To prepare all MIDI regions for a Standard MIDI file export
Select all MIDI regions by choosing Edit > Select All (or using the Select All key command, default assignment: Command-A).
Normalize all playback parameters by choosing MIDI > Region Parameters > Normalize Region Parameters in the Arrange area (or use the Normalize key command, default assignment: Control-N).
Convert all playback quantization by choosing MIDI > Region Parameters > Apply Quantization Settings Destructively (or use the corresponding key command, default assignment: Control-Q).
Convert all aliases into real copies by choosing MIDI > Alias > Convert to a Region Copy (or using the Convert Alias to a Region Copy key command).
Convert all loops into real copies by choosing Region > Loops > Convert to Real Copies (or using the Convert Loops to Real Copies key command, default assignment: K).
Convert all MIDI regions on each track into a continuous MIDI region by choosing Region > Merge > Regions per Tracks (or use the Merge Regions per Tracks key command).
Insert all instrument MIDI settings as events by choosing MIDI > Insert Instrument MIDI settings as Events.