Controlling How Reaktor VST Automation Parameters Appear in your Host
Here, for the record, is my understanding of how to set values in Reaktor to control the way knobs, XYs, etc. show up as automatable VST parameters in VST hosts. It is based on experience using Reaktor ensembles in Ableton Live, Xlutop Chainer and Plogue Bidule, under WinXp. I have posted it here in response to the thread "reaktor automation in live?"
Looking at the last panel, the connection panel, in properties of instruments and modules:
1) Each instrument has a Base ID. You can move this to a numerically lower value by selecting "Instrument Up" from the dropdown. (Counterintutitive terminology until you think of this as moving the instrument's Base ID up the list.) The amount moved depends on the Max ID of the instrument and the other instruments in the ensemble. (See 5) Base IDs of instruments are unique within the ensemble.
2) Each instrument has Max ID. You can set this manually. The next point explains what this does.
3) Each VST automatable module (only panel modules as far as I can tell) has a unique ID *within the instrument*. It also has a Global ID.
3.a) *The Global ID is what determines the position of the module in the listing of VST automatable parameters in your host.* This can be important. E.g., Ableton Live only displays parameters for modules with Global IDs from 1-128. Also, if your Global ID is high, you'r going to have to search for it in your host.
You cannot manually or directly set the Global ID, but you can manually set the module ID. So, how to set the Global ID?:
3.B) If the Module.ID <= Instrument.MaxID then Module.GlobalID = Instrument.BaseID + Module.ID.
3.c) If the Module.ID > Instrument.MaxID then Module.GlobalID appears as "--". In plogue bidule at least, this means the module can't be VST automated, and I think this would go for other hosts as well.
4.a) Reaktor automatically renumbers Module.IDs within instruments when you change them so they remain unique.
4.B) When you move instruments up or down using the IDs drop down, the base ids of the instruments are set to be contiguous based on their MaxIDs. E.g., move instrument A with maxid 10 up before instrument B, and B's based ID will be 11.
5) It follows from 3) and 4) that if you've got a hundred knobs in your instrument, but you really only want to automate ten in your host, you would want to set Instrument.MaxID to 10, and set the Module.IDs of your knobs to 1,2,...10. That way your instrument A would only take up ten slots in the VST parameters, which means that B can start at 11, which is a big help in letting you see all your important parameters consecutively, e.g., in Ableton Live.
6) Remember that XYs modules take *two* VST automation IDs. If an XY has a global ID of 5, then 5 is the global id for the X parameter, 6 for the Y. This is important to know so when you number modules so that their IDs are continguous you don't clobber modules after your XY. For example, if you want to see FreqXY.X, FreqXY.Y, VolumeKnob in Ableton, then VolumeKnob.ID has to be FreqXY.ID + 2.
7) Best practice: when you've polished up your instrument and ensemble, determine what knobs etc you will want to have automated, and determine a sequence in which you'd like them to appear in your host. Then manually set the IDs of these knobs, etc., so they appear as you wish in the host. And set the MaxID of the instrument to the highest ID of your knobs.
8) Compress and sort functions in the ID menu;
8.a) When you add a new automatable module, Reaktor has to generate a new unique ID. I think it does this by adding 1 to the current highest ID. So if you've deleted modules with IDs, and add new one, you can end up with gaps in the sequence of IDs. A compress renumbers all IDs so they are consecutive.
8.B) Compress and sort does this renumbering based on the sort order of module names.