Вышло обновление 2.5.1. На официальном сайте выложена информация, как сделать апгрейд. Я по-английски не понимаю. Подскажите пожалуйста, что там нужно делать чтобы апгрейдится, а то через гугл переводчик охинея получается?
New Nexus2 Update: Version 2.5.1
Nexus2 version 2.5.1 handles expansion licensing differently from previous versions of Nexus2. There are no longer individual license files for each expansion; instead Nexus2 now uses a single master key file for all expansions that you've purchased.
1) Visit the account history of your reFX.com account.
2) Listed along with your purchase of Nexus2, you will see a yellow download button labeled 'Master Key'. Click on this download button.
3) Once your key file has been downloaded, place this file directly on your computer's desktop.
4) Listed among your Nexus2 expansions is a new item labeled 'Impulse'. Download the file and place it on your desktop.
5) Start a new project in your host software program and load Nexus2.
6) Click on the 'sys' tab in the Nexus2 GUI.
7) Click on the 'desktop' button near the bottom of the central screen.
8) Your master key file will be imported, and your expansions will now work in Nexus2 version 2.5.1 and up.
New Nexus2 Update: Version 2.5.1
Nexus2 version 2.5.1 handles expansion licensing differently from previous versions of Nexus2. There are no longer individual license files for each expansion; instead Nexus2 now uses a single master key file for all expansions that you've purchased.
1) Visit the account history of your reFX.com account.
2) Listed along with your purchase of Nexus2, you will see a yellow download button labeled 'Master Key'. Click on this download button.
3) Once your key file has been downloaded, place this file directly on your computer's desktop.
4) Listed among your Nexus2 expansions is a new item labeled 'Impulse'. Download the file and place it on your desktop.
5) Start a new project in your host software program and load Nexus2.
6) Click on the 'sys' tab in the Nexus2 GUI.
7) Click on the 'desktop' button near the bottom of the central screen.
8) Your master key file will be imported, and your expansions will now work in Nexus2 version 2.5.1 and up.