Free VST инструменты и FX (3 онлайн)

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Silver Bass was created for making Drum&Bass, Hardcore, and Dub basslines but is also useful for making classic rave stabs.


-2 oscillators (sine, saw, square, tri, noise)
-ADSR Amp envelope
-ADSR Filter envelope
-LFO Fliter control
-8 presets


Rastabox was created for making classic dub sirens and other such noises. Rastabox is intended for live on the fly recording and preformance, so tweeking the speed and depth knobs as you play will produce nice results. Applying tape delay, reverb, phaser, ect. will also enhance the sound. I have included 32 presets, so you can get started quickly.


Blaster was created for making classic old school lazer and raygun noises.


-1 oscillator (sine, square, saw, tri, noise, halfsine, trisaw)
-ADSR Amp envelope
-LFO speed and depth controls
-Onboard ping-pong delay
-16 presets



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Iliadis VH-1 - фришный органчег на Синтмейкере:


VH-1 is a Virtual Drawbar Organ.

-64 Notes Polyphony.
-9 "standard" Drawbars with a clean Sine Sound (no Samples). -Adjustable Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release and Tone (Level Knob for the last 8 Harmonics).
-2 Percussion Oscillators. Both have a Selector for choosing one of the "standard" 9 Harmonics. Adjustable Level and Decay. A Touch Button (F/X) let's you add Vibrato and the Overdrive Effect. A Touch Button switches On/Off.
-A warm Chorus Vibrato. Adjustable Speed, Depth, Delay and Mix. A Touch Button switches On/Off.
-A Simple Overdrive with a Gain Knob and a Touch Button switches On/Off.
-A Key Click imitation. Adjustable Decay and Level. A Touch Button switches On/Off.
-Master Tune and Level.
-An LCD Screen for controlling your patches (128 Programs available).
-Low CPU consumption.

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AAY-Audio aMS-Tools v1.0 (FREE)


AAY-Audio aMS-Tools is a set of three "Mid-Side" tools in the VST plug-in format.
Using this tools you can encode Left-Right stereo channels to Mid-Side, decode Mid-Side to Left-Right and adjust Mid-Side balance.

AAY-Audio aMS-Tools v1.0 include:

aMS-Tools Encoder
aMS-Tools Decoder
aMS-Tools Balancer

System requirements: Windows XP or any later 32-bit Windows OS; about 13.1Mb of harddisk space; processor 1GHz or higher; RAM minimum 512Mb; audio application supporting VST plug-ins (e.g. Cubase SX, Nuendo, Sonar, WaveLab, SoundForge, Ableton Live, FL Studio etc.) In the case your software does not support VST plug-ins natively you should get a suitable VST adapter program which allows you to load and run VST plug-ins in your audio application.

AAY-Audio aMS-Tools is a perfect free way to make your sound wider!
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Реакции: mxc
6 u-he ltmLab Old Skool

ltmLab Korg KPR77
ltmLab Linndrum
ltmLab MiniMammut
ltmLab Rattlesnake
ltmLab Roland TR-808
ltmLab Roland TR-909

Шесть драм машинок с минимальными настройками от гениального фрица Хакмана. Довольно таки старые, но мне нравятся. Поставлялись с немецким журналом Keyboards.
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    ltmLab Linndrum.jpg
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NekroBat 3:OSC:8 VSTi

NekroBat 3:OSC:8 VSTi

-3 Oscillators with detuners (fine-tuning, octave and semitone), 5 waveforms (Sine, Triangle, Saw, Square, Noise).

-Each Oscillator has a Mod/LFO knob which controls 4 parameters (Phaze, Frequenzy,
Pulse Width, or the Volume) + designated ADSR Amp-envelopes.

-Oscillator 1 has an O2 FM-knob which performs FM-modulation on Oscillator 2, and Oscillator 2 has a
similar knob for FM-modulation on Oscillator 3. Oscillator 3 in turn has a knob which performs Filter FM.

-State-variable filter, with 2 slope modes: 12 or 24 dB (cutoff has designated ADSR-envelope and LFO).

-Mod-LFO can control a wider range of parameters.

-Step-Pitch/-Gate, simple step-sequenser which alters the oscillators pitch and volume in 16 steps.

-All LFO’s and the Step-Pitch/-Gate will automatically sync to your DAW’s tempo via samplerate (BPM value in case of Standalone operation).

-2 Effects: Ping-Pong Delay & Stereo-Chorus.


3:OSC:8 VSTi Instructions:

The Synths name comes from the fact that it has 3 Oscillators and 8 voices of polyphony.
Unrar the folder. Copy the "3OSC8 VSTi.dll" file and paste it into your DAW:s plugin folder.
The Stand-alone version is an .exe file, so it can be run directly from your desktop by clicking the icon.


3 Oscillators with detuners (fine-tuning, octave and semitone), 5 waveforms (Sine, Triangle, Saw, Square, Noise).

Each Oscillator has a Mod/LFO knob which controls 4 parameters (Phaze, Frequenzy, Pulse Width, or the Volume).

If the Mod LFO:s speed is above zero, its signal is routed to these knobs and will then control them.
If the Mod LFO:s speed is set to zero,the knobs will only control the oscillators Phz or Pw parameters.
Each Oscillator also has a designated ADSR Amp-envelope.Oscillator 1 has an O2 FM-knob which performs
FM-modulation on Oscillator 2, and Oscillator 2 has a similar knob for FM-modulation on Oscillator 3.
Oscillator 3 in turn has a knob which performs Filter FM.

The Filter is of the State-variable type, with 2 slope modes (12 or 24 dB). It has knobs for Cutoff, Resonanse and Keyboard tracking.
The Velocity-knob determines how much the filters Cutoff will be controlled by your key-velocity action, and the Mod-wheel knob
controls how much the Mod-wheel will affect the Cutoff. The filters Cutoff also has a designated ADSR-envelope and LFO.

The Filter LFO controls the filter-cutoff if its Speed is above zero, and the amount of modulation
is set by turning the depth-knob. Both LFO:s has the same waveforms as the Oscillators.
The Mod-LFO can control a wider range of parameters, as it is assigned to the Oscillators Mod/LFO-knobs and
also can control the Filt-LFO via a drop-down menu. This features the Filt-LFO:s Phaze, Speed, Pulsewidth and Depth.

The Step-Pitch/-Gate is really a simple Step-sequenser which alters the Oscillators pitch and volume in 16 steps.
The default value of each step is 0 (which is the key you are currently playing) and full volume. By changing the
values in the top row (12 upwards which is a full octave up, and down to -12 which is then a full octave down),
you can build short melodies played for as long as the Amp-envelopes duration. Full sustain will allow the sequense
to play for as long as a key is pressed. The lower field is the Step-gate controlling the volume for each step.

If every steps pitch value is zero, then the effect will work as a Step-gate. The Smooth-knob controls the "glide" between
the steps. A low value will sound more staccato while a higher value will make the steps glide between eachother.

All LFO:s and the Step-Pitch/-Gate will automatically sync to your DAW:s tempo via samplerate.However,
in the Stand-alone version, the Step-Pitch/-Gate:s temo is controlled from the Preset-managers
"Bpm" value, which can be freely altered by clicking the current value and typing in a new one.

2 Effects are included in the form of a Ping-Pong Delay, which can control the effects wetness for each oscillator
independently by the 3 oscillator knobs.The other effect is a Stereo-Chorus, for fattening up the sound.

Below the Preset-manager you will find the Main volume-knob, a Pan-knob and a knob controlling the Stereo-width.

The presets can be renamed by clicking the current name and typing in a new one.

Feel free to use this Synth in any way you see fit, share it with your friends, use it in your music.
However, this is a free vsti so you may not in any way sell it, re-sell it or by any other means profit on it,
other then from the music you may produce with it.Thats what a free vsti should be all about...

NekroBat 2009 (using Outsim|Synthmaker)

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Реакции: mxc и riko
free мультиформат семпл банк Oscillator Pak - Sampler Synth Elements v1.0 от Retro Sampling
This is a collection of free waveforms for the experimental synth/patch 
programmer that uses a sampler for waveform playback instead of oscillators in a 
synth, all samplers more or less have a unique sound, and new sounds can be 
sculpted with that sound by using it’s ADSR and builtin effects (if any) or by 
processing it further with external plugins and effects. It may not be the excellent
 waveforms that makes this free collection so good but the extensive format support.

*580MB Content (175 MB Download File).
*Included formats: Wave / HALion / Kontakt / NN19 / NNXT / ReFill / GIGA / Maize + Standalone +
VSTi / DS404 / CMPlay / SoundFont / EXS24 / DirectWave / HALion HSB & Kontakt Monolith.
*PDF Manual.
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Реакции: alexvg
Нужны эффекты detune,gate,unison и синт для транслида, что можете предложить из фришных.
VertexDSP MutilnspectorFree 1.2.0 VST

Вот наткнулся случайно на такую штучку:
MultiInspectorFree – это 31 полосный анализатор спектра, спроектированный для работы в мультитрековых приложениях. В MultiInspectorFree легко осуществляется спектральный анализ нескольких аудиосигналов.

Основное приложение работает как стандартный 31-полосный анализатор спектра. Дополнительные копии приложения автоматически посылают результат их спектрального анализа всем другим копиям MultiInspectorFree. В каждом окне редактирования MultiInspectorFree содержимое одинаковое, соответственно для нескольких копий приложения можно оставлять только одно окно. В соответствии с количеством открытых копий регулируется ширина и цвет индикаторов уровня.

В MultiInspectorFree включен стандартный анализатор третьей октавы. Центральные частоты полос соответствуют стандарту ISO 266:1997 (20 Гц - 20 кГц). Пиковый шум будет отображаться в виде ровной линии в частотном спектре.

MultiInspectorFree поддерживает до 4 копий приложения на частоте сэмплирования 44.1 кГц.
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Думаю, при сведении очень будет полезной для устранения частотных конфликтов:yes:
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Реакции: mxc и BeatCheat
free версия инструмента AlioNoctis от H.G. Fortune, как продолжение идеи ProtoPlasm, STS-33 и Atonoise VSTi, плюс новые модули fx обработки Inferno/Spooks и Bass Enhancer


Отличия от Pro версии: 5 голосов вместо 10,меньше звуковых форм,адин ленивый кнопка (на все параметры) вместо 8.

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TAL-TiltEQ от Togu Audio Line (VST/AU)


"TAL-TiltEq is especially designed after some tilt eq’s from the 70’s. This type of eq allows to adjust the audio material without changing the character of a sound to much.
Its an easy way, to make an audio signal sound darker or brighter with only one knob. The bass lift knob is a special addition that boosts or attenuates bass frequencies below 300Hz."

*8 dB low / high shelf filter.
*12 dB bass lift filter at 300 Hz.
*Variable center frequency (100 - 10′000Hz).
*Adjustable bandwidth (q: 0.1 to 2.0).
*Volume knob.
*On/Off switch.
*Very easy to use.
*Low CPU.

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Реакции: a-up, mxc и BeatCheat
BeatCheat, На том сайте ссылки на Рапиду. Вот лови:
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Ещё там есть модули Percussion, Jazzy Drums и Fast brass. Похоже на Синтэдит.
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Новые плагины от Ronald Passion:

Massive Passive EQ

Massive Passive EQ is a freeware mastering equalizer effect for Windows.

Massive Passive EQ features:
Signal flow: IN + LP & HP + R1 (peaking & shelving) + R2 + R3 + R4 + OUT.
Q is -3 db point and -6 db point.
All frequencies based on Manley Hardware Equalizer (Massive Passive Stereo EQ).
Red Led Meter (in & out).


Blue Channel

Blue Channel is a digital tube channel VST effect plug-in for Windows PC.

Blue Channel v1.0 features:
Compressor: Highpass + Lowpass filter, In/Out, Drive, Threshold, Attack & Release, Ratio, On/Off switch.
Equalizer: Low shelf, Mid Bass, Mid High, High shelf, Master output, On/Off switch.
Valve Tube Style control.
10 presets.


Digital Parametric Equalizer

Digital Parametric Equalizer is a digital equalizer effect plug-in for Windows PC.

Digital Parametric Equalizer v1.0 features:
Highpass & Lowpass filter + 6 bands (-/+ 24 range for each).
4 settings for the bands:
Standard: 100Hz, 360Hz, 720Hz, 1.5KHz, 5KHz, 10KHz.
Bass: 60Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 500Hz, 800Hz, 1.5KHz.
Vox: 240Hz, 380Hz, 800Hz, 1.2KHz, 2.5KHz, 5KHz.
Guitar: 125Hz, 250Hz, 500Hz, 1KHz, 2KHz, 4KHz.
Main output and on/off controls.


Equalizer Passion

Equalizer Passion is a virtual analog equalizer effect.

Equalizer Passion v1.0 features:
Freq, Gain and Q for Bass, Mid Bass, Mid High and High frequency ranges.
In- and output volume controls.
Press Knob (“0” for natural “1” for pressing signal).
On/Off switch.


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Реакции: greennoise, mxc и Michail
И ещё 4 эквалайзера от Ronald Passion (больше он их делать не будет):

Silver & White Magnum

Silver & White Magnum are two analog valve custom parametric equalizer effects.
Silver: G/F/V/B selects Guitar, Full, Vox and Bass parametric frequency scheme.
White: HP -> 20, 30, 40, 60 & 80 Hz. LP -> 20, 12, 10 & 8 KHz.
Q: 0 db/-3 db.
Lowpass and Highpass filtering.
Re Energize button (boost).
Tube style Compressor.
Noise floor is -100 db.



Bad Vox

Bad Vox is a simple tube equalizer effect for vocals.
Frequency bands based on Manley Hardware Vox Box (only the EQ): 150Hz, 1.5kHz, 6.4kHz.
Q: -3 db.
Lowpass, Highpass and Notch filtering.


Master EQ

Master EQ is a tube equalizer for mastering (update to Massive Passive EQ).
Frequency bands based on Manley Hardware Equalizer (Massive Passive Stereo EQ): 150Hz, 560Hz, 1.5kHz, 3.9kHz.
Q: -3 db/-6 db.
Noise floor: -85 db.
Red LED meter for monitoring peaks.
Lowpass & Highpass filtering.


Там же
Вот таких ещё не было:

Redstair Raphael - multimode Filter (VST)

Multimode Filter with 32bit signal precision providing smooth resonance and clipping control, preventing digital artifacts when using high resonance values. Latency-free VST 2 integration with full automation support and additional MIDI-learning function via right-click on the knobs.


Redstair Treble Enhancer (VST)

Add crystal-clear treble harmonics to your sound. Creates 32bit signal precision harmonics and adds it to your recordings, providing more presence in the mix or remaster old, muffling recordings. Softclip feature suppresses any digital artifacts. Latency-free VST 2 integration with full automation support and additional MIDI-learn.


Redstair Gabriel - Overdrive (VST)

Warm, smooth or hard transistor overdrive VST 2 Plugin simulating analogue overdrive without digital distortion. clipping is prevented by special saturation algorithm.

Pure 32bit digital signal precision and a latency-free, fully automated VST integration makes this Angle-Plugin to the one-knob-wonder. Just turn the knob an hear the magic begin.


Redstair 0-33 Polyphonic Bassline Synthesizer (VSTi)

Some call this synth a 303 emulation, but it is much more than that. Powerful basslines and screaming lead sounds.

- 33 Polyphonic (virtually 66 polyphonic for analogue STEREO detune)
- oldschool low-pass resonant filter with 2-step envelope
- 2 waveforms oscillator and noise generator
- 5-step envelope: attack, hold, decay, sustain, release
- polyphonic, monophonic and legato playmodes with adjustable velocity response
- analogue simulation overdrive, using the algorithm found in the Redstair Gabriel overdrive
- note-sliding for lead-play, even in polyphonic mode
- 32bit signal precision, full, latency-free VSTi 2 automation support

SPL Free Ranger - я ввел на сайте свой имэил и они прислали мне ссылку я качаю ее а закачивается 0.0 килобайт и файл не открывается ??? :moil:
serj33music, ХЗ, у меня скачалось без проблем и для ПЦ и для Мака. Тока, как писал, 3 полосы там заблокированы (250, 4.6к и 8к кажется).
Стоит смотреть на єтот продукт для работі в фри версии ? Или не морочить себе голову ! ? :pioneer_smoke: :to_pick_ones_nose2:

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