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Kilgor Traut

самурай с мячом
27 Окт 2005
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Итак :king:

Для чего создана эта тема :
Часто бывает что - вот оно вышло, обсуждать покуда нечего, а оповестить вроде надо.
А некуда.
Приходится создавать одинокую тему-новость, которую в принципе сразу после создания можно и закрыть.

Но есть выход.

Чтобы на форуме не плодить лишних полупустых тем. об анонсах муз софта
(ибо так как обсуждать пока зачастую еще практически нечего, они если и заполняются - то в основном бессмысленной болтовней), -

отныне все новости и анонсы будут складироваться в этот топик.

Пожелания от ESSE:
Запостил кто-нибудь пост про что-либо новое - хорошо.
Думаю, что обсуждение,ссылки на демы,видео и пр. займёт 5-10 постов.Все сообщения типа :- О, мля, круть ! Когда ждать народного ? - будут безжалостно удаляться.

Пожелания от меня:
KVR - эт хорошо. Эт понятно, что в основном новости оттуда.
Просто там инфы через край, и выходит множество добра разного качества
А на RMM как бы дрянь всякую тащить - вроде как моветон.
То-есть юзер задумаецца сначала, в репке почешет
и если решит что с его точки зрения новость полезная, то в специальный топик и поделится. :acute:

Вобщем, делитесь полезной с вашей точки зрения инфой.
А коменты, если есть что добавить, то по сути дела.

тому кто собственно новость принес - указывать ссылку на источник информации обязательно !

Вставляйте плиз картинки не больше чем 640x480.

Для танкистов: тут постим только новости!!! Хотите обсуждать - создавайте отдельную тему в соответствующем разделе и обсуждайте! Погоны последуют без предупреждения!
Мож я чё не догоняю? Но долгожданный Komplete теперь железо!
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И ещё интересная штучка от Sinevibes.. от демки аж муражки по коже.. просто жесть..:smile:


Ambisphere is a library fully dedicated to unreal sounds that open up imagination and make any static picture come alive. If the cosmos had air instead of vacuum, what sounds would you hear? We try to answer this question with Ambisphere.

Developed completely from the ground up, Ambisphere delivers a wide variety of very special and unusual phrase tracks, all of which are seamlessly and endlessly looping. These loops are indispensable materials for any musician, both as a great kick-starting point for new ideas as well as for creating ear-catching intros and transitions. But they are also instantly usable for atmospheric, ambient and meditational music, as well as movie and podcast soundtracks.



AIFF: 84 tracks
WAVE: 84 tracks
Total size: 220 MB

Audio demo
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User manual
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Purchase Ambisphere for $29 (instant online delivery).

Sample Mega Pack
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New! Discovery Pro R3 Build 2 released

What's new:
WAVE Oscillator can modulate OSC1 frequency.

There is now an FM led in the WAVE section. Once enabled, WAVE Oscillator replaces OSC2 as the FM modulator.

New! Audio Ease has updated Speakerphone to v1.0.2.

[AU] improved on latency in AudioUnit.
[AU] fixed compatibility issues with Logic 8.
[VST PC] fixed disappearing interface on VST PC.
Fixed compatibility issues with Live.
[VST PC] fixed some other issues with VST version on PC.
Removed crashing bug with sample bay.
Removed crashing bug with menus.
Fixed several smaller and bigger issues.
IK Multimedia ARC System (Advanced Room Correction System)

IK Multimedia has announced that ARC System (Advanced Room Correction System), the first acoustical room correction system in a plug-in for MAC/PC DAW based studios, is now shipping. IK Multimedia has teamed up with Audyssey, a leading provider of sound equalization solutions, to provide engineers and musicians with the first innovative, low-cost and mobile solution on the market to correct the phase and frequency distortion problems caused by room acoustics in the studio mixing environment: ARC System.

ARC System (Advanced Room Correction System) is a combination of a professionally calibrated measurement microphone, a measuring software application and a multi-platform plug-in that can be integrated with any DAW-based studio, capable of correcting the distortion caused by room acoustics and able to improve how a studio will sound forever.


ARC will improve any kind of monitor type in any room, at any level of quality, within any type of mixing environment. Not only will it improve the home studio, but even the most highly treated mixing rooms will benefit from ARC system using Audyssey's MultEQ technology. ARC features Audyssey MultEQ, which corrects for both frequency and phase response, not only for the engineer's 'sweet spot', but also for multiple points in the room. This solves many of the problems that have plagued room correction EQ systems since their inception. Other EQ systems only correct for frequency domain problems, which leaves the time domain to cause phase distortion and smearing. When you experience ARC's Advanced Room Correction System, the perspective of what you are recording, mixing or mastering becomes immediately clear and reliable; so you can finally trust the sound of your studio.

ARC System will correct acoustic problems for any DAW-based studio, dramatically improving the clarity, stereo imaging and frequency response, for faster, more reliable mixing.

ARC your room and the audible results will be:

* Low-end alterations, typically added by small rooms, are removed with better low frequency control.
* More consistent frequency response across the entire range.
* Tonal balance is restored, allowing for more accurate mixes.

ARC your room and the following advantages will be achieved:

* Room defects will no longer capture your attention, allowing you to focus solely on the music and reducing ear fatigue.
* Work on mixes faster because you're sure of what you're hearing.
* Achieve greater consistency on your music productions.
* Achieve mixes that translate better to the outside world.

ARC provides a convenient, unique, and easy-to-use mobile correction solution for the traveling professional engineer and musician. You can conveniently bring ARC system with you and quickly measure and correct any studio environment, so you can mix and produce comfortably in any situation. The step-by-step setup measurement wizard will have you up and running in minutes.

ARC System Features:

1. Easy to use, step-by-step, room measurement software for Mac/PC.
2. VST, RTAS, AU correction plug-in for Mac/PC most popular DAWs (such as Pro Tools, Cubase, Logic, Sonar, Live, etc.).
3. Professional measurement microphone:
* Type: 1/4" precision measurement condenser microphone.
* Polar pattern: omni directional, free field.
* Capsule frequency response: 20-16,000 Hz.
* Calibrated frequency response when used with ARC: 16-20,000 Hz, +/- 1.5 dB.
* Output: transformerless, electronically balanced, 200 ohms output impedance.
* Sensitivity: 50 mV/Pa.
* Noise Equivalent Level: 22 dB.
* Max SPL: 130 dB for 3% THD.

ARC System Measurement Software features:

* Automatic multi-point room measurement system, wizard based, based on Audyssey MultEQ technology.
* Measurement precision when used with ARC System microphone: +/- 1.5 dB.
* Requires 48 kHz operation (only for measurements).
* Requires ASIO Audio Hardware on Windows Vista or XP, CoreAudio on Mac OS X.
* Saves Measurements sets to be opened on the ARC System Correction Plug-In.

ARC System Correction Plug-In features:

* Multi platform high quality Frequency AND Time correction processor based on Audyssey MultEQ technology.
* Correction precision when used with ARC System microphone: +/- 1.5 dB.
* Correction processor resolution: 32 bits floating point.
* Correction processor supported sampling rates: 32 kHz to 96 kHz.
* Four target curves.
* Graphic Frequency response display.

Price & Availability

ARC System has an MSRP of ?579/$699. A crossgrade version for all IK registered users is available at the reduced price of ?419/$499. ARC System is now available through IK's network of dealers and distributors.
Весёленький синтючог от Schwa: Olga или ФГБД (Фантасмагориа Гармонический Достопримечателмеханизмь):wink2:

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Steinberg releases Cubase Essential 4

Steinberg Media Technologies has announced that its new Personal Music Production System, Cubase Essential 4, is now being shipped out to its distributors worldwide. The availability of Cubase Essential 4 at local outlets may vary regionally.

Tailored to musicians, home studios and anyone on a tight budget, Cubase Essential 4 is a streamlined version of Steinberg's Cubase 4. Including a powerful yet compact set of audio recording and mixing tools, comprehensive MIDI features and a full set of next-generation VST3 plug-ins including a "fantastic-sounding" guitar amp plug-in, Cubase Essential 4 is shipping now to resellers worldwide. Compatible with both the latest Mac and Windows operating systems, Cubase Essential 4 costs ?149.00* and replaces Cubase SE3 as Steinberg's entry-level version of Cubase.

Cubase Essential 4 features include:

  • Comprehensive composing, recording and mixing tools including 64 audio tracks, unlimited MIDI tracks, 44 included VST3 and MIDI plug-ins, 16 VST instrument slots, full latency compensation and much more.
  • Integrated HALionOne sampling instrument with over 100 playable instruments including waves from the Yamaha Motif synthesizer.
  • Built-in Amp Simulator for instant guitar recording with 14 amps and 10 speaker simulations with a new, easy-to-use interface.
  • AudioWarp real-time time stretching and pitch shifting with formant correction for natural-sounding transposition and full tempo matching.
  • Arranger Track with pattern-based arranging tools stores up to 16 different arrangements for on-the-fly reordering of song sections, experimenting with arrangements or live performances.
  • MediaBay sound management technology for intuitive management of all audio, MIDI and video files, track and instrument presets with in-context auditioning.
  • Instrument Tracks offer fast and efficient handling of VST instruments and add VST instruments to a project in a one-step operation.
  • Track Presets are best combined with the MediaBay for instant saving and recall of audio, MIDI and instrument track parameters, including drag and drop into the project or onto an existing track.
  • Drag & Drop for Insert FX for fast swapping of inserts and copying/moving plug-ins between tracks in the Cubase Essential 4 mixer.
  • Cross-platform: Windows XP and Vista, Mac OS 10.4 and 10.5, Universal Binary.
  • Many more new features for customers upgrading from Cubase SE3 including Track Freeze, VST Plug-in Bridge, a redesigned Sample Editor, Advanced QuickTime 7 Support and much more.

Prominy анонсировали SC Electric Guitar.
(available in the first quarter of 2008)


The true sound of Fender® Stratocastrer® includes
over 64 Giga-bytes, approx. 123,000 samples.

SC Electric Guitar enables you to compose and create natural guitar tracks that imitate real guitar playing!

Main Features:
- Incredible real-time playability - SC SPM (Super Performance Multi)
- All the five pick-up positions can be reproduced.
- Real chords - the extensive number of the 'real' pre-recorded chord samples
- Auto Stroke Detection
- Feedback
- Assignable Key Switch
- Double-Tracking
- The lower note samples (low C - low D#) are included.
- Direct signals from the guitar
- Perfect sampled sounds of all fret positions on every string.
- Picking noises are recorded in multiple forms on all frets and strings.*1

*1- except some playing techniques



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Реакции: future-bit
Сначала думал во фришник запостить,но больно крупная рыбина.:girl_blum:

Native Instruments Kore Player


Free, advanced instrument with access to the best NI sounds.

"KORE PLAYER is a free software instrument designed for use with KORE SOUNDPACKS.
Built on the same principles as the flagship KORE 2 Super Instrument, KORE PLAYER includes
six Native Instruments sound engines under the hood and provides ready-to-play sounds
that can be browsed and tweaked via the ultra-intuitive KORE PLAYER interface. Adding new
sounds is as easy as purchasing and downloading affordable KORE SOUNDPACKS.

Whether used stand-alone or within your favorite sequencing environment, KORE PLAYER
brings world-class Native Instruments sound within the reach of any musician or producer."

Облегчённый,а главное - бесплатный,вариант Kore 2.
(Контроллер по почте не пришлют.:stinker:)

Скачать,почитать (в т.ч. сравнение с полновесным Kore 2) можно тут: http://www.native-instruments.com/index.php?id=koreplayer

Никол написал(а):
Расскажите подробнее про Коре , что это как оно звучит и для чего оно
Здесь рассказа не будет.
Убедительная просьба использовать поиск.
Последнее редактирование:
iZotope выпустили драм машину iDrum.



"iDrum turns your Mac or PC into a powerful, simple-to-use virtual drum machine.
Build patterns with iDrum's lightning-fast step sequencer, using included kits or
your own samples. From ambient downtempo to bangin' hip hop to frenetic
drum & bass, iDrum's got you covered."

Почитать,посмотреть и попробовать можно тут: http://www.izotope.com/products/audio/idrum/#

URS выпустили Saturation plug-in и M series EQ Bundle под VST.


URS Saturation Plug-in™

Four Vintage Pre Amplifier Algorithms
Even and Odd Ordered Harmonics
Tube and Discrete Analog Saturation
Soft Clipping
Native Support Only - Audio Units and VST

"The URS Saturation plug-in digitally recreates four different and distinct pre amplifiers each featuring: a different type of input stage saturation, even and odd ordered harmonics and soft clipping. The initial four Mic Pre Amplifiers models include:

Class A Tube Mic Pre Amplifier - Vintage Motorcity
Class A Tube Mic Pre Amplifier - German
Class A Discrete Pre Amplifier - British
Class A Discrete JFet Pre Amplifier - Modern"



URS M series Motor City and Vintage Cinema Equalizers™

Seven Peaking Bands
Vintage Passive Equalizer design
Proportional Q
Variable Input and Output Gain
Phase reverseThe URS M series MotorCity Equalizer

"The URS M series MotorCity Equalizer digitally recreates the legendary 7 band passive equalizers used exclusively by Motown staff engineers during the Motown era. I heard it through the grapevine that the sliders on the early units were unreliable. Motown's cheif technical engineer Mike McLean built "Brick House" custom modified clones using stepped rotary switches on each band for added reliability and a variable gain booster amplifier for gain level matching. It has been our Pride and Joy recreating this classic."

"The URS M series Vintage Cinema Equalizer digitally recreates the even rarer 6 band passive equalizers used for film and professional cinema. The original vintage hardware units were considered to be of the first equalizers ever made with six bands - 80hz, 200hz, 500hz, 1.25khz, 3.2khz and 8khz. We have added what we feel is a necessary seventh band at 16khz. The URS Vintage Cinema EQ frequencies overlap with the URS M series MotorCity EQ frequency centers and when both plug-ins are used together they make a total of fourteen bands".

Почитать,посмотреть и пощупать демку (это для привилегированных обладателей i-lok'a - остальным ждать...) можно тут: http://www.ursplugins.com/

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Реакции: Theos
Вышел новый интиресный инструмент: THS Synthesizer MK 1 от Starplugs

"The THS Synthesizer features a new synthesis algorithm, the "TransHarmonic Synthesis", with a newly developed THS Oscillator. With its "ultra fast" real-time calculation up to 8,000,000 waveforms are morphed into each other."


Цена= 99.99 Евро
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Реакции: Theos
Rob Papen анонсировал свою версию "чёсовского" гитарного плэйера.
Инфа с КВР:
RG is a groove plug-in that is far more than just a "virtual Rhythm Guitar player".

By using the RG onboard sequencer it is possible to create classic Rhythm Guitar grooves, but beyond that you can use the synthesizer features and effects to make fresh new edgy guitar grooves. To play the grooves RG is using a keyboard layout of "major chords" and "minor chords", each with two sequence patterns (A or B) option. It is only a matter of hitting a single note in the major keyboard range or minor keyboard range and the groove plays.

The sound sets are clean sampled guitars, which gives you great freedom and flexibility when using the synthesizer features and effects of RG.

Guitar types included:
The classic Fender Stratocaster electric guitar.
A 8th note groove type Steel String acoustic guitar.
A 16th note groove type Steel String acoustic guitar.

The synthesizer parts of RG include a classic analog modelled synthesizer filter, LFO, envelopes and modulation section. The effect section can be built up by using up to 3 effects at a time. Included are MIDI time-based delays, chorus and also speaker simulators, phaser, flanger and many more.
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Реакции: Romcik и drumcity
пошёл за дровами и во чего на сайте E-MU обнаружил, новый софтовый семплер без привязки к ихнему железу и с нативной поддержкой 64bit операционок.

E-MU's Emulator® X3

Software Sampler

E-MU's Emulator® X3 is the world's most powerful and complete software sampling tool in the world, featuring the E-MU's streaming sound engine with up to 192kHz sampling and playback, an arsenal of automated sampling/beat analysis/editing tools and almost unlimited sound manipulation that builds on E-MU's 35 years of synthesis experience.

Emulator X3 features:

Xstream™ 24-bit/192kHz Streaming Engine, featuring E-MU's patented pitch interpolation and precision 32-bit floating point processing for unmatched sound quality
32-bit and native 64-bit applications included (32-bit: Windows XP and Vista; 64-bit: Windows x64 and Vista)
Optimized for Multi-core and Multi-Threaded processors to intelligently balance the processing load across all available resources for exceptional performance
Automated sampling, pitch detection and preset creation with integrated waveform editor
Powerful synthesis architecture with over 50 Z-Plane filters and 100 tempo-based parameters per preset
Standalone (64 MIDI channels) or VSTi operation (16 MIDI channels per instantiation)
Sound Engine supports RAM and streaming playback
Integrated effects processors
Improved sound format support, including EOS, EIII, GigaSampler, MP3, REX2, .AIFF, SoundFont 2.1, .WAV, File Converter Application, and more
Ships with over 3GB of sounds, including the complete Proteus 2000 soundset, a stunning 1.5GB Grand Piano, 24-bit drums and grooves, Xtreme Lead X, and more - additional soundsets available
Xplode™ beat slicer with MIDI and Tempo Map Export
Comprehensive DSP Tools including Transform Multiply and Xtractor™

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Кому софтовый эквалайзер за 2085 баксов!:shok::padonak:
ЗЫ: Вот этот плаг уж точно сам хиты делает :rofl:
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