Вести с полей о муз софте (5 онлайн)

а ну-ка,кому Авалон за 4 бакса?

внутрь AKAI MPC Software, который идет в комплекте с акаевскими семплерами, но может работать и без них как плагин, теперь встроен синтезатор AIR Hybrid 3 и, судя по заготовленным лайоутам, вскоре будут встроены и остальные инструменты от AIR - Xpand!, Loom, DB33, MiniGrand, Riser, VacuumPro, Velvet
Последнее редактирование:
Roland выпускают софт синт Roland Sound Canvas VA.

Please let us introduce "SOUND Canvas VA Software Synthesizer" from Roland.

First introduced in 1991, the Roland Sound Canvas series has long been the de-facto standard in GS sound modules. With the Sound Canvas VA, you can now use this classic sound source with your DAW music productions as a VSTi or AU plug-in. It comes with over 1,600 high-quality sounds, plus 64 different insert effects, global effects like reverb and EQ, and extensive sound editing capabilities. Also included are sound maps to perfectly play MIDI music files created on the SC-88 Pro and other hardware Sound Canvas sound modules. Combining classic sounds with current technology, the Sound Canvas VA is the modern evolution of a long-running benchmark.

Прайс - 125 USD.
28 октября 2015

Xils Lab анонсировали свой новый инструмент, драм-машину Stix

"Developed in collaboration with Le Lotus Bleu, this Analog Drum Machine also has hybrid and cross-synthesis modules on board to offer you the widest sound palette.

An ultra-fast, intuitive, yet powerful sequencer to make them groove, and …. never seen modulations to tie the whole.

With StiX, you won’t need anymore drumming skills to create from raw and brutal drumbeats to the most sophisticated, exquisite grooves.

More to come very soon ..."

Больше ничего несказали.

Вышла бета


"After years of R&D, and an insane amount of hard work hours spent in the Labs, we’re proud to announce that StiX is finally available."

Кое что из features:
- 10 pure hearts beating. 7 Macro Knobs to write Magic with each of them.
- 10 Sequences lines with Division parameter. And variable ‘Steps per Beat’ number.
- F.A.S.T XoX sequencer. Amazing PolyStep Modulators.
- Randomize Drumkits, Sequencer lines. Patterns & Song Mode. Live control.
Hundreds of presets : Drumpads, Drumkits , Patterns, Sequences & Global presets


Full synthesizer for each drumpad : Virtual Analog engine with unrivaled analog authenticity, 4rth Gen zero-delay-feedback Multimode filters, Morphing Analog modeled oscillators, 3 FAST envelopes and two complex LFO. FM synthesis, Sine + WaveShaping, Sample Load, Cross Synthesis. Modulation Matrix. User Defined Macro Controls. And more.

Single Line Sequencer Editor : Per Step Gate time, Micro Position, Velocity, Macro Modulator 1 & 2. Gang Mode Editing. More.

Misc : Live control. Mixer. Analog modelled effects. Natural stereo reverb. Per Drum Disto/Crusher. Song Editor. Etc.

Цена: преордер пока бета 95€, полная 179€

Подробности https://www.xils-lab.com/pages/StiXbyXils.html

D16 анонсировали Decimort 2 (биткрашер)
Выход December 22nd, 2015
По поводу цены апгрейда с первой версии пока неясно, но вроде бесплатно.

Уже вышел, но увы таки апгрейд не бесплатный на этот раз: для текущих пользователей 9 евро до 15 февраля, и 19 евро после 15-го. Полная цена 39 евро. (Бесплатно вроде только если в течении трёх последних месяцев было куплено)
Последнее редактирование модератором:
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Реакции: ny4ok, kapetz и vicle
На стадии выхода бета-версии Rayzoon Jamstix 4: http://rayzoon2.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=7406
Предварительно озвученные фичи:
Re-engineered User Interface
While the fundamental workflow is not much different from the current release, Jamstix 4 has a completely new interface using vector graphics, offering better screen space utilization and a customizable color scheme. Notably different is the increased use of color to indicate object state and the scaled bar editor cells. While likely not in the initial release, we are working on scalable window sizing for future updates.

3D Virtual Kit
We know this is not a critical function affecting the grooves Jamstix 4 produces, but we've implemented a full 3D virtual kit that you can pan, rotate and zoom. You can also adjust the shell color to fit your preferences. We do believe that it translates the groove data into a more visceral experience as you'd have with a real-life drummer and kit.

Simplified Installation & Updating
Jamstix 4 will bring the simplicity of the OSX JamstixManager to our Windows users, eliminating the need to download and install various Pak files. We've heard your pain, especially from the Studio version crowd

Support for Second Snare & Kick
You will be able to add a second snare and a second kick to Jamstix for more intricate performances or verse/chorus differentiation.

MIDI Map Editor
Jamstix 4 offers a spreadsheet-like editor for MIDI input and MIDI output mappings so you can quickly and efficiently adjust Jamstix to any MIDI input source or 3rd party plugin.

Timing Offset, Hit Style & Sound Selection
Timing offset, hit style and sound selection, which were previously buried in the bar editor cell menu, are now available in the main bar editor interface.

Part Linkage
Parts can now be linked to each other so that any change in one of them automatically updates the other.

Part Song Power
Each part can now have its own song power set, which is still translated by the main song power setting. This can eliminate the need to use song power automation in the host.

Part Types
The song sheet will allow you to manually set any part type known to the song builder.

Object Selection
Song sheet and bar editor are improved in terms of selecting multiple items for editing.

'Import' Style Size
The MIDI import function of the 'Import' style now supports up to 256 bars.

More Styles & Drummers
Naturally, Jamstix 4 will bring you new style and drummer models.

Max Dynamic Threshold
Similar to the existing MIN DYN knob, Jamstix 4 allows you set a maximum dynamic threshold as well.

Improved Cymbal Washes
Cymbal wash editing is much improved in Jamstix 4 and also includes a 32nd note option.

Key Map Kit Purging
When loading a key map, you will have the option to remove any unmapped kit pieces.

Redirection Effector
Redirection in the brain now allows you to target more kit pieces.
Вроде не нашел тут.
Интересный трензиент-процессор Peak Rider

  • Novel new approach to dynamic processing
  • Wideband and multiband
  • Zero-latency analysis with linear phase option
  • Four processing modes available
  • Three analysis & detection modes
  • Fine control over envelope shaping
  • Left/right and mid/side stereo processing
  • Simple one-time serial number activation
  • PC VST (32/64bit), Mac VST / AU formats
стоимость 79$
Есть демо
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Реакции: kostyaline и Arlekin
@dimapet, утекло немного инфы

http://lefkan.ee/Infolehed/Melodyne/Guide Melodyne 4 EN.pdf

Screen Shot 2016-01-13 at 13.08.59.jpg


  • Melodyne 4 studio: the complete multi-track Melodyne edition with all the functions, tools and possibilities, list price US$849/EUR699
  • Melodyne 4 editor: no Sound Editor, all the tools, but only for individual tracks (no Multitrack Note Editing), list price US$499/EUR399
  • Melodyne 4 assistant: like Melodyne editor, but no DNA Direct Note Access, no Tempo Editor and no Scale Editor, list price US$249/EUR249
  • Melodyne 4 essential: only Melodyne’s Main Tool for basic editing of pitch and timing, list price US$99/EUR99

All editions are both 64- and 32-bit compatible and can operate as plug-ins or stand-alone. All editions support VST, AU, AAX, RTAS, ARA and Rewire (client).

Последнее редактирование:
Новая разработка от u-he
Обещают АЛЬФУ в апреле

The alpha version is going to be reserach ware, i.e. free like Protoverb. Hence "RePro-1 - Research Project One". It'll be a CPU hog because we want you guys to compare the unoptimised filter algorithms. We expect to release the alpha version shortly after the Superbooth in early April 2016.

The final version will be souped up with some extra features (the screenshot may make the guess easy) and it will be released for AAX/AU/VST with highly optimised filters by the end of 2016.

This is a monophonic synth. The final version will be an exceptionally close emulation of some nifty little vintage synth, with some nifty little extras added (but still not polyphonic).

In short: This is *not* coming soon! - But it'll sound great, and you're hereby prepared for some participation to happen!

Трансиент шейпер/софт клипер...
TS-1 features two separate detection circuits for Attack and Sustain, whose signals can be filtered to improve the detection (SC filtering) or to color the processed audio. A soft clipping circuit will gently saturate and “compress” your signal, in a similar way to a tape saturation.
TS-1 is a frequency dependent transient shaper designed to manage the attack and sustain of an incoming audio signal. Thanks to our “Compression by Saturation” concept, TS-1 works great to add warmth andpunch to your drum tracks without losing dynamics.

Пока цена 39 еврейских рублей, позже обещают 49
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Реакции: gorevalex63 и dilim
Applied Acoustics анонсировали Chromaphone 2 (перкуссионный синт).


дата выхода конец первого квартала 2016, ретаил прайс $199
Насчёт апгрейда с первой версии чтото непонятно пока. Free апгрейд если купить сейчас первую версию, а для текущих юзеров - неизвестно.

DMG Audio представляет мастер лимитер Limitless:

View hidden content is available for registered users!

Как всегда на цену предоставляется скидка в течение 30 дней и 30 дневное демо для зарегистрированных пользователей.
Цена в этом месяце выставлена в £120 и далее возрастет до £150 25-го февраля. Также предоставляется дополнительная скидка 5% за каждый купленный ранее продукт, но не более 20%.
Xfer Records выдали SerumFX версию, идёт только бонусом к инструменту.


(Из особенностей, например WT едитор имеет фичу "capture" для записи входящего сигнала в вейвтейблы.)

Цена: всё также $189 USD


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