Коллеги, всем привет. Столкнулся с тем, что если Abbey Road Drums выводить из Контакта по дорожкам (Logic X) - то всё жуть тихо звучит. Еле-еле душа в теле. В отличие от него Superior Drummer, например, колотит мама не горюй. Предполагаю, что это сделано не спроста. Сам продукт клевый. Но, как-то уж слишком тихо когда все фейдеры на нуле.
Может кто-то сталкивался? Как-то это решается кроме простого подъема громкости плагинами?
[DOUBLEPOST=1445265135,1445264681][/DOUBLEPOST]Нашел на буржуйском форуме. Проверю. "This is something that has bothered me as well. I finally figured out why it's happening. If you look at the Master Bus output in the mixer of your AR or SD preset, you will notice major volume boosts in the individual effects for the Master Bus. It varies from kit to kit. Check the eq or comp or tape effects on the Master Bus and look at their output volume. It can be as high as a 20db increase. You lose that as soon as you start using individual outputs. You could make up for the loss by going to each channel (kick, snare, etc..) and boosting the output of an effect that is in use on that channel."
Может кто-то сталкивался? Как-то это решается кроме простого подъема громкости плагинами?
[DOUBLEPOST=1445265135,1445264681][/DOUBLEPOST]Нашел на буржуйском форуме. Проверю. "This is something that has bothered me as well. I finally figured out why it's happening. If you look at the Master Bus output in the mixer of your AR or SD preset, you will notice major volume boosts in the individual effects for the Master Bus. It varies from kit to kit. Check the eq or comp or tape effects on the Master Bus and look at their output volume. It can be as high as a 20db increase. You lose that as soon as you start using individual outputs. You could make up for the loss by going to each channel (kick, snare, etc..) and boosting the output of an effect that is in use on that channel."