Pro Tools 8.0.4
Summary of Updates
Pro Tools|HD® 8.0.4
* Includes many performance enhancements and fixes
Pro Tools LE 8.0.4
* Includes many performance enhancements and fixes
* Full support for Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
* Full support for i5 and i7 iMac and MacBook Pro models
* Adds new Windows drivers—broadening compatibility on PC desktops and laptops
Pro Tools M-Powered 8.0.4
* Includes many performance enhancements and fixes
* Full support for Windows 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
* Full support for i5 and i7 iMac and MacBook Pro models
Compatibility Summary
Pro Tools 8.0.4 supports the same Pro Tools core systems as version 8.0.3, with the following operating systems:
* Mac OS X 10.6.1 – 10.6.3 (Snow Leopard)
o While 10.6.4 is not yet fully qualified with Pro Tools, our preliminary compatibility and performance testing has found no issues
* Mac OS X 10.5.8 (Leopard)
* Windows XP Service Pack 3 (Home or Professional, 32-bit)
* Windows Vista Service Pack 2 (32-bit)
* Windows 7 (32 and 64-bit)
o Windows 7 is officially supported with Pro Tools LE and M-Powered version 8.0.4; and Pro Tools M-Powered Essential version 8.0.3
o Pro Tools HD 8.0.4 can be used on Windows 7 as a public beta
Please Note:
Pro Tools 8.0.4 will be the last version of Pro Tools to support Macintosh Leopard (10.5.x), and Windows Vista operating systems. It will also be the last version of Pro Tools LE and M-Powered to support Windows XP.
вот и приехали

XP и Лео скоро на пенсию ))
... LE 8.04 Windows - 780 мб, а на OSX 1935 мб.. как это мило с их стороны
