24 bit wav,aiff и windows media player

Это уже обсуждалось.Нужны не кодеки или плагины,а нормальные драйвера звуковой карты которые поддерживают 24 бита в Windows.Или пользуйся другим проигрывателем(Winamp например).

Just need to add a filter to your setup for WMP to work. From WM Discussion

>>>You could consider it a Windows "plug-in" for audio playback with old
>>>style wav headers. BWF and many wav files use the old style wav header
>>>which Windows by default only supports up to 16-bit 2-channel. The
>>>filter expands this support for 24, 32 and 64 bit files with any number
>>>of channels. 24-bit BWF files can be a little tricky though as they
>>>weren't specified in the original EU BWF spec, so it will make the
>>>assumption that the files have 24-bit packing and not 32-bit packing. If
>>>there is a problem with that let me know and I can try and derive a

Download the filter here:
http://www.chrisnet.net/msdn/AudioTypeConvert.zip - Legacy HD Audio Filter

There no installer at the moment as it is primarily intended for developers.
So to install copy the file to a folder on the hard-drive and register as
follows from the run line or a command prompt replacing the path as
regsvr32 "c:my filtersAudioTypeConvert.ax"
and to uninstall

regsvr32 /u "c:my filtersAudioTypeConvert.ax"

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