Exponential Audio Excalibur (1 онлайн


Well-Known Member
22 Сен 2004

Т.к. релиз наконец назначен на 23 марта можно попробовать обсудить.
Аудио примеры http://www.exponentialaudio.com/excalibur-audio-samples
Архитектура http://www.exponentialaudio.com/excalibur-basic-architecture
Faq http://www.exponentialaudio.com/excalibur-faq

Оффсайт http://www.exponentialaudio.com/excalibur-from-the-top
Эффекты: Reverb , Delay , Flanger , Phaser , Chorus , Pitch Shifter , Ring Modulator , Resonators , Distortion , Resonant Filter , Glide.

Mac and Windows. 32/64 bit. AAX, AU, VST, VST3, RTAS. Supports sample rates from 44.1k to 384K.

Цена $199 US / €179. Интро прайс $119 / €109 с 23.03.2015 по 10.04.2015.
Защита ilok2
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Реакции: Dmytro_ua и kapetz


Active Member
11 Авг 2005
Куплю из принципа (как только наступит 23 марта) - не только потому что нравятся все реверы Карнса от старых Lex PCM до R2/Phoenix, но и потому что Карнс всегда очень хорошо относится к русским пользователям. Кто с ним переписывался по какой-либо причине, тот, наверняка, знает. Он всегда с теплотой говорит о нас юзерах как о "Russian friends". (В отличие от 8Dio и им подобных, которые "мы вам русским хакерам не продаем наш гениальный продукт").

Ну и, насчет Excalibur, похоже, что Майкл теперь по полной уколол Лексиконовцев за их прошлые корпоративные неурядицы. Где-то на зарубежном e-musician-ресурсе еще в прошлом году читал, что, по статистике, Phoenix и R2 существенно повлияли на снижение продаж лексиконовских reverb-bundles. Ну вот теперь как бы и ответ на Lex native effects bundle. Как бы то ни было, жду попробовать Excalibur :)


Well-Known Member
19 Июн 2003
Куплю из принципа (как только наступит 23 марта) - не только потому что нравятся все реверы Карнса от старых Lex PCM до R2/Phoenix, но и потому что Карнс всегда очень хорошо относится к русским пользователям. Кто с ним переписывался по какой-либо причине, тот, наверняка, знает. Он всегда с теплотой говорит о нас юзерах как о "Russian friends". (В отличие от 8Dio и им подобных, которые "мы вам русским хакерам не продаем наш гениальный продукт").

Ну и, насчет Excalibur, похоже, что Майкл теперь по полной уколол Лексиконовцев за их прошлые корпоративные неурядицы. Где-то на зарубежном e-musician-ресурсе еще в прошлом году читал, что, по статистике, Phoenix и R2 существенно повлияли на снижение продаж лексиконовских reverb-bundles. Ну вот теперь как бы и ответ на Lex native effects bundle. Как бы то ни было, жду попробовать Excalibur :)
А он русским друзьям не дает купоны на скидку? А то хочу вот R2 купить, но стоимость совершенно неподъемная :(


Active Member
1 Фев 2013
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме.
Очень странные демо-примеры аудио на сайте.
Совсем какие-то стремные(


Active Member
11 Авг 2005
Цыхра: ну да, R2 дороговат, есть такое - ждите рождественской скидки, когда он дает $100 off с R2. (Впрочем, кажется, в прошлом году даже летом была какая-то кратковременная спец. акция такого же плана)...
А он русским друзьям не дает купоны на скидку? А то хочу вот R2 купить, но стоимость совершенно неподъемная :(


Drink Different!
10 Авг 2003
Big Apple
То что с русскими уважительно общается, то это правда, а вот аудио примеры что-то не впечатлили. Пока Eventide маст хэв!


Well-Known Member
2 Окт 2004
Так пробовал кто-нибудь? Демку крутил? Самому недосуг пока...


Well-Known Member
19 Июн 2003
То что с русскими уважительно общается, то это правда, а вот аудио примеры что-то не впечатлили. Пока Eventide маст хэв!
Кстати да, и насчет реверов такие же мысли. Вчера полдня сравнивал R2 и Ultrareverb. Когда крутишь отдельно R2 звучит круто. А в миксе как-то плосковато, как и Лесиконы. Парадокс. Ивентайд в миксе создает пространство получше.


Active Member
1 Фев 2013
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме.


Active Member
1 Фев 2013
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме.
Могу, увы могут
как вы себе это теоретически представляете?
Какая разница реверу какой поток данных и через какую маршрутизацию на него поступает и далее микшируется-как это может влиять на проявление свойств ревера?-они как были так и есть)Чисто для саморазвития интересно..


Well-Known Member
19 Июн 2003
Теоретически не знаю, возможно дело конфигурации ранних отражений и самой реверберации. Я когда лексикон PCM слушал впервые - были такие же впечатления, в миксе совершенно не нравились. Спустя некоторое время от zerocool услышал то же мнение насчет лексиконов. И насчет R2 его вчера спрашивал, такие же мысли )


18 Май 2003
pcm можно уложить в микс - потратив кучу времени на постeq )
проблемные ревера , оч мутные )
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Реакции: Arlekin


Well-Known Member
22 Сен 2004
Полчаса до релиза, грядут новые бандлы и дискаунты для владельцев плагинов от EA.
[DOUBLEPOST=1427137058,1427135442][/DOUBLEPOST]Demo code: 8358-8595-5661-9398-6224-0856-8022-88

Special notice about VST3:
The VST3 option is included with the installers. However, VST3 is not recommended unless you have no other choice. There are missing features in the plugins in this format. This problem will be addressed in upcoming releases. Please keep in mind that Exponential Audio plugins provide their own CPU load management in all formats, so there is no performance advantage to VST3.
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Реакции: RecS и SoulState


Well-Known Member
19 Июн 2003
Рулю демку. Что-то ни рыба, ни мясо. Не понравился вообще, пресеты все какие-то однотипные, фидбэкообразныые. Кто-нибудь его распробовал?


Well-Known Member
22 Сен 2004
Что-то пока не понятно. Попробую мануал почитать.


Well-Known Member
22 Сен 2004
Заметил дичайшую нагрузку на asio. Причем нагрузка не систематическая, а абсолютно непонятно отчего зависит.

Тем временем

Вышло уже три апдейта с момента релиза.

Excalibur Version 1.0.1

Hello everyone. This is a quick note to let you know there's been a very small tweak to Excalibur. An issue turned up in the Bitwig workstation in which sessions didn't restore properly. There have been no reports in other workstations, but there's always the theoretical possibility. So it was decided that there would be a quick out-of-band fix to take care of this issue.

Excalibur Version 1.0.2

It seems like it's only been a week since Version 1.0.1. That's because it's only been a week. We'll settle into a more leisurely update pace soon enough, but right now there are some fixes and improvements that you should have.

So what's in this version? You can check the release notes (included with the installer) for more detail. But here are the critical things:
  • The tempo delay calculation was a little bit off. It's now fixed.
  • The Master Feedback control wasn't functional. It is now.
  • There was a bug in the reverb time modulation feature. That's now corrected.
  • The voice effect limiter has been greatly improved. This completely tames some of the high levels you might have encountered in some presets--especially those with resonators.
  • There's a new limiter in the voice feedback path. While intended primarily as a safety feature, it does offer some interesting new possibilities.
  • Many preset change noises have been further reduced or eliminated. You may have noticed this with presets like "Swedish Kill". Please continue to report any problems that might remain.
  • Some preset levels have been adjusted and there are several new presets.

Excalibur Version 1.0.3

Excalibur has had a fantastic welcome from mixers doing all sorts of work, so tt's not really surprising that a few additional issues have turned up. Exponential Audio is committed to providing the most dependable plugins and timely support possible. So here's V1.0.3.

What's in this version? You can check the release notes (included with the installer) for more detail. But here are the critical items:
  • Some of the buttons weren't being automated. That's now fixed. This shouldn't affect any existing sessions, but if you have automated sessions, a backup is still a good idea.
  • Some of the threshold detection was a little off at very low levels. This has been corrected, and it opens up some new possibilities.
  • A few Pro Tools users observed that Excalibur should appear under more categories. Now it does!
  • New presets. There are quite a few new presets targeted mainly toward Percussion and Post. But you might find them useful, whatever you do.
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Реакции: mish


Active Member
11 Авг 2005
Прикупил после тестирования демки. Вроде все более-менее, хотя много пока погонять не удалось, т.к. сейчас вдалеке от своего студийного компьютера. Хмм.. а я что-то особой нагрузки на asio не заметил (тестил пока лишь на Win7/ProTools 11) - вроде, наоборот, малая нагрузка порадовала. Странно.

На мой взгляд, оказался оч. полезный процессор, такая рабочая лошадка. Хотя требует чуток времени на программирование. Первый день потыкался вслепую туда-сюда, но после читки мануала всё пояснее стало. По характеру отличается от Soundtoys - там эффект как бы более плотный, в Экскалибуре как бы более прозрачный и "менее заметный". По стилю того, как ложится в микс, чем-то похож на Phoenix/R2. И с ними комбинируется хорошо (что, в общем, ожидаемо). Но это, так, впечатления лишь на первый взгляд. Посмотрим далее...


Well-Known Member
1 Май 2008
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме.
@mish, а я не вкурил этот плаг, да и phoenix/r2 тоже не впечатлили, звучат невзрачно, room в r2 имеет непонятные нч резонансы, по мне acon digital и eventide ultraverb звучат лучше. Excalibur закос под eventide и strymon, только до них реально не дотягивает. Soundtoys явно впереди. Да и имея железки Strymon не вижу смысла покупать эту китайскую подделку...
Последнее редактирование:

Zen Leo

New Member
6 Янв 2016
Снял некий тест драйв про Excalibur. Просто, чтобы можно было понять, что это за зверь, "услышать" его :mad::) Плагин имеет богатый функционал для креативности. Мне понравилось, что он позволяет создавать самые разнообразные эффекты. Порадовало наличие достаточно интересной библиотеки пресетов от разработчиков. И + низкая нагрузка на ЦП.
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Реакции: Nagor и Ivan_IGroK


Sneiro Member
15 Дек 2006
Покрутил демку наконец, чтото както неочень впечатлило.
Единственное, что очень понравилось, практически отсутствие жручести и полная автоматизация всего, даже параметров модуляторов.
Но я надеялся тут увидеть какойто такой мульти-fx включающий в себя то что связанно с реверберацией, и чтобы можно было углубленно копаться в характере этой реверберации ) На деле же, если я правильно понял, главная фишка тут это очень развитая система модуляции (в т.ч. от входящего аудио) но модулирующая довольно простые вещи - уровень, фильтр, панорама, задержка сигнала, и простая обратная связь. И всё это x4 канала (голоса). Плюс фича Diffuse, типа из моно-в стерео или простой хорус.

Все же собственно еффекты (ревер, резонатор, дисторшн и тд) находятся в post fx секции, для каждого из 4-х каналов, и все эти еффекты в соответствии со своим пост-назначением очень упрощены, т.е. по несколько параметров в каждом, (а макс. хвост в ревере всего 10 секунд))). Хотя и с доступом к также модуляции их параметров (хотя и не всех).

Вобщем, нмв неплохо, но и ничего особенного, что вобщем и пресеты подтверждают, которых тут очень много. (но как уже сказал жручесть необычно мала, хорошие прораммеры в EA наверное).
Ну и ещё в минус то что только аппаратный илок.


Well-Known Member
22 Сен 2004
Неужто пофиксили нагрузку на asio? Тех пор как продал сабж, новую демку не запрашивал


Well-Known Member
22 Сен 2004
Да, есть такое по CPU.


Release Note

2.1.4 Release

⁃ Small modification of Preset/Keyword popover menus. The current selection is now blue, to make it a bit easier to see.

A bug has been fixed in which preset names with diacriticals were not properly displayed.

Fixed a problem that appeared in Logic. In automation lanes, parameter values were appearing as '?'. Proper values are now shown.

2.1.3 Release

Added tooltips

Changed link to download area to use https format, since ExponentialAudio.com now uses a secure certificate.

Fixed a problem in restoring global parameters

internal changes

Improvements in knob behavior--alt-click now does a better job of resetting default parameter value

Fixed a problem that occurred when restoring a session. If the current preset was on the favorites list or the search list, it would come back as "Restored from Session" and would cause an unnecessary user preset to be stored.

Fixed a problem on the "Store" page that could cause text descenders to be cut off

Improvements in real-time frequency display graph

Under certain circumstances selecting the "All Presets" keyword might cause another keyword to appear instead. That's repaired.

Fixed a slippery and longstanding complaint that caused some graphics anomalies when zooming. This only occurred with small monitors.

Tiny efficiency improvement in filters. This is miniscule and may not be noticeable.

2.1.2 Release

Added Command-click to select fine adjust in knobs. Now either Command-click or option-click will work.

Improved sensitivity of fine-adjust. Parameters with larger ranges will have greater travel.

Improvements in Tempo management

2.1.1 Release

There was a minor issue in copying by option-drag. Parameters would be properly copied, but in some cases the preset name was not duplicated. Fixed.

Repaired a potential raced condition regarding the preset follow mechanism.

Addressed an issue that arose with OS X 10.11 (El Capitan). The target folder for AAX plugins did not always receive read access. This required an extension to the installer.

Dotted 8th value was giving an incorrect 8th-note result. That's been corrected.

Fixed a problem in AAX that could cause plugin pages to change under automation or when option-dragging.

Entering tempo directly as text didn't work. Fixed.

Bypass is now automatable on VST3.

Fixed a bug that could cause a crash on the modulator windows when selected one of the "2X" or greater values.

Fixed a problem in preset importing that would cause the imported preset to have a bad file name.

Search will now return sorted results. The sort is not fully alphabetic, but will show groupings in sensible order.

Escape key puts away Keyword/Preset popover window

Option-Click (alt-click on Windows) will now set any knob back to the default value of the preset.

Added a Fine Control mode for knobs. Hold down Control key while dragging.

Fixed an efficiency problem that would only turn up in DXD (352.8K and 384K)

Fixed a bug in the noise generator that appeared at very high sample rates.

2.1.0 Release

Info page wasn't showing proper version number for Cubase 8.5 or Nuendo 6.5. Fixed.

Fixed a problem that was reported in Cubase, but had the potential to be problematic anywhere. The problem made it impossible to use line-drawing in automation lanes, but instead forced step automation. That should now be corrected. A few parameters will still require step editing, for cases in which gradual change make no sense.

Improved performance of CPU load management

Updated Windows compiler/linker

Improved highlight coloring in the preset/keyword naming page

Internal improvements

AAX versions are now stored in an ExponentialAudio subfolder to help with plugin organization

Fixed some problems with the uninstaller

Made sure that imported presets were created with sensible file names

"Favorites" appeared in the list of possible keywords when saving a preset. This reserved keyword should not have been shown. Fixed.

More presets. Some 16th-note delays and FX (Hallway to Hell and Devil's Toilet)

Added a very small space between columns in the preset loader to enhance readability.

Internal improvements

Preset Search added.

Fixed a problem in cleanup when the last instantiation of a plugin was removed from a session. It is not known if this caused problems.

VST3 bypass issue is resolved. VST2 and VST3 versions may be used interchangeably on DAWs that support both.

Corrected positioning issues for scroll bars on the Store page.

Added a couple of new bsakwards presets.

Tested under Windows 10 and OSX El Capitan.

Fixed a number of issues related to preset follow

Repaired minor graphics issues

Fixed a problem that popped up the "follow presets under automation" was selection. Loading a preset from the popover winder didn't reflect the name change.

Fixed some cosmetic issues with the modulator popover windows.

Some background routines appear to have caused some performances hits, especially in Windows. Those have been recoded.

There was some performance degradation in the previous betas. This has been identified and resolved.

Corrected a problem introduced in the previous Beta. This kept the plugin from loading in older versions of OS X (Lion and Snow Leopard).

Added dotted-note values to tempo-mode delays. Unfortunately, this make cause tempo values to be slightly inaccurate in session automation stored with the previous version.

The version test will now check a file in the Amazon domain, rather than the Exponential Audio domain. For various technical reasons this will be faster and simpler.

Shortened the flash on the sync button

Corrected tempo on the "Simple 4ths" preset. Added a handful of new presets.

⁃ The preset follow routine no longer runs if no editor is present. This may result in a slightly lower CPU load.

Some graphics efficiency improvements

⁃ Knob sweeper more clearly shows the mouse-over highlight

Fixed a problem with visibility of tempo button (appeared in first beta).

This Beta requires iLok License Manager 2.6.0 or later.

There's a new mode for tempo. It's now possible to set Gens and Delays using note values. The original ratio mode is still available.

There is a new "Sync" button to synchronize all Gens that are in tempo mode. This should be most useful in live situations.

The filter curves are now display immediately on adjustment. There is no need for audio to be passing.

Preset load follow under automation has been improved, but may never be fully satisfactory. See User Guide and online FAQ.

Adjustments for possible stability issues on some Windows platforms.

Relocation will automatically resync temp-based Gens.

Updated User Guide to cover new features.

Efficiency improvements.

A few special tweaks to deal with Cubase/Nuendo scanning. These workstations evaluate plugins in a different (and often non-standard) way. Some modifications have been made to try and avoid problems with these programs.

Repaired an issue in Mac installer. This only affected first-time customers and could prevent creation of log files.

1.0.5 Release

Fixed a problem in the power/level detection logic in the Glide compressor. Operation is much improved.

The preset named "Fat Drums" was programmed in such a way as to cause overloads. It has been replaced with a "tame" version.

Removed some ticks that could occur when changing word size in the Glide effect.

Glide compressor will not boost any signal below -65dB. This should reduce the amount of noise in the signal.

The shared Mac resource file has been eliminated. Necessary resources are now in the plugin bundle.

RTAS installers have been split out of the regular installer. This is in preparation for the end of RTAS development.

A very nasty bug has been repaired. Sessions saved with the RTAS version of Excalibur could not be properly loaded into systems with only the AAX version. Now a translation is made on the fly and those sessions can be loaded. This is not backward-compatible. Sessions using the AAX version will not be loaded into systems with only the RTAS version.

Fixed a problem in which EQ parameters were not fully updated upon session restore. This only arose in certain specific cases.

Minor Internal changes

Enhanced the input level protection. Signals greater than +24dBfs are hard-limited.

Addressed a problem that could cause a crash in the VST scanner for Cubase 8 on Mac.

This is expected to be the last version for RTAS.

Mac VST plugins can now be moved to subfolders of the VST plugin area

Further improvements in graphics efficiency should further reduce flashing in Yosemite

Added bullet-proofing to reject invalid input. This could happen at startup if an earlier plugin passed nonsense values.

Added several new delay presets (Simple 4ths, Dark Draggin Dot 8ths, Chorustaps, Duck Bouncer, CloudEkos, Chorus Bouncery, Bounce & Space). Nice for guitar or vocals. Also added new bass presets (Big Crispy Bottom).

Zoom button will now appear on all displays. Amount of scaling will depend on actual display size.

Fixed a bug that caused some characters (such as ampersand-&) not to be properly handled in user preset names.

Windows Vista has never been supported by Exponential Audio. The installer will now disallow installation on Vista.

Added a new "Bass" keyword.

1.0.4 Release

Updated Windows installer so it would preset a default installation (all formats except for VST3). If there is already an installation of Excalibur, then those previously-installed plugins will be selected.

Mac installer now defaults to all plugin formats except for VST3.

Windows installer now knows to uninstall older versions beforehand. It also uninstalls versions of the plugins that are unchecked. This should mean that it's no longer advisable to run the uninstaller ahead of time.

Internal fixes.

Improved the plugin exit performance to address issues in offline rendering.

Minor D-Control page table tweaks.

New presets: Broken Glass Verb, Fuzz-o-verb, High Pulse Verb, Hissy Flanger, Multi-Wah and Multi-Dist

More autopanner presets: Hi-Lo Crosspan, Hi-Lo Flanged Crosspan, Hi-Lo Tempo Crosspan, Hi-Lo Flanged Tempo Crosspan, Talking Crosspan, Talking Flanged Crosspan

Support for diacriticals (umlauts, cedillas, and other types of accents) has now been added to preset and keyword naming.

Made some efficiency improvements in graphics routines. This may reduce some GUI flashing that appears in OSX Yosemite.

In some rare cases (particularly during rendering) it was possible the plugin would not exit cleanly. This has been improved significantly.

Fixed a GUI issue that caused multiple unnecessary redraws.

Modulation meters for inactive voices were not updated. Many of those have now been repaired. ⁃ Special selection added to Windows installer to place plugin into special Fairlight location.


Several buttons not automated. Fixed now.

Fixed an issue with level threshold detection at very low levels.

Excalibur now appears in several additional Pro Tools categories

Several new presets—Glimmer (several flavors), Vintage Gated Reverb (several flavors), Wandering Reverb Tail, Mid-Side Flip, Inside Out Chorus, Walkie-Talkie, Thin Drive Verb


Fixed a small bug in delay calculation related to tempo.

Master Feedback control wasn't functional. Repaired.

Fixed a bug in the modulation amount for Reverb Time in the Reverb voice effect.

Added a limiter in the voice feedback path. This will protect anyone who accidentally turns feedback too high.

Greatly improved the voice effect limiter. This tames a number of presets—especially the resonators.

Removed another source of preset change noises. This was most evident with presets like "Swedish Kill". Much smoother now.

Tweaked levels of resonator presets.

Changed the version test logic so that it would check within the Exponential Audio web domain. This should be less-confusing to anyone using network analysis software.

Added presets: Flangy Verb 3, Clean Bullhorn, Snare Sizzle Space (several variants), Tempo Threshold Echo (Several Variants).


Fixed a bug in state restoration from sessions. At the present time this was only reported in Bitwig, but it's theoretically possible elsewhere.

1.0.0 First customer release

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