Сказ о том как Neumann KM105 слил динамическому Heil PR 35

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Well-Known Member
22 Сен 2004
Neumann KM105 - конденсаторник за 700$, Heil PR 35 - динамический за $250.
Hello all,

I promised to do a shoot out between my favorite vocal mic, the Neumann KM105 and the Heil PR35 this weekend. I just finished and have some interesting observations. Again, I have no financial association with Heil in any way.

I plugged both mics into inputs on my Yamaha DM2000 console at exactly the same preamp levels. The Neumann of course needed phantom. I panned the channels to mono and put on a pair of Sony 7506 cans. It was immediately clear that the Heil mic was a lot more present than the Neumann. It also had a low end extension that the Neumann could not match. This had the tendency to make the Heil sound "bigger" than the Neumann. The Heil was slightly more prone to P pops, but the Neumann has a really excellent basket and pop filter. I used the first roll off position on the Heil and that fixed the P pop issue.

I wanted to see if I could make the Neumann sound like the Heil, because at this point the Heil was sounding better. I boosted 5K with .45 Q by 4db, and got close. However, the Heil actually still had a better TRANSIENT response, which is pretty shocking to me considering this is a dynamic mic up against a condenser. This is not just a high frequency issue, but a transient issue. The Heil mic is more articulate with subtle sounds,and nothing I did to the Neumann helped it match the PR35. In addition, boosting 5K on the Neumann brought up the noise, so in the end, the Heil was quieter and clearer than the Neumann.

The Heil and the Neumann are matched pretty closely in gain.

I took off the headphones and gave a listen to a pair of Mackie 824's. The Neumann sounded a bit nasal at this point, compared to a rounder and fuller tone from the Heil. Again, the articulation factor kicked in and nothing I could do to the Neumann made it sound as articulate as the Heil.

The Heil seemed to distort quicker than the Neumann with both mics feeding equal levels to the console. I think this is due to the large capsule. However, neither of these mics are prone to distortion and I was really pushing it.

Overall, I am a bit amazed that the Heil at $250.00 could hold up so well against a Neumann KM 105. If you like the Neumann, I think you will love the Heil.

Best Regards,

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