прошу помочь, нашел как перепрошить карту..но не могу разобраться в четвертом пункте что такое terminal .подскажите пожалуйста кто уже это делал.
вот текст по прошивке:
So here is how:
1.Download the below linked file
2.Unzip the folder, it contains two files.
3.Power on 828 MkII with 'cursor' button held down which switches the unit into firmware upgrade mode.
4.Open the Terminal (under Utilities in the Applications folder).
5.Drag the 'DownloadFlash' file into the terminal.
6.Type [-w][space][-f][space] then drag '828Mk2_1.01.bin' file onto terminal.
7.Press enter/return. It takes a minute or so.
8.Power cycle the 828. Bob's your uncle.
Below is what my terminal screen looked like at the end of the process:
joe-bloggs-MacBook-Pro:~ drzygote$ /Users/drzygote/Desktop/\ 828\ ROM\ v1.01/DownloadFlash -w -f /Users/drzygote/Desktop/\ 828\ ROM\ v1.01/828Mk2_1.01.bin
Didn't match at address 0000 (90982E02 != 90A22E02)
Writing 16384 quadlets...
joe-bloggs-MacBook-Pro:~ drzygote$
I hope this is helpful. I've yet to see if it has solved my problems because most of them are intermittant, but I hope it helps someone.
вот текст по прошивке:
So here is how:
1.Download the below linked file
2.Unzip the folder, it contains two files.
3.Power on 828 MkII with 'cursor' button held down which switches the unit into firmware upgrade mode.
4.Open the Terminal (under Utilities in the Applications folder).
5.Drag the 'DownloadFlash' file into the terminal.
6.Type [-w][space][-f][space] then drag '828Mk2_1.01.bin' file onto terminal.
7.Press enter/return. It takes a minute or so.
8.Power cycle the 828. Bob's your uncle.
Below is what my terminal screen looked like at the end of the process:
joe-bloggs-MacBook-Pro:~ drzygote$ /Users/drzygote/Desktop/\ 828\ ROM\ v1.01/DownloadFlash -w -f /Users/drzygote/Desktop/\ 828\ ROM\ v1.01/828Mk2_1.01.bin
Didn't match at address 0000 (90982E02 != 90A22E02)
Writing 16384 quadlets...
joe-bloggs-MacBook-Pro:~ drzygote$
I hope this is helpful. I've yet to see if it has solved my problems because most of them are intermittant, but I hope it helps someone.