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Релиз намечен на 16.11.2012.
На этот раз Грег отказался от услуг cool stuff, которые делали ubk-1, в пользу studio devil.
Плагин повторяет своего железного большого собрата Kush Audio Clariphonic Dual-Channel Parallel Equalizer.
Оффсайт http://www.kushaudio.com/kush/clariphonicdsp.html
Форматы : 32-bit AU, VST, & RTAS (Mac), 32-bit VST (Win).
Для работы или демо версии нужен iLok ключ.
Price: $149. У дилеров цены еще дешевле.
Релиз намечен на 16.11.2012.
На этот раз Грег отказался от услуг cool stuff, которые делали ubk-1, в пользу studio devil.
Плагин повторяет своего железного большого собрата Kush Audio Clariphonic Dual-Channel Parallel Equalizer.
Оффсайт http://www.kushaudio.com/kush/clariphonicdsp.html

Форматы : 32-bit AU, VST, & RTAS (Mac), 32-bit VST (Win).
Для работы или демо версии нужен iLok ключ.
Price: $149. У дилеров цены еще дешевле.
The Clariphonic DSP, like its analog cousin, blends custom-tuned, silky smooth high frequency filters with the full range audio to lift open the midrange and top end with an effortlessness that is unrivalled by any other device in existence. It’s effectiveness is matched only by its elegant simplicity, with toggles to select the filters and a knob to turn them in one direction: up.
With two high-shelves running in parallel on each channel, and your choice of 6 unusual and carefully selected corner frequencies covering everything from the mids to the supersonics, there is no limit to the types of sweet high end the Clariphonic can produce. The internal parallel signal paths produce a form of additive-only high frequency equalization that is at once holographic, transparent, and virtually phaseless. You get effortless, natural high end for days.
Bottom line: every frequency sounds amazing, and expensive. Drums, vocals, acoustic guitars, entire mixes... almost any sound can be made more present, more detailed, and more alive with this remarkably creative, forward-thinking equalizer.
- Mono/Stereo High Frequency Equalizer Plugin
- Two shelving bands
- Six unique corner frequencies from 800hz to 39k
- Parallel signal paths for each band
- Incredible clarity, minimal distortion and phase artifacts
- Independent muting and solo’ing of each band
- Effortless, foolproof operation, expensive results
With two high-shelves running in parallel on each channel, and your choice of 6 unusual and carefully selected corner frequencies covering everything from the mids to the supersonics, there is no limit to the types of sweet high end the Clariphonic can produce. The internal parallel signal paths produce a form of additive-only high frequency equalization that is at once holographic, transparent, and virtually phaseless. You get effortless, natural high end for days.
Bottom line: every frequency sounds amazing, and expensive. Drums, vocals, acoustic guitars, entire mixes... almost any sound can be made more present, more detailed, and more alive with this remarkably creative, forward-thinking equalizer.
- Mono/Stereo High Frequency Equalizer Plugin
- Two shelving bands
- Six unique corner frequencies from 800hz to 39k
- Parallel signal paths for each band
- Incredible clarity, minimal distortion and phase artifacts
- Independent muting and solo’ing of each band
- Effortless, foolproof operation, expensive results