Стереомикрофон Studio Projects LSD2

Так вроде в мануале пишут (copy-paste)
LSD2 Using the included 7-pin to dual 3-pin XLR breakout cable, plug microphone into 2-channel gain device (preamp, mixing console, etc.), making doubly sure that +48-volt phantom powers are active and gain is not at a level sufficient to cause ear-splitting feedback through monitor speakers.

и там же
Included with the LSD-2 microphone is a dedicated 7-pin XLR to dual 3-pin XLR “Y”
cable, magnum-sized foam windscreen, standard shockmount and carrying case.
А так так вроде похожую конструкцию копируют уже усе, кому не лень, например

(только разворот вроде поУже)


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