Способ номер раз
It took me forever to get this program wrapped around my head, but once I did I realized it's extremely cool. Here's how you do keyswitching for 1.2.1, should be the same for 1.5:
1. You must have as many groups created as you want to keyswitch, ie, keyswitch for 3 different sounds? then you need 3 different groups.
2. Click on the mapping editor and you will see an option called 'EDIT'.
3. Click on 'EDIT' and select 'CREATE EMPTY GROUP' and place the samples you want to be switched into this group
IF YOU ALREADY HAVE Samples assigned to seperate groups then step 3 is not needed.
4. Next UNcheck 'EDIT ALL' as any edits made will be applied to all groups, usually not what you want.
5. Next to the 'EDIT ALL' button is a button that will select a group this will selct which group is being edited.
6. Underneath that is a button 'SHOW GROUP' that will display whcih sample is mapped to which key of that group. a bit weird for me but......seems like the GROUP SLECT button should do both of those functions...anyway
7. YOu can close the 'MAPPING EDITOR' and use the 'GROUP 1/2' button to select the 1st sample group to switch.
8. In the 'SOURCE' section you will see a 'TRACKING' button next to that button is a button to select keyswitching and controller switching and other options. Select 'START ON KEY'
9. To the right you will see a note range for this group to start on, enter the key range you would like. Of course you should probably keep them out of the playing range of the instrument.
10. Now go back up to the 'GROUP' button and select 'GROUP 1/2' (or whichever group you want. Do the same as in step 9, only with this new group and with a different note range.
And viola! IT will switch 'programs' or groups AFTER you hit the keys you have selected.
I would have designed this interface differently, but it does work and is a very powerful program, small icons and all!
Если по русски в двух словах, то дело вот в чем - контакт может переключать кейсвитчом только группы внутри инструмента. То есть нужно создать толстый инструмент с разными артикуляциями в разных группах и назначить им по свитчу каждой.