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112dB анонсировали скорый выпуск нового плагина Redline Preamp
обещают 8 января

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Реакции: YoH
AudioDamage анонсируют первый свой синт-драм машину


Audio Damage's first instrument, Tattoo, is a drum synthesizer where everything old is new again. Featuring 12 independent "voice-tuned" synthesizer topologies loosely based on the X0X series, and an incredibly sophisticated step/mod sequencer, Tattoo is at home in all forms of electronic music production.
Tattoo Features:
12 Drum Synths: Tattoo comes equipped with twelve different voices, utilizing our custom D-Plane synthesis, rather than the one general catch-all voice you find in most drum synth plug-ins.

Sophisticated Step Sequencer: Tattoo's internal sequencer comes correct, taking grid programming to the next level.

Randomization For Days: There are multiple routes to randomizing your beats, from subtle ghost notes to full on haywire.

Parameter Sequencing: Every synth parameter (and we mean every one) has its own sequencer, including randomization.

Synchronized: Tattoo can run off its internal sequencer, from host sync, or via "note sync," where the sequencer can be stepped with MIDI notes. In this way, Tattoo can run in any time signature you can come up with, or sync to any groove template in any host sequencer.

MIDI Input: Tattoo's MIDI implementation includes full MIDI learn for all parameters and MIDI pattern switching. You can also use MIDI note input in addition to or instead of Tattoo's internal sequencer, and still have access to the randomization features and MOD sequencing.

MIDI Output: Tattoo sends MIDI output of all its note events, including randomization, so you can use its step sequencer to drive any other drum synth or sampler (or any instrument, really) as long as your host allows MIDI routing from a plug-in instrument.

Audio Outputs: Tattoo has a stereo buss and 10 mono outputs. The stereo buss has a modified version of the Kombinat "One Knob Compressor" to add a little squish to things.
VST version of EMpTy 250 available now!

Empty Room EMpTy 250

VST version of EMpTy 250 available now!
Christmas price 149 euro (equals US $218). Offer valid until 31 december only!

есть демоверсия.



  • EMpTy250-screenshot-mediumsize.jpg
    63,3 KB · Просмотры: 52
Вышел DrMS версии 3.0 в native варианте (VST,AU,RTAS под РС и МАС)
(до этой версии был в формате pluggo)



(переведено гуглом)

пространственный процессор

DrMS представляет собой новый способ подхода к манипулированию стерео аудио. Она основана на MS (Mid-Side) обработка, хотя DrMS разбивает стерео сигнал на четыре секции, а не два нормальных, давая вам новые уровни управления: увеличение, добавить глубины, изменение ширины или любой комбинации и более. DrMS занимает куда бы вы не хотите идти в стерео поле.
Каждый из четырех разделов имеет резонансный фильтр высоких частот для очистки минимумов и наклон эквалайзер, чтобы смягчить максимумов, а также выборочных линия задержки на несколько сдвиг сигнала от других разделов. Уровня и сочетания различных секций приведет к различным изменениям в стерео поле.
Гибкое управление обеспечения широкого спектра применения, как для микширования и мастеринга, а также для постпродакшн. DrMS использовании для задач, переходя от простого кодирования MS / декодирования, в стерео поля и глубиной аксессуар, к фиксации моно проблемы совместимости и многое другое.
Для удобства А / В сравнении между оригиналом и обработанный сигнал, AutoGain построить схемы, чтобы обеспечить соответствие уровня продукции.

Native VST/AU/RTAS plugin for OSX & Windows, supports all major DAWs
MS encoding & decoding
Spatial audio processing: Zoom in, add Depth, change Width
New mastering grade filters
Resonant HPF, LPF and Delay on each of the four processing sections
New Feedback circuit for reverb creation and special effects
Full mono compatibility
Autogain circuit for easy level matched A/B comparision
Improved GUI with value displays
Smart MCU control surface layout
Wide range of applications for mixing, mastering and post production, going from simple MS encoding/decoding, over stereo field and depth enhancement, to fixing mono compatibility issues and more
Presets developed by Dylan '3D' Dresdow (Black Eyed Peas, Michael Jackson, Usher) and Emre Ramazanoglu (Shakira, Alexander McQueen, Lou Rhodes)
Easy installation and authorization with choice of using iLok or Challenge/Response

есть 10-дневная полноценная триал-версия (без iLok)

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Реакции: future-bit и Technomax
От авторов ревера Arts Acoustic:


Welcome to the ArtsAcoustic CL Series. The ArtsAcoustic CL Series is a bundle of 3 accurateley analog-modelled photoelectronic dynamic processors, nameley CL-1, CLMS-1 and CLMS-1 XL. they`re based on various analog optoelectronic diode tube compressor schematas used during the late 70`s up to the mid 80`s.

Voxengo Voxformer version 2.3 update is now available for download. Voxformer is a multi-functional vocal channel strip plugin for professional audio and sound production applications, available in AudioUnit and VST plug-in formats, for Mac OS X and Windows computers.

Version 2.3 update includes the following changes:

  • The "RT Max" spectrum analysis option added.
  • Spectrum's precision does not depend on the oversampling level now.
  • Side-chain routing presets now appear dimmed to reduce confusion.
  • Parameter automation on AU Mac OS X now shows real parameter values.
  • Preset "update" function implemented in the preset manager.
  • Selected filter's curve is now always shown, not only when hovered.
  • Control points can now be double-clicked to disable/enable the filter.
  • The "VST Function Sync" global switch was added that fixes crashes in some hosts (i.e. Tracktion).
  • Control surface readout now displays musical note.
  • "Density mode" implemented in level meters.
D16 Group has announced the imminent release of the latest addition to its Silver Line collection: Syntorus, which is described as a "Double Path Analog Chorus". Syntorus will be released next week (January 11) priced at ?35 and it will be available for Windows and Mac OS X in VST and AU effect plug-in formats.


Syntorus is designed to provide a rich analogue chorus similar to the effect found on classic synthesisers like the Solina, Synthex or Juno. D16 says that Syntorus has a unique sound which will add richness to any instrument it is used on. Synthetic basses and leads will come to life. It will also add extra depth and lushness to acoustic instruments.

To create a chorus effect, an audio signal is mixed with one or more delayed, pitch modulated copies of itself.

Analogue Delay Line
The delay line module is the most important part of any chorus unit. To give Syntorus its unique and special sound, D16 implemented a precise model of a high-quality analogue delay line and projected this into the digital domain. This means that Syntorus has a musical and warm sounding delay line with no unwanted digital artifacts.

Syntorus also has an emulation of a Bucket-Brigade Device (BBD) analogue delay line included within its architecture. Turning this on, will add extra analogue warmth and character to the audio signal. With BBD off, Syntorus functions as a high-quality chorus effect unit where the spectrum of the sound is clean and pristine.

Double Delay Line
In most ordinary chorus effect units, a single delay line is used to create the sound. Syntorus has two high-quality analogue delay lines to give a richer, fuller and deeper chorus sound. These can be set to operate separately or configured to run in a master/slave mode. Full control is provided over all parameters in the signal path allowing for absolute freedom when sculpting the sound.

Both delay lines have an additional tremolo effect included which is controlled by a LFO - very useful for playing Rhodes keyboards or guitar sounds. The Tremolo effect can be used on its own or added to the delay line signal to create even more dynamic and moving sounds.

Each LFO can be synchronized with the host application. In this mode the period of the LFO depends on the host tempo and is set as a musical measure. This feature is standard on most plugins. However in Syntorus, the phase is also perfectly synchronized with song position within a project. This guarantees that Syntorus will always play exactly the same way wherever we are in the timeline of a song or project.

Feature summary:

* Emulation of analogue delay line.
* Double delay line.
* LFOs synchronized with host application.
* Built-in tremolo effect.
* Presets organised into groups.
* MIDI learn function.
* 64-bit internal processing.

ArtsAcoustic CL Series - 3 динамических процессора

CL Series Features:

* Optoelectronic diode circuit
* Tube driven gain stage.
* Comprehensive mid/side capabilities.
* 64-bit internal precision.
* Control signal low-pass/high-pass.
* True stereo external sidechaining.
* Accurate VCA brickwall limiting.
* Sample accurate limiter clip mode.
* Zero latency.
* Very low CPU usage.
* Analog sounding.

apulSoft apQualizr - бывший apEQ
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Реакции: M16 и vax
Раз уж заговорили о софтовых эквалайзерах, то вот новый плагин от FabFilter:


FabFilter Pro-Q is an allround EQ plug-in for mixing and mastering, with up to 24 bands and a gorgeous interface for easy and precise editing.

Key features:

  • Highest possible sound quality
  • Gorgeous interface with large display for easy and precise editing
  • Up to 24 EQ bands
  • Operates either in zero latency mode, or in linear phase mode with adjustable latency
  • Filter shapes: Bell, High/Low Shelf, High/Low Cut with 6, 12, 24 and 48 dB/oct slopes
  • Each band can operate on the stereo signals or on the left or right channels independently for per-channel EQ-ing
  • Mid/side mode where you can EQ the mid and side signals separately
  • Built-in real-time frequency analyzer with Pre- and Post-EQ modes
  • Double-click text entry of parameter values
  • Different display ranges: 6 dB range for mastering use, 12 dB, and 30 dB for mixing
  • Stereo and mono plug-ins available
  • MIDI Learn
  • Undo/redo and A/B comparison
  • Smart Parameter Interpolation
  • Sample-accurate automation of all parameters
  • Extensive help file with interactive help hints
  • Available in RTAS, VST, VST 3 and AU for Mac OS X and Windows

Мне вообще очень нравятся по качеству исполнения, пользовательскому интерфейсу и довольно уникальным возможностям плагины FabFilter. Очень активно использую Pro C компрессор, а теперь вот не смог удержаться и добавил Pro Q в свой арсенал инструментов, хотя цена его кусачая чуток ($200). Очень порадовало наличие в нём отключаемых Linear Phase фильтров и отдельная обработка для среднего и сторонних (M/S) сигналов.

Последнее редактирование:
Arturia анонсировала Prophet v2.0

What News:

*A revolutionary preset navigation system called SoundMap
*New e-licenser (old Syncrosoft) copy protection
*MIDI RPN "pitch bend range" message is now recognized
*Ability to use NRPN midi messages for automation
*Fresh batch of presets made by a selection of top sound designers
*Presets now respond to modulation wheel
*Double click on joystick resets to center position
*Lower CPU utilization on Mac OSX
*Windows 7/Snow Leopard officially supported
*Vista/Windows 7 compatibility no longer requires UAC deactivation

Echo TripV-plugs - all the classic tape echoes... and more!


Echo Trip presents new standards in the echo domain! Whether you are after the perfect emulation of vintage tape-echo machines, or you need new exciting audio spices- take a ride with Echo Trip and you just might fall in love!

System requirements:
- Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7
- Pentium 4 1500 mhz or better
- 512mb RAM or more
- Any VST2 or VST3 compatible host application

Windows VST

Price: 99 evro


отсебятина: слизаный интерфейс с McDSP плагов.. вот :)
Последнее редактирование:
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Реакции: M16 и future-bit

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