failing to reset on clear.
  • Fixed re-draw of additive data when importing CSV or AAZ files.
  • Fixed rendering of spectral data when importing AAZ or CSV files.
  • Fixed legato behaviour.
  • Fixed file clear not always clearing all values.
  • Fixed file locating after loading a preset and clicking "Next Sample".
  • Fixed alignment of additive / spectral editor warp markers.
  • Fixed display of File menu text when changing the default GUI mode.
  • Fixed range checking when importing spectral CSV data.
  • Fixed additive editor behaviour around final breakpoint.
  • Fixed PNG import to additive engine to preserve number of oscillators.
  • Fixed setting of additive partial pitch in editor.
  • Fixed selection of last preset in a bank to wraps around to the first.
  • Fixed EQ2 gain control to display parameter values.
  • Fixed display of MSEG end points when dragged outside of MSEG editor area.
  • Fixed paste breakpoints to affect only the selected breakpoint.
  • Fixed save consolidated so that AAZ's are copied if the preset name has changed.
  • Fixed solo button redraw problems in edit mode.
  • Fixed double click of granular density resets to 6 grains.
  • Fixed source control redraw problem with Simple mode File -> Clear.
  • Fixed source filter 1 "On" button to work over whole surface.
  • Fixed CSV import when last value is non-zero.
  • Fixed the number of oscillators resetting to 1 when selecting different oscillator waves.
  • Fixed PNG import to the additive editor to set the correct number of oscillators.
  • Fixed an issue with the title display of some FX rack items.
  • Fixed some unreliable behaviour when importing data from an external folder.
  • CSV import to the additive editor now allows non-zero values for the final breakpoint.
  • Removed hard coded references to GUI elements and sizes.
  • Changed partial pitch offset format in additive CSV import / export.
  • Fixed "File Not Found" error for SFZ's using full path specification (Win).
  • Fixed permissions problem after installation, which sometimes caused a crash (OS X).
Loopmasters.com выпустили библиотеку сэмплов Vintage Breaks Vol1, стоимостью 40 евро

какоето вложение появилось. То не мое.


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BREVERB 1.5.7 goes 64 bit
Overloud is proud to announce the release of BREVERB 1.5.7, a new update free for registered users. BREVERB 1.5.7 has native support for 64 bit Windows operating systems.

TH1 1.1.5 goes 64 bit
Overloud, an Almateq division, is proud to announce that TH1 1.1.5, the 4th genearation engine-powered Custom Guitar Effect Suite, is now natively available in 64 bit version, ready to exploit the power of the new operating systems.

Гут :party2:
Новинки от Waves и Eddie Kramer:

HLS Channel - http://www.waves.com/content.aspx?id=10340


Developed in association with legendary producer/engineer Eddie Kramer, the HLS Channel was meticulously modeled on a Helios mixing console just like the one he used in historic sessions at London’s acclaimed Olympic Studios. (In fact, we actually managed to get our hands on the Helios from the Rolling Stones mobile truck, which was used on a slew of classic recordings during the early ‘70s.) In addition to modeling the Helios EQs with their sweet saturation, high-end presence, and fat low-frequency boost, we even modeled the unique behavior, coloration, and drive of the console’s preamps. To top it all off, the HLS Channel features a precision-modeled VU meter that recreates the sensitivity, ballistic behavior, look and feel of the original.

Source Select toggles between Mic and Line levels.
Preamp determines the amount of preamp coloration.
High Frequency Gain controls high shelf gain at 10 kHz.
Mid Gain sets the amount of gain applied to the midrange bell filter.
Mid Frequency selects frequency for the midrange bell filter.
Mid Mode selects between boost (PK) and cut (TR).
Low Band Freq/Cut is used to select the boost frequency, or the amount of attenuation of the 50 Hz low shelf.
Low Band Boost sets the amount of boost (in dB) for the selected frequency.
EQ Cut turns the EQ on (in) and off (cut), while maintaining the analog and preamp characteristics.
Analog controls turns the analog noise and hum modeling on and off, and sets the pitch of the hum to match either European or American currents.
Noise pads the modeled noise and hum by 20 dB.
Meter toggles the meter display between input and output monitoring.
Clip LED lights up when levels exceed 0 dBFS.
VU Meter displays input or output level in dBVU.
VU Calibrate controls the VU meter headroom calibration.
Trim displays the maximum peak level of the output signal and its distance from 0 dBFS.
Input controls the input level.
Output controls the output level.

PIE Compressor - http://www.waves.com/content.aspx?id=10341


Developed in association with legendary producer/engineer Eddie Kramer, the PIE Compressor was precision-modeled on a vintage Pye compressor like the ones he used in historic sessions at London’s acclaimed Olympic Studios. A mainstay in esteemed British studios throughout the classic rock era, the original Pye processors are considered by many to be among of the best buss compressors of all time. The Waves PIE plug-in features a meticulously modeled VU meter with superfast refresh rates that recreates the accuracy, sensitivity, and ballistic behavior of a physical analog meter

Threshold sets the gain reference point beyond which compression begins.
Ratio controls the amount of gain reduction for signal above the threshold.
Decay Time (Release Time) sets the recovery speed of the gain attenuation when the input drops below the threshold.
Output sets the output level.
Meter Select toggles between Input, Output, and Gain Reduction metering.
Analog controls analog characteristics caused by noise floor and hum, based on the power supplies of the original units.
VU Meter displays input or output level in dBVU.
Clip LED lights up when levels exceed 0 dBFS.
VU Calibrate controls the VU meter headroom calibration.
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Реакции: YoH и future-bit
D16 Group Phoscyon v1.8.0 released (incl. AU version)

D16 Group обновили свой виртуальный синтезатор баса Phoscyon до версии 1.8.0.
Это первая полностью совместимая AudioUnit версия, которая включает много новых функций и усовершенствований (хз каких).

Зашёл сегодня на knobster.org и вот что там нашёл:

В феврале этого года самый авторитетный в интернете каталог музыкальных программ и плагинов «KVR audio» празднует свой первый юбилей. Чтобы это событие как следует запомнилось руководство журнала приняло решение в течение всего года (до февраля 2011 включительно) ежемесячно разыгрывать между читателями продукцию самых именитых производителей аудиософта. Сумма продуктов призового фонда превышает $8000.

Для того, чтобы стать участником розыгрыша нужно всего лишь заполнить анкету и ждать.

А разыгрываются следующие позиции:
Коробочная версия Live 8 от Ableton, стоимостью $550;
Две копии Hip-Hop Producer от Arturia и одна виртуальный синтезатор на выбор (minimoog V, ARP 2600 V, CS-80V, Moog Modular V и Prohpet V) на сумму $1503;
MOJO: Horn Section от Big Fish Audio;
DCAM: Synth Squad от FXpansion стоимостью $249;
Набор Complete 6 от Native Instruments, в который входят: Absynth 5, Kontakt 4, Guitar Rig 4 Pro, Battery 3, FM8, Massive и Reaktor 5, на сумму $499;
12 полных комплектов виртуальных инструментов от Ohm Force: Quad Frohmage Filter Bank, Ohmicide:Melohman Distortion и Symptohm:Melohman Synth;
Несколько семплпаков от Resonant Vibes на сумму $209;
Superior Drummer 2.0 с тремя расширениями от Toontrack Music, стоимостью более $800;
Полный набор плагинов от u-he (ACE, Filterscape, MFM2, Uhbik, Zebra и несколько звуковых библиотек) на сумму более $700;
Одну карту аппаратной эмуляции на выбор из UAD-2 SOLO Powered Plug-Ins Card или UAD-2 SOLO/Laptop Powered Plug-Ins Card от Universal Audio.

Заветная анкета находится на этой странице: http://www.kvraudio.com/kvr_is_10.php

Старница с новостью: http://knobster.org/other/kvr-is-10/#more-1324

Извиняйте, если не в ту тему написал, просто не знал куда запостить.
Праздник у пианистов. Есть такая конторка - Imperfect Samples. Делает офигенно звучащие пианинко-библиотеки. Но до определенного времени в них был один недостаток - мало слоев. И теперь:

Hi everyone,

Finally, Imperfect Samples is soon to release the world's largest grand piano library (release date: SOON!). This ten foot Fazioli Ebony Concert Grand is one of the most expensive grands in the world (possibly 'the' most?). Containing an incredible 5 microphone perspectives, up to 128 layers, true staccato, direct picked strings, effects, piano body wood knocks, seat and lid sounds, and over 70,000 samples, the Ebony Concert Grand is set to be the world's largest Grand Piano sample library. (Yes - even larger than Vienna's!). The instrument has been imperfectly sampled AND perfectly sampled, it is essentially 10 grand pianos in one. There is a dry mic perspective, wet room perspective, player, close-mic'd, and internal microphone perspectives. To say this instrument is versatile is an understatement. This thing has been in the works for more than 14 months and it sounds... sublime, even by my standards. Please believe me when I say: I NEED A HOLIDAY!

Demos will be available in a few weeks.

Мой любимый анализатор спектра и измеритель rms - Voxengo SPAN теперь и для мака!
Пока идет публичное тестирование 2.0 версии.
Как всегда, плаг free!
SPAN 2.0 is almost here. It still has a thing or two to be fixed (namely, spectrum area linings that are now a bit off), but it’s basically finished. SPAN will be released as freeware as before.

The most interesting feature implemented in this newer SPAN in my opinion is spectral smoothing – newer seen it implemented by anyone so far (used in the “Master” spectrum mode). It makes spectral balance fixing an easy task. This feature will be added to GlissEQ, too.

View hidden content is available for registered users!
Не знал куда разместить, решил запостить тут.

Конкурс ремиксов от FL Studio

Разработчики популярной пррограммы FL Studio анонсировали конкурс ремиксов! Победитель получает релиз, статус тестера FL Studio и 500$. Второе место - 250 у.е. 3-е место - 100$. Ремиксовать предлагается композицию David-а Latour-а "Friday Night". Чтобы принять участие необходимо скачать архив с семплами (http://downloads.image-line.com/Remix/FridayNight_Vocal_Project_Pack.zip), сделать супер-ремикс и разместить ссылку вот в этой теме: http://forum.image-line.com/viewtopic.php?t=48679 . Сроки действия конкурса: до 31 марта.

Инфа отсюда: http://corpuscul.net/2010/03/konkurs-remiksov-ot-fl-studio
Конкурент для Waves Live объявился ...
Называется BloXPander
24 канала + 4 AUX + возможность управления midi контроллерами и т.д.


Сайт производителя : www.eareckon.com

Есть демка уже рабочая!
(плагины подхватил все, работает шустренько и все удобно так ...)
Стоимость 69 Eur ....
Soundtoys выпустили Decapitator и Panman, а также обновили свою линейку плагинов.

В новых версиях удобный менеджер пресетов и эксклюзивный набор новых пресетов :)





Меня же очень интересует, исправили ли они в новых версиях бооольшой косяк с ручным вводом числовых значений :dirol:
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Реакции: eshbal
Новинки от Lexicon (ожидаются в мае):


The Lexicon LXP Native Reverb Bundle brings over 35 years of Lexicon digital reverb experience to your computers desktop.
Offering outstanding sound, this powerhouse bundle delivers 4 signature Lexicon reverb plugins with over 200 of the most versatile and finely-crafted studio presets. With the ability to bring the highest level of sonic quality to any VST, Audio Unit, or RTAS compatible platform, the LXP Native Reverb Bundle is sure to take center stage in your DAW.

Lexicon LXP Native Reverb Bundle Features:

* 4 signature Lexicon Reverbs (Chamber, Hall, Room, Plate) * Over 200 brilliantly-crafted studio presets
* Formats that work seamlessly in any VST, Audio Unit or RTAS compatible DAW
* Graphical real-time display illustrating the frequency stages of each algorithm
* Presets can be stored in a DAW independent format which allows custom presets to be transferred between DAWs
* Full parameter control and automation
* Input and output meters for quick assessment of audio levels going to and from the reverb
* iLok authorized (iLok USB smart key not included)

Each algorithm can be run in mono, stereo or mono input with stereo output and the Input and Output Meters allow you to verify signal levels at a glance. The most noticeable feature, however, is center screen in a multi-dimensional realtime display. With three animated screens to choose from, all showing different frequency stages of the algorithm to help you shape your sound.

With a wide array of adjustable parameters, you have the option to take the preset as it’s carefully been crafted, or make further adjustments and save it once you’ve compared it with the original. You even have the ability to load that preset into a different DAW.

The LXP Native Reverb Bundle is a fully functional cross-platform plug-in solution. It has been designed with flexibility to fit into the hardware/software platform of your choice.
Vengeance Producer Suite:


Vengeance Producer Suite: Metrum is a Kick Drum Synthesizer.
330 Kick Drum Presets / over 1800 Attack Samples / over 150 Sine Oscillator Presets.
Ability to integrate own WAV samples.
Realtime & smooth graphic envelopes.
Flexible pitch & velocity routings / play tonal kicks.
Huge mod matrix with every parameter of Metrum usable.
Every presets comes with assigned modwheel and 3 GUI controls.
GUI control knobs freely re-nameable.
6 high-quality effects built in / 2 filters for every layer / 3 drive distortion models.
2-band Parametric Equalizer.
Randomizer function.
All of Metrum's parameters are automatable (via host).
Output limiter (can be turned off).
100% timing accurate and click free.

149 euro

имхо продукт обещает быть интересным
Voxengo выпустили Deft Compressor:


Deft Compressor is an audio signal compressor plug-in for professional audio production applications. The characteristic feature of this compressor is its ability to produce “slim” and “slick” sounding compression, with intelligibility enhancement effect. Such result is achieved by compressor’s timing function that closely resembles the S-curve on both attack and release stages. S-curve timing function also helps compressor to sound “warm” and “clean” at most settings.

While at high attack settings Deft Compressor can be used to emphasize audio transients, it can also be used to “smash” audio signal if you use attack settings as low as 0.1 millisecond.

Deft Compressor also features a so called “vintage” compression mode which produces compression sound reminiscent of analog valve compressors: it produces a warm, gently saturated sound with the ability to overdrive the output signal.

Deft Compressor is perfectly usable for compressing vocals, drums, guitars and other instruments, both technically and creatively. Beside that, it can be used to compress mix groups and full mixes.

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