(Default) 0 dB center, sin/cos taper, constant power--this choice causes a 3 dB boost in a signal that's panned hard left or right, and no dip in output level in either channel when the signal is center panned.
-3dB center, sin/cos taper, constant power----this choice causes no boost in a signal that's panned hard left or right, and 3dB dip in output level in either channel when the signal is center panned.
0dB center, square-root taper, constant power--this choice causes a 3 dB boost in a signal that's panned hard left or right, and no dip in output level in either channel when the signal is center panned.
-3dB center, square root taper, constant power----this choice causes no boost in a signal that's panned hard left or right, and 3dB dip in output level in either channel when the signal is center panned.
-6dB center, linear taper----this choice causes no boost in a signal that's panned hard left or right, and 6dB dip in output level in either channel when the signal is center panned.
0 dB center, balance control----this choice causes no boost in a signal that's panned hard left or right, and no dip in output level in either channel when the signal is center panned. [/b]