Была вроде прога Awave Studio. Я с помощью ее конвертил в ГИГ
из вавок и обратно. Там ещё куча всяких расширений было.
404 Muon DS404 Bank File.
404 Muon DS404 Patch File.
669 669 tracker module.
A3S Yamaha A3000 sample files (no extension).
AIFC Compressed Audio Interchange File Format.
AIF Audio Interchange File Format.
AIFF Audio Interchange File Format.
AIS Velvet Studio Instruments.
AKP Akai S5000/S6000 program file.
ALAW European telephony format audio.
ALW European telephony format audio.
AMS Extreme's Tracker module format.
AMS Velvet Studio Module.
APE Monkey Audio losslessly compressed files.
APEX AVM Sample Studio bank file.
ARL Aureal ‘Aspen’ bank file.
ASE Velvet Studio Sample.
AU Sun/NeXT/DEC Audio file.
AVI MS Audio Video Interleave file.
AVR Audio Visual Research sound file.
BWF Broadcast Wave File.
C01 Typhoon wave files.
CDR Raw Audio-CD data.
DCM DCM module format.
DEWF Macintosh SoundCap/SoundEdit recorded instrument format
DIG Digilink format.
DIG Sound Designer I audio file.
DLP DirectMusic Producer DLS file.
DLS DownLoadable Sounds level 1.
DLS DownLoadable Sounds level 2.
DLS DownLoadable Sounds level 2+.
DMF Delusion/XTracker Digital Music Fileformat.
DR8 FXpansion DR-008 drumkit.
DSF Delusion/XTracker Digital Sample Fileformat.
DSM Digital Sound Module tracker format.
DSS Olympus DSS file.
DTM DigiTrekker module.
DWD DiamondWare Digitized file.
EDA Ensoniq ASR disk image.
EDE Ensoniq EPS disk image.
EDK Ensoniq KT disk image.
EDQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 disk image.
EDS Ensoniq SQ80 disk image.
EDV Ensoniq VFX-SD disk image.
EFA Ensoniq ASR file.
EFE Ensoniq EPS file.
EFK Ensoniq KT file.
EFQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 file.
EFS Ensoniq SQ80 file.
EFV Ensoniq VFX-SD file.
EMB Everest EMBedded bank file.
EMD ABT Extended MoDule.
EMY EMelody Ericsson mobile phone ring-tone format.
ESPS ESPS audio files.
EUI Ensoniq EPS family compacted disk image.
F2R Farandoyle linear module format.
F3R Farandoyle blocked linear module format.
F32 Raw IEEE 32-bit floating point values.
F64 Raw IEEE 32-bit floating point values.
FAR Farandoyle tracker module.
FFF GUS PnP bank file format.
FNK FunkTracker module format.
FSM Farandoyle Sample format.
FZB Casio FZ-1 Bank dump.
FZF Casio FZ-1 Full dump.
FZV Casio FZ-1 Voice dump.
G721 Raw CCITT G.721 4-bit ADPCM format data.
G723 Raw CCITT G.723 3 or 5-bit ADPCM format data.
G726 Raw CCITT G.726 2, 3, 4 or 5-bit ADPCM format data.
GDM Bells, Whistles, and Sound Boards module format.
GI! GigaStudio/GigaSampler file – Split over multiple CD-ROM’s.
GIG GigaStudio/GigaSampler file – Normal.
GIG GigaStudio/GigaSampler file – Compressed.
GKH Ensoniq EPS family disk image file.
GSM Raw GSM 6.10 audio stream.
GSM Raw 'byte aligned' GSM 6.10 audio stream.
GSM US Robotics voice modems GSM w.o. header / VoiceGuide / m.
GSM US Robotics voice modems GSM w. header / QuickLink.
HCOM Sound Tools HCOM format.
IFF Interchange file format.
IMY iMelody mobile phone ring-tone format.
INI MWave DSP synth’s mwsynth.ini GM-setup.
INI Gravis UltraSound bank setup.
INRS INRS-Telecommunications audio.
INS Ensoniq EPS family instrument.
INS Sample Cell / II Mac instrument.
INS Sample Cell / II PC instrument.
INS Cakewalk Instrument definition file.
IST Digitrakker Instrument File.
IT Impulse Tracker module.
ITI Impulse Tracker instrument.
ITS Impulse Tracker sample.
K25 Kurzweil K2500 file.
K26 Kurzweil K2600 file.
KFT Kort T-series image file.
KIT Native Instruments drum Kit file.
KMP Korg Triton KeyMaP file.
KMP Korg Trinity KeyMaP file.
KR1 Kurzweil K2000/K2500/K2600 split file.
KRZ Kurzweil K2000 file (also works with K2000 and K2500).
KSC Korg Triton SCript file.
KSC Korg Trinity SCript file.
KSF Korg Triton Sample File.
KSF Korg Trinity Sample File.
MAP Native Instruments Reaktor wavetable file – Embedded waves.
MAP Native Instruments Reaktor wavetable file – Linked waves.
MAT Matlab variables binary file.
MAUD MAUD sample format.
MDL Digitrakker Module.
MED OctaMED tracker module.
MID Standard Midi File.
MLD MFi/MFi2 songs- Melody Format for i-Mode, a.k.a. i-Melody.
MLS Miles Sound System compressed DLS file.
MMF SMAF songs – ‘Synthetic Music Mobile Application Format’.
MOD Amiga and PC tracker module.
MOV Apple QuickTime audio.
MP1 MPEG audio stream, layer I.
MP2 MPEG audio stream, layer II.
MP3 MPEG audio stream, layer III.
MPA MPEG audio stream, layer I, II, 'II½' or III.
MPEG MPEG system stream, audio+video.
MPG MPEG system stream, audio+video.
MSS Miles Sound System DLS 1 + XMI file.
MT2 MadTracker 2 Module.
MTI MadTracker 2 Instrument.
MTM MultiTracker Module.
MUS Doom/Heretic music file.
MUS Musifile MPEG Layer II Audio stream.
MUS10 Mus10 audio.
MWS MWave DSP synth’s instrument extract.
NIST NIST Sphere audio.
NVF Creative Nomad Voice file.
O01 Typhoon vOice file.
OGG Vorbis Ogg stream.
OKT Oktalyzer tracker module.
P Akai S1000/S1100/S01 program.
P Akai S3000/S3200/S2000/S2800 program.
PAC SB Studio II package.
PAF Ensoniq PARIS audio file.
PAT Advanced Gravis Ultrasound / Forte tech. Patch.
PBF Turtle Beach Pinnacle Bank File.
PCG Korg Triton collection file.
PCG Korg Trinity collection file.
PCM OKI MSM6376 synth chip PCM format.
PGM AKAI MPC-2000 drum set file.
PGM AKAI MPC-3000 drum set file.
PLM DisorderTracker2 module.
PLS DisorderTracker2 sample.
PPF Turtle Beach Pinnacle Program File.
PRG WAVmaker program.
PSB Pinnacle Sound Bank.
PSION PSION a-law audio.
PSM Protracker Studio Module Format.
PTM Poly Tracker module.
RA RealAudio file.
RAW Raw signed PCM data (W as .SB).
RIF Rapidcom Voice/Quicklink Rockwell ADPCM files.
RMI RIFF-MIDI file, embedded DLS optional.
ROCKWELL Rockwell 2,3,4-bit ADPCM audio.
ROCKWELL-2 Rockwell 2-bit ADPCM audio.
ROCKWELL-3 Rockwell 3-bit ADPCM audio.
ROCKWELL-4 Rockwell 4-bit ADPCM audio.
S Akai S900/950 sample.
S Akai S1000/S1100/S01 sample.
S Akai S3000/S3200/S2000/S2800 sample.
S3I Scream tracker v3 instrument.
S3M Scream tracker v3 module.
S3P Akai MESA II/PC S-series program.
SAM Signed 8-bit Sample data (W as .SB).
SB Raw Signed Byte (8-bit) data.
SBK Emu SoundFont v1.x Bank files / Creative Labs SB AWE 32.
SC2 Sample Cell / II PC instrument (W as .INS).
SD Sound Designer I audio.
SD2 Sound Designer II flattened file.
SD2 Sound Designer II data fork.
SDK Roland S-series floppy disk image.
SDS Raw MIDI Sample Dump Standard file.
SDW Raw Signed DWord (32-bit) data.
SDX MIDI Sample Dump Standard files as compacted by SDX.
SEQ Sony Playstation MIDI Sequence.
SF MTU / IRCAM SoundFile format.
SF2 Emu SoundFont v2.x file.
SFARK Melody Machine Compressed SoundFont.
SFD SoundStage Sound File Data.
SFI SoundStage Sound File Info.
SFR Sonic Foundry Sample Resource.
SMD SmdEd / J-Phone mobiles songs.
SMP Samplevision format.
SMP Ad Lib Gold Sample.
SMP Avalon sample format.
SND Raw unsigned PCM data (W as .UB).
SND AKAI MPC-60/2000/2000XL/3000 sample.
SNDR Sounder sound file.
SNDT Sndtool sound file.
SOU SB Studio II sound.
SPD Speach Data file.
SPL Digitrakker Sample.
SPPACK SPPack sound sample.
STM Scream tracker v2 module.
STS Creamware STS-series sampler programs.
SVX Interchange file format, 8SVX/16SV.
SW Raw Signed Word (16-bit) data.
SXT Reason 2 NN-XT format.
SYW Yamaha SY-series wave files (W as .W01).
TXT Ascii Text parameter description.
TXT Ascii Text formatted audio data.
TXT RTTTL/Nokring mobile phone ring-tone format.
TXT Steinberg LM-4 drum-kit.
TXW Yamaha TX16W wave files (W as .W01).
UB Raw Unsigned Byte (8-bit) data.
UAX Unreal Tournament Audio package.
UDW Raw Unsigned DWord (32-bit) data.
ULAW US telephony format (CCITT G.711) audio.
ULW US telephony format (CCITT G.711) audio.
ULT UltraTracker modules.
UMX Unreal Tournament Music package.
UNI MikMod 'UniMod' format.
UW Raw Unsigned Word (16-bit) data.
UWF UltraTracker Wave File.
V8 Covox 8-bit audio (W as .UB).
VAB Sony Playstation/PS2 bank file.
VAG Sony Playstation/PS2 compressed sound file.
VAP Annotated speech file.
VOC Creative labs sound file.
VOC Creative labs ‘older format’ sound file.
VOX Dialogic 4-bit ADPCM.
VOX Talking Technology Incorporated file.
VOX-6K Dialogic 4-bit ADPCM, 6000 Hz.
VOX-8K Dialogic 4-bit ADPCM, 8000 Hz.
VSB Virtual Sampler Bank file.
W01 Yamaha TX16W wave.
W01 Yamaha SY-series wave.
W64 Sonic Foundry Wave-64 format.
WAV Ms Windows PCM wave.
WA! GigaSampler/GigaStudio compressed wave file.
WFB Turtle Beach WaveFront Bank (Maui/Rio/Monterey).
WFD Turtle Beach WaveFront Drum set (Maui/Rio/Monterey).
WFP Turtle Beach WaveFront Program (Maui/Rio/Monterey).
WMA Windows Media Audio 4.
WMA Windows Media Audio 9 CBR.
WMA Windows Media Audio 9 VBR.
WMA Windows Media Audio 9 Voice.
XI Fast Tracker 2 instrument.
XM Fast Tracker 2 extended module.
XMI Miles Sound System Extended MIDI file.
* Unrecognized formats prompts user to supply basic info. ()