Not much info available on the web about the Elations.
I bought the Beyers, didn't like them in my not so great room. Sold them to my father, who has an amazing room and he's had great luck with them. I bought a pair of Elations on a whim, and have been enjoying them in my room on ohs, hat and acoustic guits.
The other day we tracked my drums to Radar through his Precision 8 in his tracking room (the most tuned tracking room I've ever had the pleasure of working in), and shot out the Beyers and the Elations on ohs. Both sounded really great, but the Elations took the edge. It was amazing how similar they were in a lot of ways, but my shoulders relaxed when I heard the Elations. Super smooth and liquid like. The Beyers had a grain up there, while the Elations went all the way up but in a very smooth fashion.
Anyway, If I find the files, I'll post them. They are really solidly good mics.