Если интересно кому-то, вот нашёл на Gearslutz несколько примеров записей на TLM 49:
1. (специально сделанный тест. Записан с разных расстояний до микрофона. Жаль только, битрейт
очень низкий...).
Ok, Forgive the voice but I am pretty sick of this old classic.
1) All takes are without eq and without compression. Just the pre and mic
2) I purposely recorded the two distances to give a distant and a close up using proximity.
3) On the close up I used technique so as not to overload the mic.
4) The guitar was pre recorded through a Rode K2 mic without eq or compression, so any
difference is completely from reacting with the TLM49 and voice/pre combination.
5) Sung in treated room Primacoustic system of my studio.
Ok guys I finally got something to record. I recorded a Cello. Instead of just sending the
raw recording I added a little SSL EQ and a bit of reverb to give a more real world listen and
to show the potential of what the TLM49 can do in a final product.
The Chain - TLM49 - Martech MSS-10 Preamp - Lavry MAD Blue Converters - PT HD 7
It's an Avalon 200 Gold series guitar played about 8 inches from the mike at the thirteenth
fret and going through a Chandler TG2 then through a Rosetta 200 into a 828MkII via S/PDIF. DP
was the DAW and recorded at 24 bit, 44.1. The TLM49 was also inside a SE Reflexion filter for
better isolation
4. (микс, голосом и флейтой, записанными на 49-й)
I recorded voice and flute with the TLM49 into SPL GOLDMIKE 2(low cut at 50Hz) - RME ADI 2 -
Nuendo - Waves SSL EQ (took out about 1,5 db of 2500 -4000Hz) - urs 1975 comp ---- here: