PoCo - где noveltech и sonnox?

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13 Ноя 2002
установил последнюю ОС 4.0.3 на powercore x8.
noveltech vocal enhancer и продукты sonnox отсутствуют!
это как понимать?
the answer from tc support:

Thank you for contacting TC Group Support.
Please try a full uninstall:

- backup your presets
- run the uninstaller
- make sure to delete the following files (if present):

\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\TC Electronic\PowerCore
\Program Files\TC Electronic\PowerCore
\Windows\inf\oem??.inf - These files come from all Windows driver installations, they must be opened in a text editor to find out which ones belong to PowerCore.

\Program Files\TC Electronic\PluginName*
\Program Files\TC Helicon\PluginName*
\Program Files\Tube-Tech\CL 1B
\Program Files\Steinberg\VstPlugins\PowerCore
\Windows\System32\ AmpRoomDSP_Lib48.dll
\Windows\System32\ AmpRoomDSP_Lib88.dll
\Windows\System32\ AmpRoomDSP_Lib96.dll

My Documents\Access Music\Virus Powercore
My Documents\Access Music\Virus Powercore
My Documents\TC Electronic\PluginName*
My Documents\TC Helicon\PluginName*
My Documents\Tube-Tech\CL 1B done on users’ own risk
\Documents and Settings\MyUserName\Application Data\TC Electronic\PowerCore
\Documents and Settings\MyUserName\Application Data\TC Electronic\PowerCore Prefs.xml
In these folders the user presets are stored, so deleting must be done on users’ own risk

Registry Entries:

There are various more entries automatically created by Windows during new device installation. Removing those is not recommended and must be done on users’ own risk. To do so, the complete registry should be searched for entries and keys named “PowerCore” and “PCore”.

- reboot
- install the new version (http://www.tcelectronic.com/media/Power … -4.0.3.msi)
- reboot

I hope this information has been helpful. If you should have any additional questions, please feel free to update this incident and I will be happy to assist you further.

end of the answer.
это я прочел еще неделю назад.
ставил 4.0.3 на чистую систему, так что вопрос остается в силе.
vax, то есть ты сначала установил poco sonnox а потом дрова 4.03 ?
я установил 4/0/3. больше никаких инсталлеров не нашел на сайте tc. разве что вирус, но эта же версия в инсталлере 4.0.3 есть, так что не стал ставить вирус.
noveltech vocal enhancer и продукты sonnox отсутствуют!
ну а с какой тогда стати? Их в дровах и не было никогда, ни в v2, ни в v3. )))))
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