4 ROM Banks (396 locations).
4 RAM Banks (396 locations).
A total of 198 new sounds - includes the dynomite "Lexington G" and "Allec Series" banks.
The stunning "Scroggins Synquence", an electro-styled bank, available for an additional $89.00.
Creatively expanded Modulation capabilities (with 1.0 release 1/30/05).
Greatly enhanced MIDI specs.
3 MIDI-syncable L.F.O.s (with 1.0 release 7/30/04).
Tight new look - phatt new logo, sharper, more attractive front and back panel graphics and text.
Flash-ROM Web-updateable Operating Software.
Smoother tweaking and MIDI transmission of front panel pots (switches send info. as well).
External Audio Input.
1 year parts & labor warranty coverage.
Custom Graphics available upon request.
In short, more, much more, of "Caswellz Genius", and the globally acclaimed programming savvy of Rionero's Sons: those virtuoso sonic avengers, masters of shadow and the illuminant.
Voices: one.
Audio outputs: one main output.
Memory: 396 patches in ROM; 396 user locations in RAM.
Interface: 1 rotary encoder, 24 knobs, 21 illuminated switches.
Display: 20 x 4 back lit liquid crystal.
Weight: 10 lbs.
Dimensions: 3 rack spaces, 8 inches deep.
Power: 90 - 250 volts AC auto switching.