Nuendo 2.1.1


18 Май 2003
млин как надоели эти глюки .........

в новом нуенде ..заметил слепдующий препротивнейший баг

некоторые vst напрмер трилогия рассинхронизируются на величину задержки ....

т есть взял один и тот же паттерн .прописал .его на альбино .и трилогии одновременно ...запустил ...при задерже 40 мс...
уже чувствуются синкопы (((

сохранил проект ..запустил в кубике - ..все нормально ...)

причем из выявленных ......так нуенда поступает только со спектрасониками (((......пробовал тыкать old host . в plugin settings не помогло (

кто сталкивался ?.......пробовал кто нить лечить ?
Alot of the 'nuendo' and for that matter 'cubase' iso's that are floting around dont work! The one to get is: & Steinberg.Cubase.SX.v2.01-H2O.rar... trust me, these are the only ones that work! her is a (long) quote from nfo's: hope this helps Special Note :

H2O brings you another fine Quality Release.

Due to prior 'releases' for Cubase SX/Nuendo it would seem
prudent to mention Phobia/Hwsnbn/SOS and others, (all
non-working and using stolen emu's from ArCTiC/H2O) and use
this opportunity to say :

This protection is not your normal 15 minute crack, in
particular both SX/Nuendo will appear to run normal with even
the lamest of cracks, the protection mechanism works in such a
way as to create incorrect operation in a much more subtle
form than a nag that says 'UNREGISTERED'.

The fact that these groups, no matter how well meaning or
otherwise, release such an important application without even
the slightest idea of either the protection or the
functionality of the application, is deeply disheartening.

If they even had the slightest idea about the protection, they
would have known that it would not work at all with the older
emu's. Sometimes it takes more testing than simply seeing if
it loads.

H2O will not compromise on this issue, we will take as long as
we see fit and we wont rush an application like Cubase SX or

We hope u enjoy this release and the motto "if u use it alot
then buy it!" still counts!!

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