Native Instruments has updated Akoustik Piano to v1.1 R2.
Mac: Installer issues with DFD and IRC extensions have been fixed.
Library patches are now always installed.
Library patches now contain Performance Views for use in Kontakt 2.1 and higher.
Library patches now contain additional CC automation (see below).
New library patches were added with improved overtone logic for all pianos.
Concert Grand Phil's upper range was improved.
The following bugs have been fixed:
CONTENT: In a real piano, when you repedal you hear sustain samples not dry samples.
CONTENT: the overtone preset is not polyphonic.
CONTENT: UNA CORDA pedal UNREAL : in a real piano it's more the timbre not the volume.
CONTENT: "change_vol" for dry tones doesn't occur relative to the start value of the event.
CONTENT: Sustain voices are unnatural when max of voices is reached.
CONTENT: Release volume should depend on note_length.
CONTENT: dry tones management not natural when max voices are reached and pedal still down.
CONTENT: Standard sustain MIDI implementations chart value on/off are not respected.
CONTENT: Bug in detail script.
CONTENT: Strange AKP sound with KAWAI MP9000 with internal MIDI and external MIDI in on.
CONTENT: loading Concert Grand - first note played fades in.
Important Notes:
The Convert Grand Phil's preset as well as all overtone presets need more performance than the regular presets. Please allow for more latency to avoid dropouts.
When you use instruments in both Akoustik Piano and Kontakt please note that while changes in the Kontakt Performance View will be visible in Akoustik Piano, the opposite is not true. See the Kontakt 2.1 Manual Addendum for more info.
All overtone instruments use the Release Resonance drop-down list now for two settings - Release Resonance and Overtone volume. As a general rule each feature keeps its current setting until another value is selected for that feature. i.e. values selected for Overtones do not change the current value selected for Release Resonance and vice versa. However, only the last selected value can be shown in the list control so if you are unsure about the setting of the other feature just select it again to your taste.
Mac: Installer issues with DFD and IRC extensions have been fixed.
Library patches are now always installed.
Library patches now contain Performance Views for use in Kontakt 2.1 and higher.
Library patches now contain additional CC automation (see below).
New library patches were added with improved overtone logic for all pianos.
Concert Grand Phil's upper range was improved.
The following bugs have been fixed:
CONTENT: In a real piano, when you repedal you hear sustain samples not dry samples.
CONTENT: the overtone preset is not polyphonic.
CONTENT: UNA CORDA pedal UNREAL : in a real piano it's more the timbre not the volume.
CONTENT: "change_vol" for dry tones doesn't occur relative to the start value of the event.
CONTENT: Sustain voices are unnatural when max of voices is reached.
CONTENT: Release volume should depend on note_length.
CONTENT: dry tones management not natural when max voices are reached and pedal still down.
CONTENT: Standard sustain MIDI implementations chart value on/off are not respected.
CONTENT: Bug in detail script.
CONTENT: Strange AKP sound with KAWAI MP9000 with internal MIDI and external MIDI in on.
CONTENT: loading Concert Grand - first note played fades in.
Important Notes:
The Convert Grand Phil's preset as well as all overtone presets need more performance than the regular presets. Please allow for more latency to avoid dropouts.
When you use instruments in both Akoustik Piano and Kontakt please note that while changes in the Kontakt Performance View will be visible in Akoustik Piano, the opposite is not true. See the Kontakt 2.1 Manual Addendum for more info.
All overtone instruments use the Release Resonance drop-down list now for two settings - Release Resonance and Overtone volume. As a general rule each feature keeps its current setting until another value is selected for that feature. i.e. values selected for Overtones do not change the current value selected for Release Resonance and vice versa. However, only the last selected value can be shown in the list control so if you are unsure about the setting of the other feature just select it again to your taste.