Originally posted by Vosk

Rustami, недавно обнаружил, что у меня значок \"динамик\" в VST Connection не такой как в видео туториале о третьем кубе (видимо сделанной непосредственно в \"творческой лаборатории\" Штейни.. :smile: ). Он красного цвета и картинка другая. Причём и на Input'ах и на Output'ах. Почему это могет быть - может что-нибудь неправильно определяется...? :frown:
В хелпе лажа какая-то просто. Ошиблись. Красный - это Default Output Bus
The Default Bus is the output bus that each new channel in the mixer will be assigned to when it is created. This bus will typically be your main mix bus, where all your signals will be combined.
Any one of the output busses in the VST Connections window can be the Default output bus. By [Control]-clicking on an output bus's name, you can select the "Default Bus" option which will define that bus as the Default Bus. The Default Bus is identified by the orange speaker icon found to the left of its name.
The Default Bus and the Audition Bus are related. The default bus has its aux send #1 automatically routed to the audition bus. This aux send is enabled but set to -? dB. Depending on your setup, you will have to make the following changes to make the full use of the audition bus and the AFL/PFL functionality:
1. Set the level of aux send #1 (destination audition bus) on your default output bus to 0.00 dB. This will pass the complete mix signal of the default output bus to the audition bus. If you are using more than one output bus, you may need to create additional aux sends #1s to the audition bus, also set to 0.00 dB.
2. Be aware that the default output bus AND the audition bus are connected to ASIO output port 1/2. This means that once you have set the send levels to 0.00 dB, as described above, the levels present on the default output bus and the audition bus are summed, resulting in a 6 dB level boost at the output. Normally you would disconnect the default output bus from the ASIO output or route the audition bus to separate ASIO outputs which are used exclusively for monitoring.
To monitor your mix, the signal from aux send #1 of the default bus is sent to the audition bus, which in turn should be connected to your monitoring system.
The reason for this unusual connection is the Listen Mode in the mixer. This provides a pre-fader listen (PFL) and after-fader listen (AFL) solo bus to your monitoring system. When you enable a Listen button on any channel in the mixer, that signal (taken pre fader or post fader depending on the global setting) will be routed directly to the audition bus (the connection between your mix signal (default output bus) and the audition bus is temporarily interrupted). This allows you to hear the listen-enabled channel by itself without interrupting the signal to the default bus. When you defeat listen mode for all channels, the aux send #1 pathway from the default bus to the audition bus will be enabled, returning the whole mix to your monitoring system.
Important: If you assign the default bus and the audition bus to the same set of ASIO outputs on your audio card, and with the aux send #1 level (default output bus to audition bus) set to 0.00 dB, this could cause clipping in the DA converters on your audio card, because of the increased level of the summed signals.
When creating new audio, group or FX channels in the mixer, they will automatically be routed to the default bus unless the channel configuration exactly matches that of another output bus. For example, if the default output bus is stereo and you have created a second 5.1 output bus, when you create a 5.1 audio track, it will be routed to the 5.1 output bus initially.
Important: The default bus is indicated by an orange colored speaker icon next to its name in the VST Connections window.