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Well-Known Member
22 Сен 2004
March 16, 2011
Company Name: Roland Corporation
Representative: Hidekazu Tanaka, President and Representative Director
Code Number: 7944
Stock Exchange Listing: 1st Section of Tokyo, Osaka
Contact: Kenya Nakamura, Officer responsible for
Corporate Management Department and Finance & Accounting Department
Phone: 053-523-3652​

Effects of the Earthquake off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku

Roland Corporation extends its condolences for the victims of the major earthquake and tsunami that
struck northeastern seaboard of Japan on March 11, 2011, and to extend its sincerest sympathies to
the bereaved families and those who are affected by the earthquake.
The effects to our group companies as of today are as follows.

1. Status of Effects on Employees

There are no casualties among Roland Group employees.

2. Status of Effects on Factories and Offices

We have no damage to all the factories in Shizuoka and Nagano and all the offices, and are continuing normal operations.

3. Status of Effects on Business Performance

We are currently investigating the effects of the earthquake on our business performance. We will
make an announcement immediately when the major impact on our business results is anticipated.

Оригинал тут
Хоть что-то позитивное..
[STRIKE]очередь за Ямахой теперь..[/STRIKE]

от Ямахи тоже уже есть

Regarding the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake

We wish to convey our sincerest condolences to those persons who lost their lives in the Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake and our most-sincere sympathies to their families as well as all other persons suffering from the aftereffects of the disaster.

We would also like to apologize to our customers and other Yamaha stakeholders for any inconvenience or difficulties they may experience as a consequence of the earthquake.

Yamaha conducts its business activities through retail stores as well as music and English-language schools. We are seriously concerned that subsidiaries, dealers, and other business partners in the disaster area may have sustained injury and damage to facilities due to the earthquake.

The Yamaha Group wishes to provide all the assistance possible to those affected by the earthquake and do all that it can to enable them to recover quickly from the disaster.

March 16, 2011
Mitsuru Umemura

President and Representative Director
Yamaha Corporation​

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