[Передаю эстафету. Могу вечером переслушать и перевести, если никто не успеет до меня.]
I have nothing to say
That was delicious!
That's not funny!
Gosh, that's swell!
You're gonna be okay, kid.
Silence, please!
Dance like there's no tomorrow!
Really, really good!
Please, stand by.
Please, listen carefully.
Operators are standing by.
Once more with feeling!
Oh my goodness!
Can we do that again?
Oh, wait, Roger, what's the surface temperature?
Ah, it's like a breath of fresh air!
Secondary guidance system engaged!
Boy, was my face red!
008, clear the runway 04, wind at 030 degrees at 2, altimeter 3011.
Hit the record button!
Okay, if your tank G fails after launch, go to the stand-by ??? and it will not affect your boost guidance.
Gemini-4, it will be 140 on my mark, and we're not reading you very clearly.
We are go for lift off in T - 30.
I like it!
Did you get his number?
What's his name?
Hello and welcome.
There's something about this beat that's hypnotic.
Ah, will somebody, please, answer that?
I think I've heard of you.
Is this the American DJ?
Absolutely brilliant!
Well, I didn't see that coming!
Let the dancing begin!
Dance, dance, dance!
What is this crazy rock'n'roll music, anyway?
??? detected an ??? cargo bay.
A classic and the same time progressive.
Okay, number 1 at 2 source 33, 50 control still 570, fox 3350, cabin 34, number 1 APU's 38-50, number 2 source 3900, mixing chambers both about -33.
It's a blast from the past!
Get it!
A bow!
A moment of silence.
Alright then!
All systems are a Go!
Roger that, Huston! All systems 5 by 5!