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FCB1010 Pedal Calibration
How to Calibrate the Behringer FCB1010 Expression Pedals
Many users experience problems with the expression pedal range on new FCB1010's, in which one or both pedals do not transmit a full range of controller values from 0-127 (0x00-0x7F). the way to fix this is to follow the steps outlined below.
1. Keep footswitches 1 and 3 pressed while switching on the unit (This bit you can't do standing up!). Release the switches when the display blanks. The LEDs on the footswitches, the ones on the display and each segment of the two numeric displays will turn on and off in sequence.
2. Wait until all footswitch LEDs are on. Depress all footswitches one at a time, including UP and DOWN, until all LEDs are off.
3. Wait until relay switch test is finished. (There will be a couple of mechanical clicks, and the display will end up reading "F1" (at least, it did on mine)). [Also, if you have connected a MIDI cable between the MIDI in and out, the display will show "A1" before this, meaning the midi ports work correctly.]
4. Press DOWN once.
5. Adjust the left expression pedal (A) to the lowest value. Once adjusted press UP.
6. Adjust the left expression pedal (A) to the highest value. Once adjusted press UP.
7. Adjust the right expression pedal (B) to the lowest value. Once adjusted press UP.
8. Adjust the right expression pedal (B) to the highest value. Once adjusted press UP.
9. Select a patch which has both pedals set to their full range, and check the expression pedals now send 0-127 (0x00-0x7F)
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В мануале тоже есть описание калибровки, но после него у меня ничего не заработало.