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Well-Known Member
4 Мар 2004
Be prepared for a long list

-mixer-settings between projects will only be transferred if at least one destination-project is open
-Digas Audio Export with Format-Info-Display
-Sequoia now works with any current "renovator.dll" versions. It searches for them in the following order
-Renovator installation (from registry)
-renovator.dll in program directory
-NovaDLL.dll in program directory
-EasyNova installation (from registry)

Sequoia Bugfixes:
- problems with CD marker offsets and CD burning after bouncing -fixed
- scrubbing after Shift-Alt-Space or Ctrl-Alt-Space in crossfade editor
didn't work as in previous versions until V8.2 -fixed
-crossfade editor activated punch marker mode –fixed
-waveform zoom wasn’t restored after crossfade editor -fixed

-Optimization Variverb
-Trackspeed (disc cache) optimization for complex VIP projects

Hardware Controller:
-Mackie Main Unit and Extensions can be exchanged now
-HWC is now still available if the Main-Unit is inactive
-Panpot automation (via touch-button) was broken - fixed
-after record stop a range was drawn –fixed
-Update of HWC on clip projects (caused fader jumps on editing) -fixed
-Track Editor: update problems -fixed
-Record Auto was sometimes not turned off -fixed

Spectral Cleaning:
-the edit range can now be set in system options -> destructive effects
-increased range for editing in SpectralCleaning, up to 5 minutes
-SC remembers FFT size now
-SC rectangles work with independend strength settings

-MIDI output menu and software instrument panel now show the track name of the first feeding MIDI track (e.g. for better overview when using several instances of the same instrument)
-MIDI Drum Editor: no display update when changing the drum map -fixed
-MIDI Event List Editor: Bugfix: Edit field on double click was only available for byte1 (pitch), now also for byte2 (velocity) and MIDI channel.

-Object Freeze/Glue for mono tracks is now always processed in mono
-Marker Manager - new option: Automatic Scrolling while playback

-several RoomSim problems (latency issues, Roomsim Envelope didn't show up correctly when reopen dialog, problem with resampled impuls responses, swapped impulse response channels) –fixed
-several resampling problems (resampling crashed on some older AMD Athlon systems, problems with Ultra High 2 Offline resampling, Resampling batch-processing 384kHz->44.1kHz) -fixed
-Memory leak at Elastic Audio Tune function -fixed
-Problems with track and surround visualization (peakmeter) -fixed
-Crashes on surround projects playback -fixed
-wrong first initialisation of Hybrid Engine wihtout ini file, wrong Hybrid Engine flags of 9.0 are automatically corrected
-Preload for playback without recording mode, standard engine (scrubbing,...) results in empty buffers -fixed
-silent playback in Hybrid Engine if Input Monitoring was turned off -fixed
-Mixer: FX Drag & Drop had problems if the mixer window was scaled -fixed
-Starting playback with transport’s scrub wheel oder scrub buttons in standard record mode always at original speed 1.0 -fixed
-TakeManager: Loading takes didn’t succeed if the project folder was moved and the audio files were located in subfolders -fixed
-Video playback was offset in Samplitude’ Hybrid Engine if effects with latency were present –fixed.
-Monitoring mode couldn't be changed in recording dialog –fixed
-Master track will be ignored for bus numbering and mixer setup
-empty buffers at playstart in virtual Wave-projects –fixed
-Offline-Roomsim in Classic and Master versions couldn’t be opened –fixed
-MP3 Recording didn't work in Standard und PunchMarker Mode –fixed
-problems when switching between routing and plugin dialogs in master section
or batch processing -fixed
-failing drag & drop of delay and post VST plug-ins in mixer -fixed
-distorted results after freezing mono tracks -fixed
-wrong take composer playback for mono tracks -fixed
-loop recording for mono tracks didn't work -fixed
-toolbar buttons for jumping between markers didn't work correctly -fixed
-hide mixer tracks command didn't work -fixed
-no loading of master FX and plugins with mixer snapshots -fixed
-submix busses not included in track editor output menu -fixed
-several problems with “Mix to File” (e.g. with "Prepare all tracks for Punch record " enabled) -fixed
-crashes with AAC export -fixed
-missing first metronome beat -fixed
-problems with metronome precount at project start in hybrid mode -fixed
-some problems with object editor bypass (wrong latency compensation,
volume sometimes wasn't applied) -fixed
-objects placed in the invisible master track were audible -fixed
-track peakmeter were out of sync in hybrid mode with latency FX -fixed
-wrong /displaced track automation with hybrid engine and inserted latency FX -fixed
-casual missing audio at playstart in hybrid engine -fixed
-master channel could be deleted in track manager -fixed
-update problems when switching economy track -fixed
-casual right master fader corruption –fixed
-mono MP3 import of files with low bitrate sometimes didn’t work -fixed

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