SONAR X1A Update !!!

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12 Мар 2004
SONAR X1A Update

The information in this article applies to:

* SONAR X1 Producer
* SONAR X1 Studio
* SONAR X1 Essential

Issues addressed in SONAR X1A


* Simple Instrument Tracks can now be routed within the Track Pane
* Envelope nodes no longer get captured by mouse when dragged below a track boundary
* 'BounceBufSizeMsec' is now working properly, if you are experiencing slow bounce times see KB2007013213 for more information
* Inserted Instrument's data picker displays envelope recorded by previous synth
* Side chaining now works correctly with mono sources
* Addressed an issue where SONAR X1 would lose connection with some ASIO devices
* Help menu item for Cakewalk support is now pointing to the correct URL
* Fixed the following conditions which could cause SONAR to crash
o Drag & dropping after closing the Browser tab on Multidock.
o Entering a value twice in the Step Sequencer
o Adding a new synth to the project after writing automation
o Closing an open project after a dropout when two or more projects are open
o Adjusting ASIO buffer size on system with multiple Roland audio devices


* Multidock: Closed Views now remove their tabs if Multidock is collapsed
* Multidock: maximized state on 2nd display now persists with screenset
* Browser: in some cases would cause a crash if being undocked while out of focus

FX Chains

* Drag and drop to a blank space in the clips view now works correctly
* Drag and drop from a nested folder now works correctly
* Drag and drop from Browse to Instrument Track FX Bin now works correctly
* In some cases saving a FX Chain preset from the Inspector or Console would cause a crash


* Controls are now exposed to ACT
* Presets now load with enable button in the correct state
* UI is now graphically updated during live input
* Now behaves correctly when splitting an Instrument Track
* Gain knob is now visible on Instrument Tracks
* EQ: now persists correctly when compacted
* EQ: now loads at the same octave it was saved
* 4k Compressor: no longer crashes if side chain key input is a groove clip
* 4k Compressor: HPF is no longer always on
* 4K Compressor: Side Chain ON/OFF switch is no longer backwards when processing mono files
* 4k Compressor: HPF is now more accurate when side chained

Essential and Studio

* EQ plot in Essential and Studio is now editable
* Sonitus:fx EQ Pre/Post switch now works correctly


* It is now possible to move focus to the following via a keystroke:
o Inspector
o Browser
o Multidock
* New 'Accessibility' template with all views open as MDI windows and Track controls set to 'All'


* MIDI Meters in Inspector are now positioned correctly after selecting properties
* Corrected an issue where the inspector could become corrupted when deleting an instrument track
* Surround Panner now opens correctly on first launch
* The following commands have been removed:
o Show all Controllers from the Track view MIDI menu
o Compact Audio Data, for similar functionality use Utilities | Consolidate Project Audio
* 'Open synth rack' option from the Insert Soft Synth dialog now opens the Browser with the Synth Rack tab selected
* Version info now displays correctly
* Inspector now displays correctly when a track is routed to a side chain output
* Improved support for Japanese operating systems
* VST Plug-in Properties dialog box no longer throws an error message when dismissed
* Snap to Transients tooltip is now spelled correctly
* Most Menu Commands are missing from ACT Control Surface Plug-ins
* FX Chains cannot be Renamed or Extracted from Inspector or Console View


* Templates now have browser preview bus set correctly
* Templates now have the Audio Metronome Output is set correctly
* Electronic project template now has audio output

This download includes updates for all supported languages and operating systems and applies to both the 32 and 64-bit versions of SONAR X1. In order to install this update you must have SONAR X1 already installed on your computer.

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