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Новая кнопка "КАЙФ, хочу как Грин Дэй"

Последнее редактирование:
парни, ещё один пост-обсуждение-размышление и получите по погону. Вы правила топика читаете или вам по-барабану?

Для танкистов: тут постим только новости!!! Хотите обсуждать - создавайте отдельную тему в соответствующем разделе и обсуждайте! Погоны последуют без предупреждения!

KUASSA все таки готовит VST/AU плагины их серии EFFEKTOR, уже созданной ранее для Reason в формате Rack Exensions.

Over, Dist, Fuzz, набор RE нойзгейта
Kuassa releases Efektor Silencer free guitar effect (Noise Gate FX)
К слову, уже несколько месяцев ожидается и продолжение RE-плагинов новых в серии Effektor. Так что будут и иные эффекты впереди
Последнее редактирование модератором:
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Реакции: Nik_i
Очередной tape emulator от конторы HoRNet - HoRNet Tape https://www.hornetplugins.com/
  • Analog tape saturation simulation.
  • Emulation of four different decks.
  • Two different tape speed for each deck.
  • Output compensation for constant level monitoring.
  • Input analog VU meters.
  • Auto Gain with three different target levels.
  • Three tape bias options.
  • Analog hiss simulation.
  • Group function to copy settings from instances.
  • Bypass button.
  • Mac OS X (>=10.6 Intel only) and Windows support.
  • 64-bit compatibility both on Mac and Windows.
  • Audio Units VST2.4, VST3 and AAX format.
  • Цена 19.99 евро

Последнее редактирование модератором:
Syntronik от IK Multimedia вышел, имеется демо-версия на сайте.

Она включает
17 инструментов :

  • 99
  • Blau
  • Bully
  • DCO-X
  • Galaxy
  • Harpy 260
  • J-60
  • J-8
  • Minimod
  • Noir
  • OXa
  • Polymorph
  • Pro-V
  • SAM
  • String Box
  • T-03
  • V-80
и 50 пресетов
ssl от brainworx

Brainworx bx_console E
  • Models the classic British E Series mixing console, offering 72 different channels
  • Full-featured channel strip includes a Compressor/Limiter, Expander/Gate, 4-band parametric EQ, and wide-ranging High Pass and Low Pass filters
  • Tolerance Modeling Technology (TMT, Patent Pending) simulates channel-to-channel variances of electronic components for the most realistic analog sound
  • “Brown” and “Black” EQ revisions can be swapped independently per channel with the click of a mouse
  • HF and LF EQ bands can be independently switched to provide either bell-curve or shelving response
  • EQ can be placed before or after the Dynamics section (Compressor/Limiter and Expander/Gate), in the audio path, or routed to the Dynamics’ sidechain
  • High Pass and Low Pass filters’ frequency ranges can be independently shifted by a factor of three to reach far into the midrange band
  • High Pass and Low Pass filters can be placed in the audio path or the Dynamics’ sidechain
  • Compressor/Limiter features continuously variable Threshold, Ratio, wet/dry Mix and two-stage Release controls; a dedicated High Pass filter; and a toggle for Auto- and Fast-attack times
  • Expander/Gate features continuously variable Threshold, Range and Release controls; two alternate Threshold ranges; and an Auto-/Fast-attack toggle
  • Swap E and G Series Compressor VCAs independently per channel with the click of a mouse
  • Expander/Gate features continuously variable Threshold, Range and Release controls and an Auto-/Fast-attack toggle
  • Gate features continuously variable Hysteresis control that prevents on-off chattering when input signal level fluctuates around the threshold
  • Expander Invert function lets you hear just the portion of signal that will be gated or expanded, helping you set the most effective threshold
  • Dynamics section can be keyed by an external sidechain input signal
  • Continuously variable THD control adds colorful saturation independently per channel
Последнее редактирование:
МультиFX от ineardisplay Amalgame.



# 23 audio processors that can be assigned to 6 effect slots
# Pan/Amp processor
# Peak and Notch EQ filters
# Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass and Screamo lowpass analog style filters
# Ping-Pong Delay, Metalizer, Bot Delay (glitch pitch-shifting delay) and Reverb
# Chorus/Flange, Phase Shifter, Ring-Modulator and Formant Filter
# Saturator, Foldover Distortion, Ring Trasher (foldover distortion with phase distortion ring-modulator) and Bitcrusher
# Pitch-Shifter, Drilla (glitch stutter), Transient isolator and Spectre (filter and delay bank)
# Automatable XY Pads with buitl-in MIDI mapping
# X and Y parameters internal sequences for each effect slot with sequence bypass switch
# Sample accurate host position sync
# Sequences of variable length (2 to 16 steps) and rate (from 1 bar per step to 1/16 per step)
# 3 Sequence Direction Modes : forward, backward and random
# Individual sequence randomization
# Assign an effect to a slot by drag and drop
# Individual slot bypass
# Reorder effect slots by drag and drop
# Slot effect type available for automation
# Randomizer with subgroups (XY parameters, Effect selection, Sequences, All) and target slots selection
# Global Parameters : Input amplitude, Output amplitude and Dry-Wet Mix
# Oscilloscope
# Cross-Platform Presets
# MIDI Program Change Support
# Ability to save a custom startup patch
# 34 Factory Presets

Price: интро 39€, ретаил 59€

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Реакции: ceejay и Al Brazy


  • Безымянный.jpg
    16,8 KB · Просмотры: 191
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Вышел новый плагин от Plugin alliance и этим плагином в альянсе дебютирует новая контора Fiedler audio , которая уже делала Bx_room для brainworx. Плагин доступен для покупки и для демо. Интро цена 99 $, обычная 179$.
Последнее редактирование:
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Реакции: SoulState и ceejay
Toontrack анонсировали выход Superior Drummer 3

Superior Drummer поднимается до третьей версии, раздулся в 10 раз, умеет конвертировать аудио в МИДИ, грузит юзерские семплы - любопытно, в общем.


Toontrack анонсировали выход Superior Drummer 3

Ой... Дачный интернет.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
Редактор Guitar Pro 7 стал гораздо лучше, чем шестая версия, появились новые возможности, да и звук интересней.

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Реакции: bpmusic
Новый дилей\мультиFX от Blue Cat's - Late Replies (главная особенность - может грузить внутрь себя сторонние vst плагины))


Main Features:
•Powerful delay with built-in effects and third party plug-ins support.
•8 taps pattern section with integrated mixer and plug-ins slots.
•2 feedback loops with crossfeed and plug-ins slots.
•25 built-in effects: EQ, filters, pitch & frequency shifter, delays, modulation effects, compressor, gate, bit crusher, wave shaper and more.
•Supports third party VST, VST3 and Audio Unit plug-ins, with latency compensation.
•Tempo/Host Synchronization.
•Global stereo spread control.
•Several hundreds of fully editable presets.
•Integrated ducking, with internal and external side chain.
•Comprehensive visual feedback with detailed impulse response display.
•Protect your ears with the included feedback and output brickwall limiters.
•No latency.

Цена: $96 интро, ретаил $129

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Реакции: Greev и Dmitry Anderson

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