Free VST инструменты и FX (2 онлайн)

Drive is focused on creating distortion. It maintains ease of use while offering comprehensive control over distortion:
*2 Filter units: PreFilter and PostFilter.
*2 enhancing units: Low and Bite to control the character of sound.
*Drive - heavy artillery distortion unit with enhancing abilities.
*Saturation unit.



Brainworx has released a new free plug-in, bx_cleansweep v1.0

bx_cleansweep is a new Hi-Pass filter and Lo-Pass filter plug-in from Brainworx, introducing the new “Anti Crush Technology”:

Analog style filter curves without the typical Nyquist problems, in a new great sounding filter design (taken from our pro mastering EQ bx_digital V2!)…
Ffirst order filters (6dB) guarantee an extremely musically sounding filter set, and unique joystick control (taken from bx_hybrid) gives you fast and intuitive control.

bx_cleansweep is the plugin that should go into EVERY mix channel as the first plugin. This way you can filter out any unwanted hi-end and lo-end, and the result is a clean and tight mix.
Ever thought about why there are Hi-Pass and Lo-Pass filter in EVERY channel of the most expensive analog consoles (SSL, NEVE, etc.), but why most EQs are missing this feature??

Mokafix Audio releases NoAmp! VST for Windows PC.

Guitar Amp and Cab sim stompbox emulation. NoAmp! is a simple effect with 4 knobs and 3 switches. it gives you access to 27 combinations between amp, mod and mic/cab, to let you access instantly to a large variety of tones without distracting you from your playing.

Bend Box is a software synthesizer that emulates a circuit-bending device. Can be useful for making experiments and for creating various noise FX. All knobs can be tweaked manually or thru easily assignable MIDI controllers. MIDI Automation is also available.
With Bend Box you can get wide range of noises: from the soft gurgling to ringing grinding, or even strange melodical timbres.

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Реакции: mxc и 3axap
Новый максимайзер от Aradaz: (без GUI)
Aradaz Simple Look Ahead Maximizer (SLAM)

This is another maximizer VST plugin for you limiter freaks. The plugin is based on my older maximizer the Aradaz Maximizer, I just simplified the limiter algorithm, add the look ahead adjustment parameter and replace the character parameter to release.

Honestly, the older Aradaz Maximizer is more transparent than this, but the look ahead feature is very useful especially for bass range music (just set the look ahead to large sample e.g >100 samples and then release at 0 s).

These are the features:
- Maximize, up to 20 dB
- Look ahead, up to 1024 samples
- Release, from 0 to 1 second
- Ceiling, down to -20 dB

Новый Free семпл пак Odyssey FX (ARP Odyssey) от Wave Alchemy (~47mb)


*70 24-bit 100% royalty free sound effects samples.
*Swishes, sweeps and falls.
*Weird hits and stuttered glitch.
*Retro noises, bleeps and atmospherics inspired by the early Radiophonic Workshop.

+ free пак Club Kicks (150 24-bit 100% royalty free MBase kick drum samples)

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Реакции: tekknik
DX Reverb Light


Based on a reduced version of the DX Reverb, the DX Reverb Light is the ULTIMATE FREE reverb plug-in for PC And Mac. Even if the DX Reverb Light offers less than 1/11th(*) of the power of the DX Reverb, it provides astonishing quality and extreme flexibility, allowing you to simulate from small rooms with sudden attacks and coloration characteristic of small spaces to large natural-sounding spaces with spread attack and build of a concert hall.
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Реакции: andmat
ReLife от Terry West - плаг для "расплющивания" пережатых записей.


Картинко "до" и "после".


Аффтар пишет:
Here's my new plugin that can bring back life to an overcompressed audiofile.
Due to the loudness war most songs released today are clipped to the extreme.
ReLife can bring back the "valley's and peaks" to give more air to a song.
A very important stage when your song are send for broadcasting.
This prevents the radiostation hardware to limit it even more, but without sacrafice your initial rms level!

Note: don't expect miracles, when there's distortion, it will remain also afterwards.
btw: I found this trick by coincidence while re-programming an old plugin

Скачать верию 1.1

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Версия 1.2 пока доступна только как демо:
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Update: Recover meter added, postgain tweaked + 50% less code!
Note: the latest v1.2 is only available as demo at this moment, sorry for your inconvenience.
От Cakewalk :
Square I, SFZ+ Audio FX бандлы

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Последнее редактирование:
Бесплатный синт TAL-Elek7ro выпущен во второй версии (может работать в паре с первой версией).


Version 2.00 has a lot of changes that also affects the filter and envelope character. Therefore we decided to make a complete new version of the plugin that runs parallel to previous versions.

Important changes are the new filter types (18dB LP, 24dB LP, 24dB HP, 24 dB BP) that have a smooth warm and almost artefact free sound. We also could reduce the CPU usage.

Bugfixes / Changes:

-Completely new filter types, 18dB LP, 24dB LP, 24dB HP, 24 dB BP (Version 2.0).
-Completely new envelope (Version 2.0).
-CPU optimations (Version 2.0).
-Version 2.0 runs parallel to older versions of TAL-Elek7ro.
Hermann Seib обновили VSTHost до версии 1.47 и SAVIHost до версии 1.34
Changes in VSTHost:
- Can load 64-bit PlugIns in an x64 environment through direct JBridge support.

VSTHost is an Open Source VST-compatible host that:
- Loads VST plugins.
- Parameterizesing / editing them.
- Sound output for VSTis.
- MIDI-input and -output.
- Loading / saving .fxb files
- Supports ASIO2.

Changes in SAVIHost:
- Can be minimized to system tray.

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Реакции: J-Bo
Пришло на емейл об обновлении бесплатного м30:

Hey folks,
A couple of weeks ago you signed up to get our free M30 Reverb.

The reaction we've had to this free plug-in has been quite overwhelming, and we are now ready with a service update that takes care of a couple of bugs that have been found in the first version (1.0.1).
There were problems running M30 with certain Mac systems, and the Decay Time parameter was not showing correct values.

So please feel free to update your M30. The new version (1.0.2) is of course free, and can be downloaded from here:

Download M30 Reverb Installer Version 1.0.2 for Windows

Mac (including Snow Leopard):
Download M30 Reverb Installer Version 1.0.2 for Mac

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