Цены указаны с учетом трансфера на ваш аккаунт. Цены обсуждаемы.
Eventide Anthology XII (32 plugins) - 47 500
McDSP Emerald Pack v7 HD + SA2 Dialog Processor - 37 500
Plugin Alliance PA Forever29 Voucher (любой плагин бесплатно) - 5 000
FabFilter Pro-Q 3 + 4 - 12 500
Sonnox Oxford - 8 500 все вместе с учетом трансфера.
Oxford Dynamic EQ Native G5
Sonnox Toolbox Claro + Voca + VoxDoubler
Exponential Audio / iZotope (Ключ)
Stratus 3D & Symphony 3D - 900
Stereo Reverb Bundle - 900
SSL Mini Bundle - 1 500 / 550
SSL X-Saturator
SSL X-Comp
SSL Drumstrip
Harrison Bundle - 12 500
Harrison Bass Flow
Harrison De-Esser
Harrison Drum Flow
Harrison Legacy EQ
Harrison Mastering EQ
Harrison MPC Spectral Compressor
Harrison Multi Band Compressor
Harrison Vocal Flow
Harrison Vocal Intensity Processor
Leapwing Al Schmitt - 5 500
Apogee Clearmountain's Phases & Spaces - 8 500
Mathew Lane StereoDelta 2 - 1 500
Lexicon MPX Native Reverb Bundle - 900
LiquidSonics M7 Link
Softube - 33 000
Bus Processor
Acoustic Feedback
Drawmer S73 Intelligent Master Processor
Empirical Labs Lil FrEQ
Fix Phaser
Harmonics Analog Saturation Processor
Monoment Bass
OTO Biscuit 8-bit Effects
Softube Essentials Collection (British Class A, FET Compressor Mk II, Model 84 Polyphonic Synthesizer, Tape, Wasted Space)
Tonelux Tilt and Tilt Live
Transient Shaper
Tube-Tech Blue Tone
Tube-Tech ME 1B
Valley People Dyna-mite
Weiss Deess
Weiss MM-1 Mastering Maximizer
DUY Mastering Bundle - 12 500
Dream Dynamics
Monster Mix
Analog Bus
DaD Tape
DaD Valve
Magic EQ
Duy 31
MIA Laboratories - 4 500
358 Enhancer MKII
925 Compressor
MIA Compressor One
MIA Delay dt MKII
Pi and Phi MKIII
Super Fat
Super Muscle
Synchro Arts
Revoice Pro 4 - 10 000
Vocalign Project 5 - 5 500
Eventide Anthology XII (32 plugins) - 47 500
McDSP Emerald Pack v7 HD + SA2 Dialog Processor - 37 500
Plugin Alliance PA Forever29 Voucher (любой плагин бесплатно) - 5 000
FabFilter Pro-Q 3 + 4 - 12 500
Sonnox Oxford - 8 500 все вместе с учетом трансфера.
Oxford Dynamic EQ Native G5
Sonnox Toolbox Claro + Voca + VoxDoubler
Exponential Audio / iZotope (Ключ)
Stratus 3D & Symphony 3D - 900
Stereo Reverb Bundle - 900
SSL Mini Bundle - 1 500 / 550
SSL X-Saturator
SSL X-Comp
SSL Drumstrip
Harrison Bundle - 12 500
Harrison Bass Flow
Harrison De-Esser
Harrison Drum Flow
Harrison Legacy EQ
Harrison Mastering EQ
Harrison MPC Spectral Compressor
Harrison Multi Band Compressor
Harrison Vocal Flow
Harrison Vocal Intensity Processor
Leapwing Al Schmitt - 5 500
Apogee Clearmountain's Phases & Spaces - 8 500
Mathew Lane StereoDelta 2 - 1 500
Lexicon MPX Native Reverb Bundle - 900
LiquidSonics M7 Link
Softube - 33 000
Bus Processor
Acoustic Feedback
Drawmer S73 Intelligent Master Processor
Empirical Labs Lil FrEQ
Fix Phaser
Harmonics Analog Saturation Processor
Monoment Bass
OTO Biscuit 8-bit Effects
Softube Essentials Collection (British Class A, FET Compressor Mk II, Model 84 Polyphonic Synthesizer, Tape, Wasted Space)
Tonelux Tilt and Tilt Live
Transient Shaper
Tube-Tech Blue Tone
Tube-Tech ME 1B
Valley People Dyna-mite
Weiss Deess
Weiss MM-1 Mastering Maximizer
DUY Mastering Bundle - 12 500
Dream Dynamics
Monster Mix
Analog Bus
DaD Tape
DaD Valve
Magic EQ
Duy 31
MIA Laboratories - 4 500
358 Enhancer MKII
925 Compressor
MIA Compressor One
MIA Delay dt MKII
Pi and Phi MKIII
Super Fat
Super Muscle
Synchro Arts
Revoice Pro 4 - 10 000
Vocalign Project 5 - 5 500
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