Algorithmix выпустил компрессор LP SplitComp ценой в 1490 евро (больше 2000 баксов):shok:, чем устроил переполох на КВР (сразу 4 топа:sarcastic
ЗЫ: Хорошая замена для Waves C1-sc, если бы не цена...:suicide2:
LP SplitComp is a creative dynamic tool with unparalleled transparency and sound purity combining the best of both the analog and digital worlds.
The split function allows dynamic processing only in the band of interest. Unlike many other split or multiband compressors the frequency crossover is made with low-noise linear-phase filters. They allow perfect band recombination after processing. The character of the PlugIn can be continuously adjusted between being more compressor or rather limiter. It provides a lot of psychoacoustically optimized features like automatic dynamic characteristics, soft knee, and parameterized soft clipper. To reduce the problem of alias frequencies being often a hidden problem in digital non-linear processors, a reference-quality oversampling has been implemented.
LP SplitComp is the second one in the new Algorithmix CHROMIUM SERIES, a set of reference mastering PlugIns. The current release is implemented as a stereo version, however it is intended to make it VST 3.0 compatible as soon as the major audio editing systems have switched to the new VST version. The compatibility to VST 3.0 will induce a multichannel version of the LP SplitComp.
ЗЫ: Хорошая замена для Waves C1-sc, если бы не цена...:suicide2: