Добрый день!
Разжуйте пожалуйста на пальцах перевод данного текста из SD9 МАНУАЛА!
2.4.1 Trim and Track .....................................................................
On Input channels with an external input, there is a trim section at the bottom of the channel strip’s input area, consisting of a smaller pot
marked trim and a track on/off button. The trim pot trims the level of the digital input signal, and the level adjustment is displayed to the
right of the pot in dB. If track is switched on, the trim level automatically compensates for any adjustments made to the analogue input
level: If the analogue input level is increased, the trim level will decrease in order to keep the signal level coming through the channel at the
same level. This function is particularly useful when the analogue level is being controlled from another console, such as when this
console is running monitor mixes and another console is running Front of House. Control of the trim pot and track on/off button can be
assigned to the encoder and button above the channel using the assign scrollers to the right of the encoders
Заранее премного благодарен!, Андрей