nastionka, вот эта програмка вам поможет
она не вст, запускается отдельно, но поддерживает драг&дроп в тот же Кубендо
имеется маленький анализатор спектра, так же в секвенсер можно перекидывать не весь фаил, а только то что выделишь...
.. вобшем своего рода семплер, в котором можно организовать все имеющиеся семплы и эффекты
* Ultra-Fast Searching, Filtering and Previewing of Audio Files.
* The Slickest/Quickest/Coolest interface of them all.....
* Drag and Drop Support of the whole file or a selection with either Copying or Referencing
* Waveform caching of all formats supported.
* Skip Silence playback (Cached files only)
* 49 Fields of Meta-data search able
* New FileBrowser Window
* New Tag Viewer Window
* Quick Switching Between Multiple databases
* Pitch Slider (Controlled from Ctrl+Mouse Wheel)
* Taglist Page for Copying/Transferring/Renaming multiple sounds at once
* Ability to Add Pre, Post and BWAV Descriptions or Shorten file names on Transfer
* 4 Separate Search Input Fields so you can fine tune searches. Also with Search History
* Injects Descriptions back into DB for individual files and all files shown in Result list.
* CD/Folder Browsing of files in the Database
* Can act as a Media Player Now!!
* Boolean Searching (And, Or, Not, Xor, Exact)
* Opens sounds in a Wave Editor such as WaveLab or SoundForge for Destructive Editing
* Multichannel Audio playback Crashed to Stereo
* Nuendo/Cubase and Reaper-Spot to track support
* Nuendo/Cubase Project Path Recall with Auto-Switching depending on which project is open
* Adobe Audition and Premiere Pro Support to send files to their Audio Bins
* Auto-Notifies when a more current version is available from within the program so you are never out of date
* Drive Anchors to keep track of Drives even when they have different drive Letters
* Hiding of off line Files and Folders
* Copy protection is either Hard Drive ID based or Codemeter Network Floating License
* Works over a Network
* SoundMiner MetaData Importing from BWAVs.
* Reads MP3 ID3 tags
* Premium Support is FREE!!
* Improves your Sex Life........hehehe
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